Wednesday, May 01, 2013

A SPN Fan's Reaction to 'The Great Escapist'

Tonight we get Castiel, Naomi, Crowley, Kevin, and we get to meet everyone's not yet understanding Metatron! 

Yes, I did guess (PRAYING) Metatron would be Chuck but nope. :( But, Curtis Armstrong will do Metatron justice. Considering tonight is his first episode and he's going until the finale, and most likely S9. 

I'm excited just because Castiel, Naomi and Crowley are back!

9:00 - Who's ready to see our boys? :) 
9:01 - Where the hell is Kevin? Looks like he's on a boat. Intense knocking, who could it be? Good, just Dean. "Now, it's wet me." 
9:02 - The other half of the tablet - how the hell did Jeremy cut that out?! Is it really them? 
9:03 - Yep, really - nope, not them. A TV set, really, Crowley? 
9:04 - "I was born to direct." HAHA 
9:05 - Is Dean playing 'Mommy' again? 
9:06 - Doing what to you, Sammy? So, Kevin... huh? 
9:07 - Oh, Kevin's pissed. Except you did break, Kev. Now a pissed Dean. 
9:08 - Garth has gone MIA? Oh, that's always/never good. 
9:09 - Cas is in New Mexico and attempting to flirt with a waitress. Poorly flirting with the waitress. 
9:10 - He disappeared! Haha NAOMI!! Oh, Cas has a new power, awesome! I love him even more! 
9:11 - Metatron ;) Season One reference! 
9:12 - "Messenger of God." :) We get to meet Metatron soon enough!! "This Metatron is hidden in the mountains with a bunch of Indians?"
9:13 - Season Four reference! Cas has been caught. 

COMMERCIAL BREAK #1 - So far, really, really, really good. 

9:16 - Where the hell have to boys gone this time? 
9:17 - Sam is about to crack isn't he? "He has the flu." 
9:18 - Naomi isn't too friendly anymore. "Too damn many." 
9:19 - "Not completely." Die right? I didn't think you could die right. "Bite me." OMFG! ROTFL
9:20 - Kevin is asking for food, won't he realize soon enough. 
9:21 - Is Sam drunk? 
9:22 - Dean is doing his own research. He just doesn't know how to do it right. 
9:23 - Sam doesn't look too good. Going though someone's mail, Sammy, not cool. Oh, dear. 
9:24 - "From all of us." Amanda knows how to play evil well. Crowley, what a surprise. 

COMMERCIAL BREAK #2 - Wait! Crowley had the Cult? I thought the Cult couldn't kill angels or am I just making that up? He killed two angels...with the Cult? I'm CONFUSED!! 

9:29 - Sam woke up in an ice bath. 
9:30 - "Like a prophet?" "Books!" "Stories." Crowley, Naomi, and Castiel, this will be fun.
9:31 - Naomi disappeared and angels are alive? I'm totally confused. CAS!! 
9:32 - Kevin, no! Gee, Cas, you buried it. 
9:33 - Spell over Cas, interesting. Cas, what have you done? 
9:34 - The *gulp* Angel tablet. And way to go, Kevin! 
9:35 - Dean used to read to Sam, aw! "I'm not clean." What the hell does that mean? Oh, okay, maybe I get it. 
9:36 - Season Four reference again? Purifying? Really? We get to meet Metatron!! 
9:37 - With a gun. Could be worse. 


9:40 - "This is Metatron?" Season Five reference! The frickin' Winchesters! 
9:41 - Come on, Castiel. "It all matters." 
9:42 - Pissed off, Crowley! Fun! "Screw you." "My demons were too polite?"
9:43 - Gabriel :( "I'm not one of them." 
9:44 - So, the archangels are cry-babies? Interesting. "Without the Word of God." 
9:45 - Yes, Dean. "Live in the dark." Oh, that's a painful death! "Reading books?" 
9:46 - "Mind-blowing." That's one way of putting it. 
9:47 - "Pull the frickin' trigger!" Sam may be a little whack-o at the moment. "Your prophet." "He's dead now, because of you." He's not dead, guys. 
9:48 - "You have no idea what's on this demon tablet." Kevin grew a backbone! "I've already won. I've got the angel tablet." Hello! 
9:49 - That has to hurt, King of Hell.


9:53 - Kevin's alive!! To the Winchesters anyway. 
9:54 - No duh, Metatron. O...kay, Metatron makes very good points! 
9:55 - To cure a demon?!?!
9:56 - "The end." CASTIEL! HELP HIM IDIOTS!! 




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