Sunday, May 05, 2013

A Oncer's Reaction to 'Second Star to the Right...'

Tonight is the night where we have the first part of the two part finale of Once Upon a Time. We go to Neverland with Baelfire and Hook. Can't wait to see what happens tonight to lead up to the greatest coming next Sunday. 

8:00 - Show time! 
8:01 - Welcome to Bae's new world. And he almost got run over by a horse-drawn carriage. Welcome to London, England. 
8:02 - We get to meet Wendy Darling (You never know how much you miss something until someone mentions it. I miss the musical Peter Pan!!)
8:03 - Hello Neal.
8:04 - VIKTOR FRANKENSTEIN!! I love Dr. Whale! 
8:05 - "For Henry. Not you." See what Lacey is doing to you, Gold. Here we go with the beans again. 
8:06 - "I promise." That's a huge promise, Emma. 
8:07 - Can't Tamara and Greg/Owen die already? They are fucking annoying. Home office? Instructions?
8:08 - Trying to deal with Hook, Regina? Really? "This is personal." 
8:09 - What the hell is going on? 

COMMERCIAL BREAK #1 - Lana did a Disney commercial, hahahaha! She's too perfect!

8:12 - Back to London we go and Bae is in hiding? 
8:13 - Oh, Bae's been caught. #Neverland
8:14 - Tamara is lying? No duh. 
8:15 - This shadow. Peter Pan, we get to meet him soon? "I do believe." 
8:16 - "Magic destroyed my family." 
8:17 - Lacey's getting on my last nerve. "Because I do." 
8:18 - Oh, that's just perfect! Magic is so evil sometimes. 
8:19 - I highly doubt that Snow. Magic works fast. 

COMMERCIAL BREAK #2 - I'm kinda bored with this episode. Almost at the half way point. Will it pick up?

8:23 - London, again. 
8:24 - The shadow has arrived. "Only thing that matters." 
8:25 - Oh, great. Tamara is too clever... Kill her. 
8:26 - "Too afraid." Oh, Neal, why must I love you? "I'm sorry, Emma, for everything." Must he be that adorable.
8:27 - "You have no idea who you're dealing with." How much does Lana get paid for saying that line every day? Destroy magic. Unholy? FOR REAL?!
8:28 - Oh, no... "They?" "Believers." A long time?
8:29 - Duh, Regina's powerless. 
8:30 - Oh, joy. Let's run to find out what's going to happen. At least this time Neal didn't try to stop her. 


8:33 - London again. Wendy's back. 
8:34 - "The shadow never lets you left." That's a new take on Peter Pan. 
8:35 - Oh, Lacey don't get interested in magic. But I love her new style. "Anything." 
8:36 - Of course he does, Lacey. So close for a Lacey/Gold kiss. 
8:37 - Emma and Neal are exploring the Storybrooke canary. This outta be interesting. 
8:38 - Of course he's dead. 
8:39 - More torture Regina.

COMMERCIAL BREAK #4 - still bored. 

8:43 - London...again. 
8:44 - Bae to the rescue. But Baelfire is going to be Neverland. 
8:45 - He's off to Neverland. Let's not kill him shadow! 
8:46 - You can't kill Regina, Greg/Owen. "We can't leave her." 
8:47 - Yes she was. 
8:49 - OKAY! NOW ITS GETTING GOOD!! NO! DON'T LET NEAL GO! PLEASE!! DON'T! NEAL, DON'T LET GO!! "I love you." "I love you too." NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8:50 - Poor Emma.

COMMERCIAL BREAK #5 - Okay, now it's getting good. Really, really good. 

8:54 - Greg has gone mental until he finds what he's looking for. Regina was right though. 
8:55 - The Blue Fairy!! 
8:56 - Of course, Neverland, Bae! Good, he fell into the water. Hook, save the poor boy, just don't tell him your name. 
8:57 - Hello Hook. "Welcome to the Jolly Roger, my boy." "I'm so sorry." Where is Henry?
8:58 - "We're family." "They got away." NO! "I had a fail safe." Who has a fail safe! 
8:59 - "I no longer control the trigger." Of course you don't! NO! 



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