Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Arrow - Season Four Premiere

We're back! I hope to God this premiere is better than iZombie! I am excited to see what happens in tonight's episode!  


Season Four Premiere

Green Arrow

8:00: Recapping time! Thank you, I've kinda forgotten much of Arrow.
8:01: And we're running. Huh? He has a house with Felicity. "Really?" "Yeah." 
8:02: "Basically cooked and...uncooked." Okay, I can get used to this and I don't know. Shirtless Stephen! AH!
8:03: While Starling City has to deal with shooting. "This is so cool!" "This is so awesome!" And Speedy is alive! "I told you to call me Red Arrow!
8:04: Damn Laurel! Does Diggle have a cool superhero name?
8:05: Laurel's got some new hair! "No, we ask for help." "Oliver walked away." 
8:06: "I didn't say it wasn't cute." "Maybe we can have a Flash Day, just like them." XD
8:07: THE NEW EVIL! AND HE'S CAIN FROM TIN MAN!! AH!! YES!! OH MY GOD I LOVE HIM SO FUCKING MUCH!! "City's are like poppies." Arrow, so much love. I love this so much!
8:08: "Or a kid." OH MY GOD! "It's my mother's." "Dude, nice reflects!"
8:09: Aren't we done with flashbacks yet? Oh, can she go the fuck away?! 
8:10: Well, shit. Oh no! OH NO! 
8:11: Nope. He's not okay. COME ON LAUREL!! NO! "That's pretty much the city's leadership." 

Commercial Break: 10x better than iZombie!

8:15: Laurel and Thea have arrived.
8:16: "Where are the police?" "Overwhelmed." "We think we're over our heads." "We need the Arrow." "The Arrow's dead."
8:17: "What should I say, our friends need our help, we should already be in the car." More flashbacks. Are we almost done with flashbacks? I think so! We're getting close to where Oliver arrives home. "Through what?"
8:18: "Wonder what?" "What did we really accomplished?"
8:19: "That's easy, nothing." "We need him."
8:20: You need Oliver, John.

Commercial Break

8:24: That didn't go over well. "Old habits."
8:25: "Copy." "I'll go hit the streets."
8:26: Felicity, Felicity, Felicity. How many times is Laurel's dad going to be in a sling? Isn't he always hurt in EVERY season?! 
8:27: His daughter got big! "Oliver's back." "That didn't take long." "Isn't it?" "I have." "Because you're better than me."
8:28: Sorry, popcorn break!
8:29: "Saving people." SPN reference? I think so! Stephen is like best friends with Jared, so I'm not surprised.
8:30: Well, damn!
8:31: Oh, someone is going to die. OH MY GOD!! The fuck!
8:32: Team Arrow, back together! Get some of that anger out on the corpse.

Commercial Break

8:35: "Too soon?"
8:36: "It was mystical." Thank you, Oliver.
8:37: "I owe Laurel 50 bucks."
8:38: "I don't know what they means." "You don't trust, you don't love." Well, damn Diggle, say what you feel.
8:39: "Maybe. But I'm not a monster anymore." He's the Green Arrow - he just doesn't know it yet! 
8:40: Flashbacks need to end, I'm VERY tired of them. Shit, the island!? 
8:42: "That's why I left." "You didn't bring the darkness here." "What?" GREEN ARROW TIME!!
8:43: Well, damn, Oliver Queen!

Commercial Break

8:47: This is going to be very interesting.
8:48: You might want to raise your voice higher, Thea. I could barely hear you! No, definitely not calmly because Thea is an idiot.
8:49: "You're about to find out." "I'm Damian Dark." HOLY SHIT!!
8:50: COME ON OLIVER!! COME ON! "You're both dead." And Diggle to the rescue! "Yeah, blow it up!"
8:51: Some intense explosions on Arrow this season!

Commercial Break

8:54: "A hive?" "No, no nothing."
8:55: And we've got Oliver Queen back in Star City. "I am the Green Arrow."
8:56: Flashback, but was that...uh...uh.. what?! Well, shit. A blood alter.
8:58: "We can get a rug." HUH!? Six months later?! WHAT, WHAT, WHAT?!
8:59: "To do what?" "I'm going to kill 'im." IN SIX MONTHS THEY KILL SOMEONE?! 

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