Wednesday, August 12, 2015

#fAcetofAce + New Banner + Reaction Schedule

I've got a new banner! :D Do you guys like? Thought it would be fitting for me! So, I'm happy with it - if you aren't, then don't comment. 


Now, for the main part of this is that Who is A? I have STRONG mixed feelings around this. Yes, I will say the person being A had all reason and I felt sorry for her. Yes, I did say her because Charles is actually a girl - CeCe Drake. 

Yeah, CeCe Drake is Charles. She's Big A. She's a transgender, which is something I found very interesting. Make us think it's a guy but in reality it's actually a girl. Now, the bad part. Who is Black Widow and who is Red Coat? The worse POSSIBLE idea in the entire world! I fucking hate it because it can't be true! Sara Harvey cannot be both Black Widow AND Red Coat! There's no fucking way she can be both. 

Overall, the episode was very lackluster. I was good in the beginning, then it turn out to be complete shit with the whole Sara thing (I figured Sara was a double agent for A but not both things)! I somewhat enjoyed the episode, but I won't be watching that episode ever again. 

It had to be the worse PLL finale I have ever really seen. 

But I do see that in five years, that something happened. I can wait until 2016 for the new episode. I haven't given up on PLL but right now, it's currently WAY on the back burner of things I'm excited for. 

For the Summer of Answers - it was the Summer of 'Shit-We-Need-An-A! Oh-Let's-Make-Charles-Transgender! Oh-Let's-Bring-Back-CeCe-And-Make-Her-Charles'. Marlene thinks she's a genius but she really isn't. 


Reaction Schedule for the 2015-2016 TV season! 

I want to do something different this year - I want to bring light to different show, almost like reviews but not exactly reviews. I have a lot more show this year than last year, I also have dropped a couple of shows (via cancelations and just completely dropped them) but gained more. 

8: DWTS, TBBT (September)
9: DWTS, Lucifer (mid-season)
10: Castle

9: iZombie
10: Wicked City 

8: Arrow
9: Criminal Minds, Supernatural
10: Secrets and Lies, AHS

8: Vampire Diaries
9: Sleepy Hollow, The Originals
10: Elementary (November), Haven

9: Grimm

9: Doctor Who, Ash vs Evil Dead

8: Once Upon a Time, Galavant (Winter)
9: The Walking Dead
10: Quantico

Now, the reaction schedule will vary this year. I know I'm going to react to Arrow, Supernatural, Vampire Diaries, Sleepy Hollow, The Originals, and Once Upon a Time. I will probably react to the first episode of Criminal Minds (if I finish watching it before September 30th). Grimm, I'm up in the air if I want to react to it or not. Anything that's airing in the mid-season, I want to react to which is all the other shows that aren't listed. 

I know Lucifer will be one of my number one reactions because I love anything to do with Lucifer - I blame Supernatural for that. The 100, Containment (both CW shows), Emerald City, and The Frankenstein Code. But watch the last two will be at 10, like always. 

Maybe this year I'll have my computer out for longer. Who knows. 

Anyway, thanks for sticking around. More updates on reactions coming soon!


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Who the fuck is A? Who the fuck is Black Widow? And Red Coat? And why the fuck did it take us 6 SEASONS TO FIND IT ALL OUT?!?!

No new cover yet - I have yet to make it. But today, I'll be writing this for the Pretty Little Liars summer finale. Now, this was said to be the Summer of Answers, more like let's piss off the PLL fandom more than they were before. At least, to me it seemed like that. 

So, the episode is called Game Over, Charles.

And we're supposed to get answers. 

1. Who killed Toby's mother?
2. Who is Black Widow? (If it is not Melissa I will be VERY pissed).
3. Who is Red Coat?
4. Who killed Bethany?
5. Who hit Allison the night she disappear?
6. Why has A been torturing the girls all this time?

Use the hashtag #FAcetoface tonight guys as you tweet the show. Enjoy guys! There will be follow up to this as soon I find out like the rest of you.
