Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Supernatural Tag? Hell Yeah!

No, the title is correct. There was a Supernatural tag going around on YouTube, only a few people did it. Anyway I thought I'd do it on my blog today along with my Vampire Diaries one since it is Supernatural Wednesday after all!

1. How did you hear about SPN? - Internet and previews on The CW when I started watching the channel

2. How long have you been watching SPN? - since March of this year 

3. Who's your favorite character? - Castiel, Dean, teen Dean, pre-teen Sam, blonde Ruby, Crowley, Jody, Mary, Gabriel, Balthazar, Benny, Meg, and so many more. Just look at my post all about mine and Bekah's fictional love life. 

4. Which season do you like the most? - 4 and 5

5. What season are you currently watching? - Season Eight, baby!

6.How many DVDs of SPN do you have? - S1, S4, S5

7. What are your favorite episode? - The French Mistake, Changing Channels, Mystery Spot, Bad Day at Black Rock, and so many more! 

8. Have you ever seen the stars live? - No (frowny face) 

9. What got you hooked to SPN? - Hot guys, angels, Misha Collins, 

10. How do you think about the marriage of Jared and Genevieve? - Jared and Gen are adorable and Thomas is so cute! And I'm so happy for Misha and his wife had a little girl and now Jensen and Danneel are having a little girl! Such a cute SPN family! Two boys and two girls, aww!! 

11. What do you think of slash fiction? - I don't read slash fiction or write it 

12. What do you think about Gamble and Kripke? - Kripke is awesome and his five seasons with the show are awesome. Gamble on the other hand - she's had some shows I'm so hooked while others I'm like "uh..."

13. If you could change one thing in the series, what would it be? - More Cas (S9 :D) and the guys shirtless, I mean come on, show more skin!! Haha

14. Say one bad thing about SPN? - Why can't there be more shirtless scenes? 

15. What are you most afraid of? - Crowds 

16. How do you kill a shapeshifter? - Silver knife 


Vampire Diaries Tag?

A couple of posts today, because I feel like writing but I need ideas. So first is a Vampire Diaries...tag? 

Yeah, it's a real thing. Its not the most popular tag or anything but I've watched them on YouTube, that's where I got it. 

On with the tag! 

*I added some questions, so if you want to do it, do it. I tag you all!*

1. How do you discover the show? - The previews, I never actually watched the CW before then but as soon as I saw that, I had to jump on board. Then I read a couple of books of the series to know what I was getting myself into.

2. Who is your favorite character? - Damon, Alaric, Elijah, Caroline, Jeremy, Tyler, Klaus, Kol, Rebekah. The bold names are names I'll always love and don't care that two are dead  :( 

3. If you were a vampire, would you live off of human blood or animal blood? - Human blood/blood bags 

4. Team Stefan or Damon? - Team Damon from the start! I'm turning Bekah to the dark side ;)

5. What's your favorite supernatural power? - Compulsion, plus Damon's ability to make fog and crows appear! I wish they kept that ability for him, it made me fall for him instantly.

6. If you were a character, who would you be? - Caroline, hello the sexual tension between her and Klaus is killer!  

7. Have you read the book series? - Read the first two books

8. Who's your crush on the show? - Damon and Elijah *swoon*

9. What was your first initial thought of the show and did change after you saw it? - I loved it, and no

10. Who was your favorite villain? - Klaus :)

11. Have you ever cried during an episode? - Nope, never. I've gasped and screamed at my TV before though. Even ask Bekah, if we watch it at the same time, we text each other. 

12. What death were you most upset about? - Alaric, Kol, and Jeremy. Mainly Alaric though, he was my favorite human! 

13. Do you like Elena as a vampire or human? - Vampire, she's completely amazing as a vampire. I found her too annoy when human, vampirism suits her. 

14. Favorite couple(s)? - Delena and Klaroline. 


100th Episode of...?

Today is a big night for us USA Network fans!


It's Psych's 100th episode tonight - the one episode I've been so waiting for since Steve Franks mentioned it at Comic-Con like 3 years ago! 

Tonight is the CLUE THEMED EPISODE!! With three of the original cast since they couldn't get Tim Curry back :( (Yes, I know, sad face).

Anyway, I will be writing everything down as I watch it and tell you that ending me and my mom picked out. 

Yep, we get to pick out the ending! Just like in CLUE. 

If you are saying, I've never seen CLUE or CLUE is the stupidest movie in the world. You are a sick, sick, sick human-being. CLUE is the best fucking movie of all time! I mean, if you don't like CLUE, you aren't human. 

I'm planning on watching CLUE later today as I watch the remaining episodes on Cloo's 99 Psychs On The Wall marathon. 5 days to show 99 episodes of Psych, nonstop! Ah! The best 5 days of my life!! 

So, I will be "live-writing" it tonight which means, my iPhone will be getting a work out while watching it because my MacBook will be put away until tomorrow morning. Minute by minute, until I see the ending. There are 3 possible endings just like CLUE and every time zone will be getting a different one. 

Yep, a different one. 

Until later,


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A SUPER Fan's Reaction to 'Goodbye Stranger'

Supernatural Fans unite, the three week HELLatus is over with and we have a new episode tonight. Tonight we get not one, not two, but three (tell me what quote that is from! A movie I love) characters back in action! This episode has been called the UnHoly Trinity. That means:

Our favorite Crossroads Demon turned King of Hell: Crowley

Our not-so-favorite or favorite rogue Demon: Meg 

Our favorite Angel/Leviathan/God/Jimmy/Emmanuel/Fallen Angel: Castiel

Tonight's the night we see Cas as Naomi's little solider while Meg has been tortured for a year by Crowley, and Crowley's been searching for the Angel Tablet while the boys deal with the Demon Tablet. 

Okay, I know the truth about these three characters - either you love every character or you hate every character I just mentioned. I loved each as they arrived to the show, granted Meg 'died' in season one and Cas has died like a million and one times while Crowley has died like once, twice, maybe non. I don't know. I love each of them because they make interesting story lines. 

9:00 - We're Back in Action! 
9:01 - Are we starting like one of those several hours later things? Nope, a test of Naomi's little games. Selfish bitch...
9:02 - Several...dead...Deans... That's surely a first for the show. 
9:03 - Dean has found ancient porn, he would... ;P
9:05 - Dean knows something's up with Sam, blood in the tissue. Less sick than it sounds, I promise. 
9:08 - Hey, Cas is going to appear soon! And look who it is, Susan Perkins (Sorry, EUReKA reference!)
9:10 - Demons! Cas, where are you?! Only ten minutes in and already a Demon/Winchester fight scene. 
9:11 - Hello Castiel! 


9:14 - "Hunting demons?" Really?
9:15 - Naomi! I love her but hate her at the same time!
9:16 - Is it Cas or Cass? "He put the ass in Cass." I've been spelling it wrong? 
9:17 - Cas don't be so brutal to the "funny haired demon" and thank you, I've been saying this since the beginning! Ask Meg! And Cas killed the demon because of Naomi!
9:18 - Run, run, run! Save Meg! 
9:19 - Really, Dean? Point out the hair...
9:20 - Oh, no... Angel Tablet... Moose...
9:21 - Nice *pause* cover, Cas.
9:22 - Castiel and Meg...*gag* I prefer my character with him. Oh, let's see what I write now.
9:23 - THE PIZZA MAN! YAY! And, no...
9:25 - CROWLEY!! 


9:31 - Dean and Cas go inside while Meg and Sam stay outside 
9:32 - Of course there's something behind there. There's always something behind there
9:33 - This is season seven all over again... not telling Meg or trusting her. Come on, I know she's done stupid things in the past but let's trust the demon!
9:35 - Found a crypt
9:36 - Found the Angel Tablet
9:37 - Dean, don't trust Castiel right now. But Cas, please don't kill Dean! 
9:39 - Badass Castiel! Oops...
9:40 - Crowley's back! Cas, please don't! Don't! 
9:41 - Cas chose...what? 


9:44 - Cas chose the Winchesters! Yay!
9:45 - The sexual references kill me. I smile every time because I understand them!
9:46 - NO! And Castiel telling Dean about everything. 
9:47 - Twist! 
9:48 - Meg! No! 


9:52 - Crowley and Naomi would know each other...
9:53 - And they have a past... Creepy...

Okay, it wasn't as epic as I thought it was going to be, mainly because Meg is now dead. No more UnHoly Trinity :( 

Next week: Another filler... Oh, joy...


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Liars' Reaction to S3 Finale: 'A dAngerous gAme'

An hour and 20 minutes left until the finale of Pretty Little Liars is going to be on. I live in the Eastern side so, don't read if you haven't watched the finale yet. 

Bekah and I are both VERY, VERY, VERY excited to see it! 

30 minutes until the finale!! 

Pretty Little Liars time!! 

8:01 - The girls are over at Spencer's place. Spence is out of Ridley! 
8:03 - Black hoodie A-Team member and Mona with each other. What could possibly go wrong with this picture? 
8:06 - Look who's back at Rosewood High ;) 
8:07 - Well, hello Jenna. 


8:11 - We're back again! Aria and her father "bonding" talks are always fun!
8:13 - Jenna meets Shana? She was the one who was sitting with Jenna on the bench at Rosewood High during season...two finale? 
8:16 - Aria and Ezra broke up even with telling each other 'I Love You'
8:17 - TOBY!


8:20 - SPENCER AND TOBY!! Ah! Toby Is Alive! 
8:21 - Spencer kidnapped Malcolm and the reason Aria and Ezra broke up!
8:22 - Toby is pretending to be on the A-Team! YES! 
8:24 - Melissa being shady as hell!
8:26 - Spoby is back!! 
8:27 - And Hanna knows that Spencer took Malcolm...


8:30 - The girls know Spencer is on the A-Team
8:31 - Good move Hanna
8:32 - Are we reliving season one when Spencer is wearing Toby's shirt?
8:34 - We are reliving season one, seriously! Now Aria and Ezra in the staircase like at Ali's funeral - kissing in the stairwell
8:35 - Red Coat, Red Coat, Red Coat! Who, who, who! Show us! Now! 
8:36 - Who are you? HANNA! WTF?!?!? I almost believed that... Now who is Red Coat?


8:42 - Truth is out! 
8:43 - Ezra's first day back as a teacher and Aria isn't even paying attention until now... but just like season one...again
8:44 - Party time! 
8:45 - Mona is a real bitch! I can't wait to see who else is on the A-Team and who Red Coat actually is!
8:46 - Creepy Mona phone call with "Red Coat" and Toby, no!!! What are you doing? And kidding, Mona won't win this game! 


8:51 - Get ready. Hold on tight. 
8:52 - FIRE! 
8:53 - Mona didn't know?!
8:54 - Red Coat is blonde! Alison? Toby's been knocked out! 
8:56 - Alison saved everyone from the burning building. Mona, Hanna, and Spencer saw Red Coat. Red Coat is Alison? 
8:57 - Mona tells the truth, is going to be good again? 

So, A-Team official members: Jenna, Shana, Melissa, and Mona. But Mona thought it was fun until it got too difficult. So Mona, Spencer, and Toby are good guys. At least we think Toby is a good guy. Who knows what still happen?

Cliffhanger central for sure! June 11th come SO MUCH FASTER! I must know what is in that trunk! 


What to Expect from Pretty Little Liars S3 Finale

Pretty Little Liars, yes I'm a fan this book-made-into-a-show show. Never read the books but I know the spoilers. I won't mention them in this post if they aren't mentioned. You all will probably know the spoilers from the book and how different the show actually is from it.

Now, tonight is the season three finale with a ~3 month gap until season four. Tonight, we are going to find out A LOT of things. Bekah and I have been reading spoilers since the end of that previous episode. The spoilers are pretty, pretty cool if you know where to look. 

The spoilers Bekah and I know: 

  • We'll learn exactly how many members are in the A-Team.
  • A has a picture of Jenna on either a camera or a phone and Jenna is seen opening a curtain. (MuchMusic promo)
  • The Liars will learn that Spencer is on the A-Team
  • Someone might die, and Wren may have something to do with it. We won't know if they're actually dead or not until season four. 
  • There will be a fire while Mona, Emily, Hanna and Aria are together. [Promo]
  • According to Marlene King, "the truth will rise from the ashes"
  • The Queen of Hearts will be revealed.
  • The person Jenna talked to in the park in "UnmAsked" will be revealed and apparently whoever you think that person was - you're wrong. [Tweeted by Marlene King].
  • Marlene King said that Spencer and Toby will have possibly reached a resolution by the end of this episode.
  • There will be a Jenna scene in the pouring rain.
  • Ezra will be back at school as an English teacher and the girls will be texting in his class. 
  • Marlene King gave hints of the finale: Some Hitchcock. An emotional reveal. Three shocking twists. A very big reveal at the end.
  • The person in the red coat will be revealed, and Spencer will have a face-to-face conversation with him/her. It is 'who you might think it is" but "it's not definitive". There is something about the red coat that they all recognize as part of their past. [Confirmed in an Entertainment Weekly interview]. 
  • Ashley Marin may go to jail, possibly forever. 
  • Hanna sees Red Coat after she fell unconscious while in the fire at Radley. [Promo]
  • We will learn who Shana has been hooking up with in this episode.
  • Hanna will show Malcom while babysitting him  (assumingly) a picture of Ali and Spencer from her cell phone and ask him if he was with Alison at the carnival[Canada's Promo]
  • Spencer will see 2 Red Coat People and 1 will have a red pitchfork and have brown hair. [Canadian Promo]
  • A couple of A-Team members will be revealed [Janel Parrish's interview]
  • Ezra and Aria will share a moment similar to the moment they kissed at Ali's funeral in Pilot.
  • Aria will try to break up with Ezra so "A" can't hurt him or his new family (promo and tweets from Marlene King)
  • Oliver Goldstick described episode as "Haunting. Mind-blowing. Smoldering."
  • Paige will not be in the finale, but she will be in Season 4. 
  • Someone will be removed from Rosewood due to the -A team
  • We will find out how the -A team was assembled (as in, recruitment or blackmail)
  • Marlene King said: "I think I'll finish what I started."
  • Troian Bellisario about the identity of the person in the red coat: "I literally was like, 'Wait, WHAT?' That was my first 'gotcha' in the entirety of #PLL."
  • We will find out who the second body from the last episode was
  • "You will finally find out who all is on the ‘A’ team and who all is involved" (Janel Parrish)
So, see you in an hour and 20 minutes!


Friday, March 15, 2013

Plans Tonight

Tonight I am going to my school production of 'Annie'. 

Okay, granted I'm not a fan of Annie or the fact that my all-time favorite Musical Director is leaving this year - he's retiring. :( 

But, I'm going to Friday and Sunday's performances because those are my favorite days to go. Friday, everyone is nervous as hell and Sunday, everyone is sad to be leaving the stage for the last time until next year, unless you're a Senior. 

I was in four musicals: Seussical: The Musical, Bye Bye Birdie, Peter Pan, and Curtains. Curtains being my favorite show I did even though I was crying so much at the end I couldn't even think straight. Now, I'm a performer at heart and I wouldn't miss a musical for the life of me. 

Last year, it was a musical I really, really wanted to do called Starmites. Oh God! It was right up my alley and G decided to do Curtains instead. Nothing against Curtains, I enjoyed every minute of it but Starmites was fun and epic! 

I love musicals and I'm excited for tonight. Opening night.

Break a leg!


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Oncer's Reaction to 'The Miller's Daughter'

So, it's March 10th, and Once Upon a Time is on tonight - The Miller's Daughter. The episode someone dies. 

Our choice of who will die: Cora, Regina, Gold, Charming, Snow, and Emma

Okay, let's get something straight - we can't kill off 5/6 of the cast! We all know Emma is going to be alive and we know the Charmings can't die either! Gold and Regina are good ideas for the death of the episodes but if you know where to look and know what site to look at, you'd know that the confirmed cast. 

The site I look at all the time is: Once Upon a Time Wikia - yes, wikia

If you look at it, you'd see that Cora is TBA which means TO BE ANNOUNCED, that clue number one AND the only clue that... CORA WILL THE ONE DEAD. Sorry, just had to put that out there.

Now, let's go to 2x17 - Welcome to Storybrooke. The confirmed cast is: Emma, Snow, Gold, Ruby, Henry, Regina, Neal, Graham (flashback, obviously), and I'm pretty such August is going to be in it because its got Gepetto in it. Okay, don't fret about Charming not being confirmed, they don't always have everyone confirmed.

2x18 - Selfless, Brave and True - confirmed cast: Emma, Snow, Charming, Henry, Neal, August, and Gepetto. Okay, (I use okay a lot) maybe I'm a little off that August is going to be in 17 but you never know - you know how August likes to pop up like crazy and disappear days to weeks on end. 

7:30 - only thirty minutes until The Miller's Daughter. I will have a tissue (or many) on hand because there are going to be Rumple scenes could make us tear up. Why is it always Rumple who makes me feel bad for him? I'm so excited to see it. Most likely Bekah is watching it right now and won't tell me anything...

5 minutes to go :)

8:02 - Damn, Cora's got a bad life before becoming the Red Queen
8:03 - Emma and Gold having a moment, aww... Henry's grandfather and mother... okay, maybe a little awkward 
8:05 - Regina is piecing everything together, good Evil Queen. 

First 9 minutes, I'm actually quite bored...

8:15 - Robert is too good as Rumple. 
8: 17 - Snow is turning dark with help from Rumple but turning Snow is going to be difficult. 

Commercial break - I was bored in the beginning, now its starting to pick up. Just an FYI: Bekah decided since she gets Canadian channels to watch the last 10 minutes and says its really good! Gee, thanks, so helpful.

8:22 - Gold likes to be evil when hurt and in pain. Emma's attempting magic and succeeds. 
8:25 - Young Cora and Rumple together, more like Rumple seducing and Cora liking it... Creepy with a capital C. 
8:28 - Showdown between good and evil 

Commercial break - Oh, lord, what could possibly happen next?

8:32 - Intense fighting with a Cora and Rumple...kissing? Urg...
8:35 - WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!? 
8:37 - Snow, what the hell?

Commercial break 

8:43 - Cora's got her first heart 
8:44 - Oh, my RumpleBelle heart is exploding... oh, God...
8:46 - Neal and Gold together - my heart is exploding! This show! 

Commercial break - THIS SHOW IS KILLING ME!! The emotions are exploding out of me! You have no idea! RumpleBelle is one of my favorite couples, come on, Belle! Bae and Rumple together, I knew he couldn't be completely pissed at his Papa. The last 10 minutes! No!
I really need to start watching Revenge!

8:53 - BURN! 
8:56 - This show...oh, lord...this show! 
8:57 - Cora has her heart back but I'm thinking something bad is going to happen soon. But what?
8:58 - SNOW! You didn't!?!?! On another note, I was right about the death. 

Okay, can it be next week now? Please?! Pretty please?! Like right now!!!!!!!!! There's my reaction to the ending and at least I knew who'd die. It was obvious from the start!


I'm Terrible

I haven't blogged in a while... sorry...

Anyway, short and semi-sweet post before Once Upon a Time: The Miller's Daughter premieres tonight (in an hour and 9 minutes EST). 

One Will Die has been the hashtag of the day, I suppose. I'm already sure it's going to be Cora because if you know where to look online, you'd know that it can't be Gold, Snow, Charming, Regina, Emma, or Neal because they are confirmed to be in the rest of the season. The obvious is Cora, but we don't know who it will be. 

I think it should be Regina. 

While Bekah thinks it will be Snow. 

Nothing against Snow, but she had more pressing matters coming to her - Dark Magic consuming her. 

Anyway, our choices for who will be "dead", the reason there are quotes is because we could always see them in flashbacks like Graham. Our choices are: Regina, Gold, Snow, Charming, Emma, and Cora. 

People are real idiots when it comes to this sort of thing, if it isn't Cora and just a random Storybrooker, I'll be pissed. 

See you soon!


Thursday, March 07, 2013

Where I've Been

Molly, where the hell have you been?!

Simple answer: I've been focused on my current fanfiction and reading. 

What's the fanfiction? 

A Harry Potter one that is going to be a Fred/OC George/OC - I have everything pretty much figured out, minus the fact that I don't know what the ending will be. Will is be AU (alternate universe) or like the real Harry Potter ending where George ends up with Fred's girl? 

Who are the characters? 

Lacie Black and Izadora Fitzpatrick (yes, I like the unique names). Lacie is, obviously, Sirius Black's daughter. Izadora is the daughter of two Death Eaters and was supposed to be placed in Slytherin but fought against it to be in Ravenclaw. Lacie and Iza are best friends even though Iza's father doesn't want them to nor does the Slytherins Lacie's friends with want Izadora near her. 

Who ends up with who?

Since I don't know the ending, I know for a fact that is it Izadora and Fred and Lacie and George. There will be tension between the girls while dating the Twins probably starting in HP4. One of the girls will start dating their Twin in HP3, I just don't know when. 

What are your ideas for the ending?

Either Iza saves Fred at the very end or Lacie dies. ;)

What year does it start in?

First-year. The girls meet the opposite Twin they end up with, or do they?

You said you've been reading. Reading what?

Harry Potter, of course. I'm giving myself this challenge that I must read the whole Harry Potter series in one month, giving myself 3 days exactly to read each one - that's a give or take for 5-7 because I've never read them before. I stopped right at the beginning of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, when my mom said she wouldn't allow me to read it. Her favorite character died, Sirius. 

I read The Sorcerer's Stone in 3 hours and 50 minutes in a span of 2 day. Read Chamber of Secrets in one day, a span of about 4 hours, give or take. I'm currently on Prisoner of Azkaban, haven't exactly started it but I'm going to start tonight, I've got nothing to watch anyway! Take a break from writing. Bekah's traveling so, she'll need something to do over her vacation to Florida! 

Rebekah Caroline, you BETTER go to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter  and bring me back something! Something Slytherin! Haha, you don't have to, I'm only joking...maybe ;) If you don't go, I will personally kill you for not going! 


Saturday, March 02, 2013

National Treasure

I was trying to figure out what to write about today because nothing happened that was interesting in my life. Was watching TV all day, shows, movies. As I'm watching National Treasure and attempting to write a chapter of my HP fic, it got me thinking how much I love this movie. You have no idea how many times I've watched this movie. I know every line and can quote word-for-word until my Mom is about to beat me to death. I could possibly quote the entire movie from memory. 

National Treasure could be possibly the most watched movie in my collection of DVDs, that's why I have 1 and 2 on DVD and 1 on BluRay. I'm still waiting to buy National Treasure 2 on BluRay because mine is pretty much shot. 

Plus, I'm in the process of writing a brand new NT FanFiction since I haven't written any since about 2011. My first one was shit, absolute shit. I am totally surprised that ANY read it - that was back in 09. Then I wrote two more, different character, falling for Riley - that was in 2010. That was better than the first one. The first one was stories I EVER wrote that was a fandom. The second two (Maia) were better but not up to par as everyone else's. I didn't get many reviews on it. 

Now, that leads us up to 2011 where I started writing Raven. I wrote the first two movies with Raven in them and there bigger than I expected them to be. Then I decided to continue the story with a third that was all my own. I really enjoyed writing my character Raven and as of right this second, I've been thinking about rewriting Roanoke Past again because I miss Raven and Riley's relationship I had with them. For Raven's three stories together, I had 53 reviews. That's a lot and for only 8 chapters in Roanoke Past, 15 reviews. That's really good! I mean I could have gotten past 50 before cracking the low 30 chapters. 

Anyway, my love for National Treasure I've decided to write a new one with a inspiring writer. That's coming along somewhere, slowly but surely. 

National Treasure being one of my all-time favorite movies. My love Riley is too high than the normal person! 


Friday, March 01, 2013

Best. News. EVER!!

You all know how much I love going on to find out anything to do with my shows. Now, I was on for a few moments, looking for anything to deal with my favorite shows when something caught my eye. 

Heading of the post: Whose Line Is It Anyway? - Returns to CW Summer 2013 Schedule 

Yep, I may or may not have FREAKED OUT! 

So, as I was reading:


Hosted by Aisha Tyler and Featuring the Return of
Ryan Stiles, Wayne Brady and Colin Mochrie'

That's where I stopped - Wayne, Colin, AND Ryan are coming back to Whose Line. Okay, that'!! Plus, I love Aisha Tyler (from Ghost Whisperer who died in the first season) and I can't wait to see what she brings to the table. Anyway, I went back and saw THE CW and I was quite...amazed. *Pat on the back the CW*

Back to the post:

'March 1, 2013 (Burbank, California) ─ The CW is going for laughs this summer by ordering a new take on the hit improvisational comedy series, WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY?, hosted by comedian Aisha Tyler (“The Talk”), it was announced today by Mark Pedowitz, President, The CW. Premiere information will be announced at a later time.

The CW’s WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY? features the return of Ryan Stiles, Wayne Brady and Colin Mochrie, who along with a special guest each episode, must put their comedic skills to the test through a series of spontaneous improv games. Prompted only by random ideas supplied by the studio audience and host Aisha Tyler, our four performers must use the little information they have and their wild imaginations to depict different characters and an array of scenes, as well as perform songs. After each round of improvisation, Aisha will dole out points to our four performers and declare a winner at the end of every episode.'

Now, just let Brad, Chip, Jeff, Greg, and Kathy come by and I'll be happy beyond belief! They need them on the show as the guests! I need them back especially Chip, Brad, and Kathy! Maybe even Drew can come by! 

'Based on the wildly successful U.K. format, which also spawned a previous incarnation in the US that ran for eight seasons on ABC, WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY? is executive produced by Dan Patterson, Mark Leveson, Jimmy Mulville, Ryan Stiles and Wayne Brady. Co-created by Dan Patterson and Mark Leveson, WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY? is from Angst Productions and Hat Trick Productions.'

And, yes, this is the same British jackass that everyone hated on the show, especially Ryan. Dan and Mark will be back to produce and co-create the reprised Whose Line Is It Anyway? 

THIS IS FUCKING FANTASTIC!! Since all my winter shows will be over by May, just come on after that, okay? 


Dream Part 2

You all know I have weird an vivid dreams well, Bekah had one last night and texted me about it. It is quite weird. If only this was true! Here's the text message:

So my mom, your mom, and I were going to visit you and your husband. We got into a bus and had to go up this huge mountain covered in snow. So we go all the way to the very top and there is a mansion there. You and your husband comes out and you said: "Hey, I just want to let you all know that I wasn't always a human." And my mom goes, "I knew it! She always had a hard time adjusting to the human world." (Gee, thanks Teri...)
And then you proceed to tell us you were born a human and was a human to age of 6 and then you turned into Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas. (Ooo...kay....) And that you found your husband who was actually Jack from Nightmare Before Christmas. But now both of you are human again and you like to plant rose bushes so that when people walked down the hill to get your mansion they get poked with your rose bushes. Then your mom tells us that she is actually Tim Burton's wife (Uh, I think if I knew either Tim or Helena, they'd find this funny. I just find it a tad...creepy.) and she made you on purpose. (Gee thanks, dream mom. That's exactly what your child wants to hear.) At this point my mom and I get back on the bus and go skiing at H. Mountain. 

My response: 

WTF? Cool but what the FUCK?

Yeah that's what I said

Yeah, well, I haven't had any weird of vivid dreams lately. I guess I've been dreaming about Harry Potter and writing a new HP fic. That's what I'm always thinking about lately! 
