Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Just a little updating time. 

I just wanted to let you all know that no, I'm not quitting my reactions, I'm just stopping them for a while until I feel I can start them again.

I'm getting tired of writing reactions as they go on. I just need a long break until I feel like doing them again. By the time Hell Week comes around, I'm be ready again. 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Star-Crossed - Pilot

I really don't know anything about Star-Crossed besides it's about aliens and humans and probably takes place in the future some time. I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to enjoy it - it is different from the other shows I watch. I don't normally watch alien shows, and I kinda don't have a lot of hope for this show. 

I don't know what else to say, so...on with the show. 

8:00 - And creepy music plays. Definitely takes place in the future when the aliens arrive in 2014! 
8:01 - Let's just shoot first, ask questions later. Really? Have they learned anything? Aliens bleed red, so, part human?
8:02 - What kind of medicine? 
8:03 - She's going to meet one of the aliens. So, they met when they were kids, huh? Love how kids just enter and exit at will in these drama on the CW.
8:04 - Poor little kid, just wanting to go home. And he's eating Mac 'n' Cheese. 
8:05 - Even at a young age, the kids have those markings. All the kid wanted was a friend. 
8:06 - And the girl is now a teenager and cops going passed her. 
8:07 - So the girl was in the hospital. But, hey, HI ANNA! 
8:08 - "I'm really glad you got better." What happened to her I wonder. 
8:09 - People are fucking idiots, aren't they? 
8:10 - Is this like a Tony Stark school or something? If so, SIGN ME UP!! And the aliens are entering the school and the kid alien grew up as well. 
8:11 - Aww, he remembers her. "I think it just did." 

Commercial Break - Okay, let's get the characters straight (for my sanity): Emery (Aimee T.), Roman (Matt L.), Julia (Malese J.), Lukas (Titus M. Jr.), Grayson (Grey Damon), Taylor (Natalie H.), Teri (Chelsea G.), Drake (Greg F.), and Sophia (Brina P.). 

8:15 - Ground rules, joy. I WANT TO BE IN THAT SCHOOL! 
8:16 - "It's up to you to prove them wrong." "Or worse, glee club." 
8:17 - I never liked Grey ever since Nine Lives, sorry. Oh, let's just change the pledge. 
8:18 - I like Roman. 
8:19 - Wait, is that...that's Lydia's mom and Tyler's mom? How many shows is she fucking on?! 

Commercial Break - It's...okay...so far...

8:25 - She thinks he's dead? She thinks he's dead! 
8:26 - I really want to go to this Tony Stark school! Just go away blondie. 
8:27 - So, we find out why she's there. 
8:28 - "Joking." I like Matt, she's cute. I LIKE ROMAN'S SARCASM!! 
8:29 - Look at that, Roman's not afraid of jocks. "And you didn't tell me?" 
8:30 - So Julia has cancer, and I'm going to assume that the aliens can help her. 
8:31 - This won't end well.

Commercial Break - Okay, it's starting to become interesting. I'll continue watching it because I'm actually enjoying it. Finally something else on Monday since I'm not really watching Hart of Dixie. 

8:34 - Oh, this is cool. I like the aliens home.
8:35 - Where's Roman when you need him. Oh, a fight broke out and now everyone is fleeing because of it. 
8:36 - It would work that way. And Roman came to rescue. Is this like weed?
8:37 - I like Julia!
8:38 - SO THEIR TIMELORDS!! HAHAHA "You were kind." 
8:39 - "Julia...I'm sorry." "That's my sister." Roman! 
8:40 - Never piss off Roman. 

Commercial Break - It is already pass the 30 minute mark? Where did the time go?

8:45 - "And I'm the animal?" Can we just talk about Matt's eye color for a moment? It's awesome! 
8:46 - Who the hell are you, blondie? And Emery lost her chance to talk to Roman. 
8:47- "These things take time." Apparently 10 years of time.
8:48 - What does Teri want? Yeah, that's exactly what Roman wanted to hear. 
8:49 - They use American currency. And off Roman goes to try and stop his friends from killing anyone. 
8:50 - Can we not? 
8:51 - "Come on, she chose a total freak!" 

Commercial Break 

8:54 - Definitely far from the cops. 
8:55 - In high school, people are dicks, bitches, and worse. We already starting the love story, in episode one? Nope, apparently not - well, actually... Nope, phone blocked.
8:56 - Please tell me Julia isn't dead. Please. She's either dead or dying. Or unconscious. 
8:57 - Oh, Roman followed her. And he's going to help her, he's perfect. HOLY SHIT! 
8:58 - What is that? NO NOT ROMAN'S DAD!!! And I think Roman saved Julia. 
8:59 - You just killed the leader of the aliens, dude. You'll be totally destroyed. 

I'll see you next week with more reactions. 
