Sunday, September 27, 2015

Once Upon a Time - Season Five Premiere

That's right, faithful readers, reactions are back in business! And being back in business with these reactions, that means tonight is the first reaction for the fall season! Once Upon a Time may have gone downhill a lot last season and I didn't like the whole Frozen thing (I'm over Frozen now), but Dark Swan looks completely badass. I can't wait to see Evil Emma working with Gold! I'm so excited for this season!

Now, who's ready for Once Upon a Time?

Once Upon a Time

Season Five Premiere


8:00: And it's begins! AH! Reactions are back! And we're flashing back to when Sword and the Stone came out! 
8:01: Young Emma is too cute! "Bad things." "Leave the sword alone." 
8:02: And we're in Camelot, I think. Yeah, we are. 
8:03: "Someone beat us here." There's the sword! Oh, that was interesting.
8:04: "Your turn." "Where's the rest of it?" 
8:05: OH MY GOD!! "No, she's a problem, for all of us." Regina, sass master! Regina called Hook, Guy Liner!!! HAHAHA XD
8:06: "She's not in this world." DARK SWAN!! YES!
8:07: "I'm many things." "Think of me as your guide." 
8:08: "I'll never hurt the people I love."
8:09: Oh no. That's not good. "Guess that's my cue." "Watch it, I know what I'm doing." 
8:10: "No. No, no, not my sister." Hook's got a point. Oh, Emma's got some new powers.
8:11: "It's you." "So, did you enjoy it? Your first taste of darkness?" 

Commercial Break: It looks like she did. The beginning of Dark Swan has begun! 

8:15: THE ROSE!! Hello Wicked Witch. "Careful."
8:16: "I'm listening." "Picture it careful." "I said don't use magic!" 
8:17: "Go away." "Quite unwilling!" 
8:18: Why do I feel myself loving the Wicked Witch more and more? And there goes the love. Hidden agenda!
8:19: Merida! "Just cursed with dark magic." "Oh, never mind." 
8:20: "Well why not?"
8:21: Okay, I love Merida! "You what?" 
8:22: "We're going to break out the Wicked Witch."

Commercial Break: I like this hook, needing Emma back, being all badass! And getting Henry involved! I don't know if Emma will be happy about this plan either. 

8:25: "What exactly is your hurry?" 
8:26: "Oh, not just your land." "What month is it?" I love Merida! I seriously do. 
8:27: Oh, let's not kill off Merida within the first few minutes. And Merida wasn't asleep either. 
8:29: Oh shit. This is hilarious! The hell?! "You should have listened to my sister." 

Commercial Break: Well, Hook regrets that.

8:33: "You...let...her out?" 
8:34: Robin and... Ah shit. "Well, you dear." 
8:35: Oh, Wicked Witch is very creepy. "I have to."
8:36: "What the hell happened?" "We're taking it to Emma." 
8:37: "What does it look like?" 
8:38: "I can explain." Emma, don't! I like Merida! 

Commercial Break: I'm currently conflicted. I don't know if I'm enjoying this episode as much as I first thought. The humor is fantastic, mainly because I love Regina but...there's something off about tonight's episode and I can't put my finger on it.

8:42: "We'll be fine." 
8:43: "Emma's baby blanket." "You did?"
8:44: "Certain death!" "Certain?" "Hold on tight everyone!" There goes Granny's place, right into the storm.
8:45: Don't kill her! Please don't kill her! 
8:46: That was fast. "You don't know that." 
8:47: "I can't do that to my family. To you." "Heroes and villains together, for you." 
8:48: Oh, that hug looks odd. Hook knows Emma is down a dark road - pun completely intended! 

Commercial Break

8:52: "Are you okay?" "Thank you for...sort of understanding."
8:53: Don't give Emma the dagger. "Someone needs to watch me." "Are you serious?" 
8:54: "I saved you. You save me." Henry is almost as tall as Emma. "You brought Granny's. And Granny. And Leroy."
8:55: "Find us?" "You were expecting us?" "Merlin, where is he?" "Where?" 
8:56: "Why, Camelot, of course." Welcome to Camelot. I think Camelot is bigger than Snow and Charming's Castle. 
8:57: Six Weeks Later? Oh no. What just happened? "What are you guys doing here?" "Bloody hell." "What the hell are we wearing?" "Again?" "Where's Emma?" 
8:58: DARK SWAN!! "What happened to you?" "And you failed." Okay, the episode is 10x better than it was before! "Looking for this." 
8:59: "You're about to be punished." "Because...I'm the Dark One."

Well, damn. See you next week, Oncers!

Sunday, September 06, 2015

Weight Shaming (MAY BE TRIGGERING)

Today, it was brought to my attention by RawBeautyKristi (love this woman, OMG) about a video called "Dear Fat People" - no I have not watched the video. I don't think the woman behind the video needs to have more attention than she already has for what she considers 'humor'. Basically, from all the video responses (I've been watching the response since 2 this afternoon, it is now 4:53PM EST) and what I'm understanding is that she probably hate her own life and wishes people would love her more than she thinks they do.

I won't mention her name. Just type in Dear Fat People into any search engine and it will come up. 

I can admit, I am not overweight. I've never had a problem with my weight. This shouldn't effect as much as it is, but since I have friends, actually friends, who had dealt with being overweight and feeling comfortable in their own skins now, that I can say that I know what they feel like. 

I have been shamed for being skinny. I've been asked if I had/have an eating disorder - never did, never fucking will. I've had my friend comment on about how they can see my bones through my skin (I have very skinny and long finger, you can physically see bones move when I do things). I've been told that I need to eat more, I've been told I need to eat less. I've been told that I was underweight. I've been told I look like a model. I've been told that I must be in pant size zero because of my figure. 

I will say this: weight shaming is one of the things that I wish people would stop talking about. 

One: It's not funny. Someone could be dealing with something so horrible that the weight is just a terrible bonus. It could be do to drugs they are on. It be due to the own gene pool, asshole. You can tell people "healthy eating, healthy lifestyle, healthy this, healthy that" but you don't know if the person you are telling that to IS ALREADY HEALTHY! 

You can be overweight and be healthy. It is a damn possibility that apparently you didn't get through that blonde skull of yours. I had a friend who was on the heavy side, but she was healthy. She did cheerleading for fuck's sake. She had the strength to hold people up. But was she happy with her body, no. Is she happy with her body now, HELL YEAH! 

Two: You don't know what you have just caused! Besides the negative attention that apparently you thrive on. But also, you don't know that someone 'joked' about in the video could have just successfully stopped harming themselves. You don't know that you probably just caused more damage than you thought about - not just for overweight people, but to the underweight people. 

Teenagers (even younger) are very emotional and aren't comfortable in their skin. You just started a ripple reaction, chaos is about to ensure - a negative reaction. Chaos is not something you want - no one wants chaos - people want order and you just messed with the balance so hard, you could ruin people. I know it's targeted for overweight or fat people but you do realize that many kids are very influenced by what they watch? 

Saying 'stop eating' - that's a DIRECT quote - can cause SO MUCH MORE than a fucking joke. 

Three: You don't know what's going in their lives to make them overweight. Like I mentioned medications, disorders, life-threatening problems, genes - YOU DON'T FUCKING KNOW THERE PROBLEMS! It's not your role to say, 'you need help' when they've already heard it, many times before. 

It's not your place to say, "You need help" because you don't have the fucking right to say that to someone you don't know. It's less effective to anyone - either they already are getting the damn help or they've tried and it doesn't work. Not your place to say a damn fucking word. 

I know that YouTube has deleted the video and your account - but for someone calling it 'trolling' you disabled the comments and the ratings system. Hmm... that's not suspicious at all. So, wanna try and make a different excuse? 
