Tuesday, April 30, 2013


You all know the name, you all know the comic, you all know the movies and shows, you all know the characters, you all know the amount of money that's racked in to see the movies in the theaters. 

Iron Man 1-3
Captain America
The Avengers 
The Incredible Hulk 

And coming in the next few years:
Guardians of the Galaxy
Thor: The Dark World
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
The Avengers 2
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (Hopefully)

Okay, so I've only seen 5 our of the six/seven films that were filmed. Iron Man being the first one I watched, obviously, which was 2008. Then Iron Man 2, 2010. Then The Avengers!! Which was 2012 when it came out but I didn't watch it until my birthday, January 27th, 2013. 

As of, April 30th, I've watched Captain America and Thor in one sitting. Right now! 

My favorite out of all the movies would have to be Iron Man because I love Robert Downey Jr.! But, The Avengers is my second favorite movie of Marvel's creations. That leads me to who my favorite S.H.I.E.L.D agent is, Agent Clint Barton AKA Hawkeye!! Jeremy Renner - OMFG!! He is TOO perfect!! 

So, what I'm most excited about for Marvel is: Iron Man 3, The Avengers 2, Thor: The Dark World, and Captain America: The Winter Soldier. For many reason I'm excited for these movies. Mainly because they're Marvel and I'm an Assembler (If that's now our name, it should be!) and I just love anything they do! Plus Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D sounds really good! 

You all know the post-credit clips - Just finished Thor, everything that happens in The Avengers makes more sense then it did before. Not that I was confused, I just started questioning things that happened in Captain America and Thor but the post-credit clips make everything better!! 

All I need to see, currently, is Iron Man 3!


Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Oncer's Last 10 Minute Reaction to 'The Evil Queen'

Hi there!

Today, I'm going to do that last 10 minutes of Once Upon a Time because my friend who lives very close to Canada watched it already (an hour before EST). She said it was pretty boring until the last 10 minutes. So that's what I'm doing - the last 10 minutes. 

10:50 - Hook with Regina, again. I agree with Bekah, it boring. And Hook just betrayed Regina, he's with Tamara and Owen. 
10:51 - Sorry, Evil Queen, losing this round. 

COMMERCIAL #??? - Yeah, not really the last 10 minutes, more like 5. 

8:55 - Henry and Emma eating ice cream :) 
8:56 - So are the beans, Snow. 
8:57 - Evil Queen and Rumple, how are their scenes so perfect? 
8:58 - Regina has no magic, how interesting. 
8:59 - Regina challenging Owen. Owen needs to die, and so does Tamara. 

Next week is the first part of the finale! Regina being tortured, Neverland. I WAS RIGHT FOR A THIRD TIME!! YES!! 


Friday, April 26, 2013


Okay, so I'm in a VERY happy mood. I just caught up with SMASH to get ready for tomorrow's episode. 

Two of my shows were renewed for a third season each. 

Plus, THE ORIGINALS HAS BEEN PICKED UP THE CW!!! I may or may not have been freaking out about that the most. 

So, Hart of Dixie AND Grimm have been renewed for their third season!! YAY! I love Hart of Dixie and Grimm and I can't wait for the fall! Now if The CW is smart, they will pair Vampire Diaries with the Originals over Beauty and the Beast (terrible show, go watch the original, please.) I doubt BATB will make it passed a second season. 

Let me just express how much of an IDIOT my older brother, Ian is. I recommend if you have siblings, younger or older, don't sit on your bed with headphones in and too focused on something else to realize that your brother/sister is hold your kitten in her crinkle sack which is aloud enough as it is. Plus, don't listen to loud SMASH music, because it will just drown the noise around you. I had a heart attack, for sure! 

You have no idea how much I'm happy to have the Originals show to be an actual show!! 

Adalind and Jordin are officially moving to New Orleans!! YES!!


Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Vampire Diaries Fan's Reaction to 'The Originals'

It's been a long time coming, The Originals are having their backdoor pilot premiere tonight. Major Original action going to happen tonight and I don't know what to really expect. Klaus being badass of course, Elijah just standing there and looking hot as ever, and Rebekah being stuck in Mystic Falls while her brothers get to party in New Orleans. 

*My first VD reaction post! Shock!*

8:00 - Let the game begin. 
8:01 - Elena's with no humanity isn't fun anymore. And hello Katherine! "Klaus is gone!"
8:02 - New Orleans, here we come! Hayley's here... oh, joy. In to Hayley's past we go, could get bumpy.
8:03 - Oh, this could be interesting. I know Hayley can't die, she's in the Originals series *if* the CW picks it up. 
8:04 - Get out of there, Hayley! Like now! 
8:05 - This will not end well. ROLL TITLES!! Hello Klaus in New Orleans and hello Elijah and Rebekah!! 
8:06 - "I know what you are." "I'm the original hybrid."
8:07 - New Orleans knows something's up but no one questions it. COOL! Can I live there?
8:08 - Oh, Klaus is pissed... 
8:09 - "Wrapped around my finger." This could be interesting with my Fifteen Minutes story. 
8:10 - "Show time!" I think Fifteen Minutes is going to New Orleans for good! Ding, dong, the witch is going to be dead.
8:11 - "I'm aware of your every move." "Rot in hell, monster." 
8:12 - "Or not." I LOVE THIS SHOW!! But Klaus, not so much. 


8:16 - "I've learned from you." That's never a good thing. 
8:17 - Klaus has found himself another witch. 
8:18 - Guides, really? Klaus has own guides and he's threatening to rip out their spines. How cute. 
8:19 - I wouldn't want to be a witch in New Orleans right now. Is Klaus to the rescue? 
8:20 - No, it's Elijah!! YAY! 


8:25 - Klaus is roaming the party :) Adalind and Jordin will be relocated soon! 
8:26 - "Nice now." This is Klaus you're talking to Marcel, you can't control an ORIGINAL HYBRID! But Marcel, damn, you're one hot vampire.
8:27 - I love how they film on location! Marcel takes vervain, oh, that's a problem.
8:28 - "She's either brave or dumb." "Evening Elijah." 
8:29 - Klaus is famous, no duh. Marcel out of control, no duh again. I love when Klaus says luv. Oh, hello again Hayley. 
8:30 - WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!  


8:33 - Oh, what the hell? Oh, god. 
8:34 - "I'll do it myself." Elijah, stepping up to the plate. 
8:35 - Okay, let's just get this straight, just for my mind - epicness is about to happen. Klaus does care.
8:36 - A new live, I doubt it. No offense, Elijah. "The evil hybrid." Nice one! 
8:37 - "Family is power." Okay, Elijah, new respect! I LOVE YOU! 
8:38 - Good answer Klaus!! 


8:42 - "Let him run." 
8:43 - Elijah and Rebekah, amazing! I love them. Katherine, hello again. Go away! 
8:44 - "We're alone. And we hate it." He ain't coming home, honey.
8:45 - Klaus is back in town Marcel. Let's see what could possibly happen! 
8:46 - Klaus shouldn't teach you anything, Marcel. Double-crossing bastard. 
8:47 - King Klaus is right Twitter-heads! 
8:48 - This could be interesting. Cammie and Klaus.
8:49 - She's got potential. 
8:50 - Elijah and Klaus talk again. I love it all! 
8:51 - "Power, loyalty." "I want what he has. I want to be king." KING KLAUS BITCHES! "Every king needs and heir." He's on board now, how interesting. 


8:54 - "I'm not your enemy." Really now? Plan B-Z anyone wanna guess?
8:56 - He called Caroline!! AH!! MY KLAROLINE HEART!! 
8:57 - Rebekah, come on! Oh... you bitch. 
8:58 - Sorry, Katherine. Not happening!! THANK YOU!! GOODBYE KATHERINE!! Hi, Damon and Elena. Welcome back to Mystic Falls. 
8:59 - Playing games is the fun part! 

NEXT WEEK - Elena being tortured to turn her humanity back on! PLEASE!! 



Reaction Blogs + More

Okay, I just want to make a schedule of what shows I'm reacting to the end of this month and next month. 

Once Upon a Time: The Evil Queen, Second Star to the Right, And Straight On 'Til Morning (Season Two, two-part Finale)

Hart of Dixie: On the Road Again (Season Two Finale)

Arrow: Sacrifice (Season One Finale)

Supernatural: The Great Escapist, Clip Show, and Sacrifice (Season Eight Finale) 

*It's never good when TWO shows have the same finale name, EVER!*

Vampire Diaries: Graduation (Season Four Finale) 

*Wonder what kind of SHOCKER will be in this season. Plus I heard Ghosts from the Past are coming back. Alaric? Hopefully!*

Elementary: Heroine (Season One Finale, doing half of the 2-parter)

Nikita: Til Death Do Us Part (Season Three Finale)

Doctor Who: The Name of The Doctor (Series 7.2 Finale)

*It's been a long time coming and I'm excited, considering this season hasn't been really that good.*

SMASH: The Nominations/The Tonys (Series???, two-part Finale, doing half of the 2-parter)

So that's that. I'm doing 13 reaction post, and most of them are finales. Cool! 


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A SPN Fan's Reaction to 'Pac-Man Fever'

HELLatus is over!! 

Yep, you've survived HELLatus for Arrow and Supernatural - much to people's surprise I've barely talking about Supernatural these three hell weeks.


Well, I had to talk about it with Bekah when she came home and finally got to open her birthday presents that I've had since January and her birthday is February. Never mind that. 

Supernatural is back tonight (4:45 as I write the beginning of the post), and we have our favorite female character, Felicia Day as Charlie. She's back again by popular demand and she's wanting to learn the tips and tricks of hunting from Dean. 

How much fun could that get?

Oh, and Charlie knows about *cough, cough* the... *laughs* Supernatural books by Chuck!! *cough, cough*

9:00 - Welcome back boys. I've missed you!!
9:01 - Well, hello Dean. In 40s gear - 'The hell?' is right, Dean.
9:02 - You've found dead bodies, Dean. 1951, okay I was off. And some kind of creature, goodie!
9:03 - Dean threw a beer and Sam was too far to the left to catch it.
9:04 - "I'm fine." A random shooting range - boys must be in paradise. And magically Sam missed a couple of times.
9:05 - An email from Charlie :) Felicia has bangs!! 
9:06 - Kansas, of course :) 
9:07 - Charlie found the books!!! "We need to find every single copy of those books and burn them." 
9:08 - "I'm coming." She's good! 
9:09 - Dean's helping her shop!! HAHAHAHA Castiel seems dreamy? CUTE!! 
9:10 - Closer but n- I guess so... OMG SHE DID WHAT CAS DID!! AH! 
9:11 - New ruling! 
9:12 - NORAD, really?
9:13 - SCREAM!

COMMERCIAL BREAK #1 - Show of hands, how many of you are laughing out loud with this episode so far? *RAISES HAND* ME!

9:16 - Short commercial break! Body found by Sam first. 
9:17 - Charlie isn't handling the new..."game" she has to play. 
9:18 - A blue handprint? Interesting. 
9:19 - "You stole my car?"
9:20 - Oh, God. What could possibly happen now? Charlie and the Coroner - says like a bad joke. 
9:22 - "I hate that, I want one."
9:23 - "I hate that thing, I want that thing." "I will not forget the pie."
9:24 - Charlie what are you up to? Something not right. You're draining someone's bank account, why?


9:29 - Charlie's missing! 
9:30 - "Who the hell is she?" Charlie said that her real name wasn't Charlie.
9:31 - "We need answers."
9:32 - Oh, now we know why Charlie is Charlie. Poor girl.
9:33 - "Hunter in training, not worth killing."
9:34 - "Of course she does." Said with a Dean smile :)
9:35 - Found Charlie! What else could happen? Sam didn't have to deal with one, he just had to kill one like in season one. 
9:36 - Just like season one, kinda. Come on, Charlie!
9:37 - Happy Dream World, here Dean goes. "Punch me!" 
9:38 - And, welcome to the dream where we began. Hello Charlie!
9:39 - "Both of 'em?" (Dean's 'Oh, Sam's screwed face.')


9:42 - "Like Pac-Man, except without level 256." 
9:43 - Charlie finds out that Dean and Sam know about her. 
9:44 - I feel so bad. But Charlie's Mom read her the Hobbit! Amazing!
9:45 - "Sam?" "My nightmare or yours?"
9:46 - "Man up, Winchester."
9:47 - God, Felicia Day has to be my girl crush! She's is too brilliant!! 


9:53 - "One tough customer." "Woman of Letters."
9:54 - "That's my boys." "I love you." "I know." WINCHESTER HUG!!
9:55 - Charlie says goodbye to her Mom. 
9:56 - Does everyone live in Kansas, I mean come on? Charlie was reading the Hobbit! 

What could possibly happen in the next three episodes of SPN? It is the last three episodes of the season, so anything could happen. I know we meet Metaton fairly soon, I think next week we officially meet him but don't quote me on that. 

NEXT WEEK - Cas is back again!! Hardly anything interesting in the promo! Sam collapses if that anything! 


A Psych-O's Second Reaction to '100 Clues' part one

I said yesterday I'd do a reaction blogpost and I didn't even start it. So I just bought the episode off iTunes, I'll watch it again and tell you my second reaction and how I actually reacted the first time around. 

I voted for the Butler and the Author in the end, you'll find out what I got. When I get enough iTunes money, I'll buy the season pass, even though I don't want it for the second ending. 
Now, on with the 'show'. 

*I'll be doing as I would if I saw it on TV, and if they have a commercial break.*

It starts with a flashback, a 2007 flashback (kinda hoping for a little Shawn and Gus flashback but I'm happy with a flashback nonetheless.) Shawn and Gus are dressed as 'groupies' of the band. 

*Just an FYI, this is BEYOND difficult if you don't start at an even time.* 

Henry comes in at a random time, dressed like an obsessed fan of Billy Lipps. Gus and Shawn explain why they are actually at the concert, the cold-case that was reopened to investigate the case of Billy's ex that was murdered. 

Lassiter has walked in with Billy's autobiography, written by Martin Kahn (Christopher Lloyd, original played Professor Plum in Clue). I find that cool because Martin is for Martin Mull and Kahn is for Madeline Kahn who I'm going to guess was everyone's favorite character. I do love Mrs. White!

This case is supposed to be Psych's 'third case' that was never talked about. So I'm going to guess it was before Juliet arrive but after Lassiter's former partner was transformed. Shawn was having trouble remembering their names (Chief Dick instead of Chief Vick and he was unsure of Lassiter's name). 

Now present day with Shawn and Juliet at the Psych office, talking about dinner. I guess a week in their new place isn't filled to the roof with food yet. SINGING TELEGRAM GIRL arrives to the scene.

CLUE reference - 1

Anyone else expecting the SINGING TELEGRAM GIRL to get shot randomly? 

Shawn and Juliet plan on going to the party but she gets a call from Lassiter, so he takes Gus instead. Random singing and dancing from the best psychic detectives :) I love them dancing and singing, too amazing them. 

To the mansion they go and guess what? It only took three weeks to get the BLUEBERRY BACK!! 

CLUE reference - 2, it's raining ;)

PINEAPPLE! Shawn rings the doorbell and its a female scream, so he presses it again. They laugh, who wouldn't? 

We meet Clizsby (?) played by Garrett Morris. CLUE reference - 3, the butler puts cell phones away in a cabinet, just like the weapons in Clue. 

Shawn finds his first clue, a red feather. That's important. Gus exclaims! What a shock, he's...scared of toupees but loves chocolate. That leads to the scream doorbell and 'Let's all do the chocolate dance' segment! We met Lesley played by Lesley Ann Warren, Miss Scarlett. She has a stuttering problem which kinda annoys me. Another round of screaming doorbells. We meet Harry played by Martin Mull, an old drunk. And I mean a drunk! You can't understand him. Yet another screaming doorbell. Hello Martin Kahn. 

*This is the first time Christopher and Lesley have seen each other since Clue which was 1985 which Lesley and Martin did Richie Rich's Christmas Wish together.*

CLUE reference - 3, 'We've only just met.' - Shawn :)Shawn figured out the host within seconds - Billy Lipps. 

CLUE reference - 4, empty seat 

Dancing with the Star reference too - poor blonde haired Derek Hough but he's smoking hot! 

CLUE reference - 5 and 6, lights went out and first 'body' is dead. Say hello to Mr. Boddy for a moment ;)

Okay, let's just talk about the intro! It's the cards like in the end of CLUE!! Reference number 7! And at the end, it says PSYCH 100 :D 

Harry is...dead *GASP*. Or is he? Is he going to be like Mr. Boddy?


Haha The cell phones are gone *GASP*. 

CLUE reference - 9, animal outside, like the dogs but this time a panther? 

CLUE reference - 10, Flames? Good one Lesley!

CLUE reference - 11, splitting up time!

Just an FYI, this will be part one of ???, because it is actually more difficult to do when you don't have the correct timing. So here the beginning of the episode that I've been promising for weeks!

My bad!


Sunday, April 21, 2013

A Oncer's Reaction to 'Lacey'


Once Upon a Time is back

8:03 - Regina knows that Gold is Henry's grandfather. 
8:04 - Gold goes to see Belle
8:05 - Belle remembers...magic perhaps? 
8:06 - God, Rumplebelle is amazing! Belle in her "Gold" dress. I get it now!! 
8:07 - Robin Hood!! YAY! He's...hot... hehe
8:08 - It's never good when Regina sees people in the hospital. Never! 
8:09 - Like I said, never good. 

COMMERCIAL BREAK #1 - So, my bad, guys! As I started watching it, Bekah texts me asking if I was doing a reaction blog. I totally forgot I was going to do it. Well, I was only three minutes late! My bad. 

Anyway, HELLatus is over! THANK GOD!! 

8:12 - Owen and Tamara... urg!
8:13 - Growing magic beans! A lot of magic beans. 
8:14 - Starting over is in the minds of EVERYONE, Emma. No duh! Magic is back, of course they want to go back. Emma + Happy Ending = Disaster
8:15 - Uh, oh...
8:16 - Lacey is a very interesting character plus did you see what the bar was called? ;) The Rabbit Hole? Does Jefferson work there? ;P
8:17 - Belle knows how to defend herself as Belle and as Lacey.
8:18 - Look at Robin Hood's chest :D 
8:19 - Any curse can be broken, really? Must be relive that every time. 

COMMERCIAL BREAK #2 - I'm EXCITED for Motive! Looks really good! 

8:24 - Gold asking Charming for...help? 
8:25 - Gold owing a favor. How interesting.
8:26 - Rumple is slipping in and out of his Gold accent
8:27 - Belle...I mean, Lacey drinking shots.
8:28 - Oh, Lacey isn't too cool anymore. And a Gold/Lacey date. 
8:29 - Must be soo hard. Emma and Regina talking about Henry and Neal. 
8:30 - Emma is TERRIBLE at lying with the evil queen around.


8:34 - Lacey and Gold's date. This outta be interesting. (I've been using interesting A LOT in this post, can't help it)
8:35 - "I see a man who wouldn't hurt anyone." 
8:36 - Nice going Gold, slipping the white wine. "Good helps is hard to find these days."
8:38 - Oh, the guy lost his tongue!! HAHAHAHA 
8:39 - Sherwood forest! I was wondering if we'd ever see that forest!!


8:43 - Belle/Lacey ditched yeah, Gold.
8:44 - We see Robin Hood again
8:46 - "I missed." On purpose...
8:47 - Oh, Gold is PISSED!! Lacey isn't Belle...at all...

COMMERCIAL BREAK #5 - Boring, boring, boring... I would have watched Lovestruck: The Musical over this from beginning to end. I would have watched OUAT online. 

8:53 - Regina lurking in the shadows. Never good. Didn't take her long to find the beans...or maybe nothing at...
8:54 - She found the beans
8:55 - Gold is BEYOND pissed! 
8:56 - He gave Belle a whole library. (Bekah and I want a library like that now, don't we?) Lacey is too hard to read but she liked evil Gold. How interesting! 
8:58 - Emma and Neal talking about August. Something's going on between them!
8:59 - HOOK?!?!

Oh next week looks better than tonights! And only THREE EPISODES LEFT OF THE SEASON!! AH!! TOO SOON!! 

See you on Wednesday!! 


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Molly's Reactions

Okay, so since I haven't been on here in a while, I know I promised to do a few reactions but either I forgot or get to into the episode to do it (like last night with Nikita). 

Any-who, I thought I'd tell you what finales and premieres I'm planning on doing reactions for. 

April 25th - I'll be doing SPN newest episode because hello, Charlie's in it!! 

April 26th - I'll be doing VD The Originals backdoor pilot, so look out for that!

May 7th - Hart of Dixie finale

May 12th - Once Upon a Time finale

May 15th - Arrow finale

May 15th - Supernatural finale (I can already here Carry On Wayward Son)

May 16th - Vampire Diaries finale 

May 18th - Doctor Who finale

May 25th - SMASH finale

June 8th - Primeval: New World premiere

June 9th - Falling Skies premiere (only half of it)

June 11th - Pretty Little Liars premiere

June 12th - Royal Pains premiere

July 16th - Whose Line Is It Anyway? premiere (EXCITED ABOUT THIS ONE!!)

I was planning on doing Grimm but I can't anymore now that's its been moved to Tuesdays at 10. I can't do Castle because I just want to watch it and enjoy it. I might do part of the Elementary finale but I'm not sure yet. I can't do Graceland because it will be my first time watching it and I need to see if I will continue watching it after June 6th. I won't do the Twisted premiere because I've already seen it. And lastly, I want to do Perception but again that's at ten at night and I don't want my laptop out. 

Going out shopping at the mall today!!


Monday, April 15, 2013


I know I said I'd be doing a Defiance reaction blog but I just found out that it's 2-hours long and I can only watch the first hour. Plus when I remember I was already 15 minutes in. 

Yeah, sorry. 

My mom has Dancing with the Stars on, I'm only interested in Castle tonight. 

Still need to catch up on The Following and now Bates Motel since I watch Castle. 

One more thing: Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. My new life quote! 


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

My TV Shows I Watch As Of April 10th

Another hiatus I took, sorry about that guys!

Anyway, I wanted to come on here and tell you about the TV Shows I've been currently watching - minus the norm (SPN, VD, Arrow, Castle, DWTS, and all the others). These are the shows I've recently caught up on:


Hart of Dixie 

The Bates Motel

Nikita and Hart of Dixie were just I needed to catch up so I could watch them on the CW again. Hart of Dixie was opposite of PLL so, couldn't watch it. Nikita, I kept putting it off because I was at the musical on Friday (that was WEEKS ago) and missed an episode. Then I just forgot to watch it, so I kept putting it off. 

Now, The Bates Motel, I downloaded the first episode free on iTunes. I watched it, and I couldn't take my eyes off the screen! I just was like, "Holy Shit! This is fucking amazing!"

Okay, so I heard about it a while ago because I'm a fan of Freddie Highmore, back when he did Finding Neverland with Johnny Depp. I was interested in it but I couldn't watch it on TV because it was opposite of Castle, so I forgot about it. Even I remembered I had it on my list of shows I had to watch and catch up on (this list isn't done yet). 

So I was watching and going, "I know you! And you!" I was saying this to my computer screen on Monday, yep. I knew who the sheriff and the deputy were. Nestor Carbonell who plays Sheriff Alex Romero who was on Psych as the criminal profiler that goes out with Juliet for a short time. Then Mike Vogel who plays Deputy Zack Shelby, I know him by Pan

I watched the remaining episodes yesterday. 

I then saw Max Thieriot who was in a lot of younger kid movies but I thought he was the cutest thing around when I watching those movies. Now, he's just plain fucking hot! 

I don't want to give anything away but I can say this, I only jumped once while watching The Bates Motel - the scene when Norma was looking through the window and sees Keith Summers and he punches the glass. This happens in the first episode. 

I do like that more and more shows are saying the word shit. I mean, its refreshing hearing it for some odd reason. Maybe because I only hear hell, damn, dammit, crap, son of a bitch, bitch, bastard, and probably others but at this time I can't really remember all of them. 

I just want to say these things:

  1. Freddie has an amazing American accent, I heard he even keeps it off-stage when the cameras aren't on him. He's too perfect at everything.
  2. Deputy Zack Shelby, more shirtless scenes please! He's so fucking hot!
  3. Dylan!
  5. I'm addicted to this show! You have no idea.
  6. The Bates Motel has been renewed for a second season! 
I think tomorrow I'll watch the episodes of The Following and Cult I've missed. As you can tell, I'm into the thriller/horror/suspenseful type of shows this season. I'm not scared by them, I'm having nightmares at the end of any episodes. It really pisses me off when people say, "I won't be able to sleep tonight because (enter show name here)! It was too scary!" And I'm sitting there like, "NEXT WEEK! Okay, night!" And will fall asleep without a hesitation. 


PS: Next week I'll have a reaction blog to the new SyFy show, Defiance. So, most likely see you on Monday but I think I'm going to a reaction to Nikita's next episode. It's called Masks and all about OWEN!! 

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

A SPN Fan's Reaction to 'Taxi Driver'

We're back again with another Supernatural reaction post. I just realized April-June are going to be crazy months with blogs. Mainly reactions posts about my favorite shows - for both finales (all May) and premieres (May-July). 

Tonight we see Benny again (YAY!) and Naomi approaches Dean. Hmm... that could be fun! Sam's off to Hell, doing the next task of the closing of Hell forever. 

9:00 - Time for SPN :) 
9:01 - Kevin's can hear Crowley in his mind? That's a new one... Oooh...that's nasty!
9:02 - Put the frying pan down XD
9:03 - Crossroads Demon time - AKA the place where the Supernatural Harlem Shake happened. Demon being tortured 
9:04 - Rogue reapers?
9:05 - Okay, the rogue reaper is kinda cute... 
9:06 - Bobby's in Hell? :( 
9:07 - When they say 24 hours, they mean 24 hours 
9:08 - That's creepier... Sam's in Purgatory? 

COMMERCIAL BREAK #1 - *yawn* ...Bored... 

9:12 - Purgatory... trees, rocks, road? 
9:13 - Kevin's paranoid...
9:14 - 'That's my pie...' Poor Dean
9:15 - Crowley :)
9:17 - Oh, no! 
9:18 - Sam just killed his first monster in Purgatory 
9:19 - Sam's in Hell
9:20 - Bobby? Is it Bobby? 
9:21 - HE'S BACK! And punched Sam in the face. Such a nice hello


9:26 - Bobby doesn't believe Sam is Sam
9:27 - Crowley again :)
9:28 - Kevin hid the tablet
9:29 - Naomi, you are lying your ass off
9:30 - Protect Heaven? Really? 
9:31 - Don't trust her...until just then. Trust her a tiny bit..
9:32 - 'I took a chance, 50/50.' 'Balls!' 
9:33 - Benny :D 
9:34 - Aw, Bobby wants to help out :( 
9:35 - 'We've got no way out.' Isn't that how everything ends up to be? Like every time?


9:38 - Favor from Dean 
9:39 - No, Benny :( 
9:40 - Benny needs to remain top side! 
9:41 - Dean just killed... oh, God...
9:42 - Benny saves the day in Purgatory anyway
9:43 - Aw, Bobby! 
9:44 - Oh, no...
9:45 - Hello Maine but without Benny :(
9:46 - :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( 
9:47 - NO! But Naomi here's to help? 
9:48 - Is Naomi really good? 
9:49 - Sam isn't okay... One task to go... 


9:53 - Kevin hears Crowley again 
9:54 - Crowley found Kevin
9:55 - "I. Am. Forever." With Kevin screaming... 
9:56 - Kevin's gone

So, we end with Crowley taking Kevin! Oh, joy! 

HELLatus is back...again... Let's hope it's a good episode, making us wait until the 24th. Felicia day!! 


Yes, I silently freaked out...

Yeah, the title is correct. And you are probably like "What the fuck is she even talking about?" 

Well, here's what I'm talking about: 

If you don't know, which actually I didn't really know who the hell he was. His name is Mark Evitts, and yes, he liked anything that was SMASH related last night for a good minute and a half. Only 5 songs but that's fine - 5 out of 7 songs that I have on my Instagram account is totally fine by me. 

So, I looked at his pictures, come to find out he's has co-written and preformed in quite a few of SMASH songs, the ones he liked are the songs he must likely written, co-written, or performed in. 

I seriously did freak out over that! It was at like 11 o'clock at night, my Mom was pretty much asleep, Bekah was asleep - my heart pounded and I had the biggest smile on my face when his name popped up. You have no idea how excited I was. Granted he's not a big name person but hello, it's SMASH! I love SMASH! 

This isn't my first time being noticed by someone famous (I don't really think Mark is that famous but, nonetheless). I've been noticed three times before. 


By Alyson Noël, an author who gave me advice on writing. 

By Joey Lawrence, who follows me on Twitter since about 2011 time. 

By Christopher Gorham who private messaged me on Twitter on April 22nd, 2011. 

So, there's my freak out at 11PM and had a mini heart attack! 


PS: I've actually been noticed four times before Mark liked my pictures on Instagram. I was replied to by the Eureka Writers Twitter account on July 10th, 2011, before the S4 premiere of Eureka! That was the happiest day of my life! :D