Wednesday, October 29, 2014

I haven't given up on humanity just yet

I know, I know, I've been gone for sometime now. The main reason, my TV shows haven't been up to par as they usually are. So, I kinda just got into a rut about not writing them.

In two weeks I will be back, mainly because it's the election things. God, I hate those so much. 

But, onto the title of today's blog: I haven't given up on humanity yet

My family has been in a tight budget for the last few months now. My mom quit her job, my brother quit his but is working at a new job (which he loves) - we haven't been able to make ends meet. So, we done a lot, that I never thought we'd ever do, and now people are so kind.

My mom was well loved at the place she worked - an elementary where I was a student there for 3 years - and when she quit, everyone (well, not everyone), wanted to help. So, they did. 

Today, we got bags and bags and bags of food and paper products for our, provided by a local church who likes to do this for people who need help. Damn, did they get a shit load of stuff for us? Luckily, my mom already knew they were going to do it - via email - and told them what to get because my family and I are actually quite picky eaters when it comes to food and drink. 

It had to be over $250, maybe close to $300 for everything that we got. Granted, it is things we'll eat and know we'll eat - chicken, beef patties, canned vegetables, canned soup, paper products - so, we have enough for at least mid-November now. We don't go through food that fast and now, damn...what are we even going to do with it all? 

My mom is already going to give some to my dad who happens not to be as picky at myself and my brother, Ian (the one who quit his job but got a better one he loves). So, majority of the beef patties are going to him and two of the chicken breasts (LARGE chicken breasts, go ahead, make all the puns you want). 

That was a gesture that we weren't expecting the next day. The woman told my mom about it and I'm pretty sure that was yesterday or Monday. So, damn, those people work fast. And we just went shopping today! So, our cabinets are full, our fridge is full. 

So, I haven't given up on humanity. 

Yet, I have said in the past I no longer want to live on this planet. I still don't, but at least I know we have some very kind people in this world. 



Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The 100 - Premiere - The 48 (S2, Ep1)

 The 100
Season Two Premiere
Title: The 48

TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT!! I AM SO EXCITED!! YOU LITERALLY HAVE NO IDEA!!! The caps my be giving it away though...

9:00 - On with the show! Recapping, thank you! I sightly forgot some parts of the show. Granted, I missed a few episodes. 
9:01 - Hi Clarke! Where are they? That's The Starry Night! What the hell is going on?
9:02 - Shit, Clarke! Bad idea turned good. 
9:03 - "Please don't hurt me." What the hell is this place? Kinda reminds me of The Maze Runner book series. 
9:04 - Damn, living high off the hog, huh? "Where the hell am I?" Good question Clarke. IT'S BELLAMY! Finn's alive too?! 
9:05 - And another bites the dust. 
9:06 - That's Finn, right? I'm pretty damn sure that's Finn. Octavia and Lincoln!
9:07 - That had to hurt.
9:08 - Since when does Lincoln speak perfect English? Oh, who are you, Mr. Creepy?
9:09 - Raven? Not Finn, that's the asshole we want dead, isn't it? 
9:10 - "Yeah, I would have shot me too."

Commercial Break

9:13 - Clarke, what have you done? President? 
9:14 - Only 48?
9:15 - I don't believe him. Or anything in this...compound. 
9:16 - Go Clarke. "The Grounders seem to manage." 
9:17 - "First, give me the heel." 
9:18 - JASPER!! "They didn't make it." "We don't know that." 
9:19 - Didn't Murphy die before? 
9:20 - Murphy is being...helpful? "I don't want to die alone." Okay, that is Finn with the Grounder and the horse. 
9:21 - Damn Finn's not having a good day, is he? Neither is Bellamy.

Commercial Break

9:26 - Lincoln to the rescue! Oh, she wasn't kidding this time.
9:27 - "We are happy to see me."
9:28 - "This place is too good to be true." You are right about that Clarke. Is Jasper getting a love interest?
9:29 - "Space sucked." "I was scared and worried about my friends." 
9:30 - "Not a prisoner, huh?" Run, Clarke, run! Good girl, Clarke. 
9:31 - "Don't make me shoot you." I hate this Maya/Maia chick. Plus, Jasper seems to know a lot more than everyone else or was that just from his chat with the random chick who I already dislike?

Commercial Break 

9:34 - "I don't believe them." "Why would they lie?" "Not all of us." 
9:35 - I'm with Clarke, I don't trust any of them. "Are you going to cry, Murphy?" "Screw you, Raven."
9:36 - Raven's got a point there, Murphy. 
9:37 - I don't want to feel sorry for Murphy! I hated his character last season now you are making me like him. Goddammit! Oh, the Grounder got shot, by who? 
9:38 - Hey, it's you! I don;t remember your name but you are from the ship. 

Commercial Break 

9:43 - You won't find them. Octavia is amazing. "Lincoln, I'm scared."
9:44 - Seriously? Asshole, go away. They know what they are doing. "Clarke's not here." 
9:45 - "I got shot. I got shot." Off Bellamy and Finn go, good boys. "Where is everyone? 
9:46 - "You're-you're alive!" What the hell idiots?! "I don't care. You are not animals." "There's no one else in there." 
9:47 - "You brought me to your village?" KISS HER LINCOLN!! NO, GO BACK AND KISS HER!!! 

Commercial Break

9:51 - "I used to paint the ground too." "I don't have to imagine." 
9:52 - "Did you?" "How can they be sure?" Test him, Clarke. Please test him! 
9:53 - The Grounders didn't take them, Finn. Bellamy's got some good question. Well, we know Raven's going to be alive since she's a main character. -_- I don't like Raven.
9:54 - Praying before eating. Clarke still doesn't trust them, I don't either.
9:55 - Wow, an artist's kit. 
9:56 - Damn, look at the ark. 
9:57 - "That's a good idea." I bet he's lying. He's still alive! Well, not for long, huh. 
9:58 - What's happening? I'm confused. A baby crying?! 
9:59 - WHAT THE FUCK?! 


Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Arrow - Premiere - The Calm (S3, Ep1)

Season Three Premiere
Title: The Calm

And the premiere of Arrow. I have more hope for Arrow than I do The Flash. Just didn't really enjoy The Flash so, I can't wait to see Oliver! I'm so happy to have my fall shows back! I'm happy to have my fall back! I've missed it! 

8:00 - Recapping time! Last season on Arrow! Thank you for that recap - kinda forgot for a moment.
8:01 - Oliver's running. Well, damn, we'll all good with the Arrow team.
8:02 - I saw Roy for a moment. My cats decided to escape again. "You have failed this city." 
8:03 - Oh, cute. Ah, Thea is texting people. Good sign, just like Oliver said. OH! A FELICITY AND OLIVER DATE! YAY!
8:04 - A girl! Aw! And Oliver made a necklace for her! "Maybe Felicity will all change that." 
8:05 - HE DOES LOVE FELICITY! AH!! Okay, I'm good. Flashbacks - I am so done with flashbacks. 
8:06 - Oh, come on Ollie. You can fight better than that. "Good work." "Did I say that too loud?" 
8:07 - Oh, what exactly happened to Laurel's dad? The Arrow is getting praised. 
8:08 - And we see our new enemy. Only 8 minutes in. 
8:09 - And that guy's dead. "So am I." 
8:10 - OH! He's asking her out! ADORABLE!! "Would you like to go to dinner with me?" "Yes."

Commercial Break 

8:13 - "I'm at work." "I'm multi-tasking." "And yes, I love Italian." 
8:14 - What happened to Laurel's dad? Flashback with only nine attempts of escapes, really Ollie?
8:15 - Oh, don't ask.
8:16 - "Happy hacking." Really, Felicity? 
8:17 - How is she nine months pregnant already? And Oliver is so smooth! Oh, Felicity looks gorgeous! 
8:18 - "And every date. And I've seen you shirtless. Multiple times." This is totally awkward. 
8:19 - "Hong Kong, for one." 
8:20 - But he trusts Felicity! AH!! God, these feels (I so hate that word). "It was red." Well, dinner is going to be ruined. 
8:21 - "So, maybe I was wrong." 

Commercial Break 

8:26 - I'd move Oliver! Move! Get Felicity away! "She's knocked out." 
8:27 - I want one of those voice manipulation for my phone! I don't know why though. 
8:28 - Shit! Oliver's been drugged! Come on, Ollie! Come on! 

Commercial Break 

8:33 - "He'll be fine." Like how Roy is just...there. More flashbacks. The flashbacks are really annoying!
8:34 - Sorry, I'm getting distracted.
8:35 - Who are you?
8:36 - This asshole. "Oh frak." 
8:37 - How many times will this asshole say BTW. And way to go, Felicity. 
8:38 - Star City?
8:39 - "I saw myself." 

Commercial Break

8:44 - "Unless they do." Of course they are in the same location. 
8:45 - Diggle's getting pissed! 
8:46 - And Ollie's down to business. 
8:47 - Ollie, just pay attention. Don't think about the idiots. Why is Sara here? 
8:48 - I hate Sara. "Okay, new plan!" Well, Roy's been working out. 
8:49 - It worked. Always to the final second, huh? "Don't you see?"

Commercial Break 

8:52 - Why is Sara here? "We'll see." 
8:53 - "Gee, that's too bad." Go, Felicity. Oh! Diggle's a father! 
8:54 - She looks older than a newborn. "Oh, she's perfect." "Thank you, Oliver." "For what?" "For being right." AN OLIVER/DIGGLE HUG! 
8:55 - Flashback. Great. He's got a point.
8:56 - "I don't want to talk." "Not now." Oliver, you are ruining it. "Stop...dangling maybe." A OLIVER/FELICITY KISS! HOLY SHIT!! WASN'T EXPECTING THAT!!! 
8:57 - Felicity, no, come back! Oh, so there's Barry. 
8:58 - "I chose it for me." "Runs in the family." Sara's hiding something. 
8:59 - "What are you doing here?" Shit! WHAT THE FUCK?! SHIT! SARA! I didn't even care for Sara but what the fuck?! 


Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Supernatural - Season Premiere - Black (S10, Ep1)

Season Ten Premiere
Title: Black

You literally have no idea how excited I am for Supernatural! I just showed the special from yesterday - 10 seasons. Damn. And I've been watching it live for 3 seasons. I began watching Supernatural in the middle of S7 and watching S8 and S9 on TV. Now, going into its 10th season. 


9:03 - The Road So Far!!! 
9:04 - Why do we have a new song? Oh, Sam's torturing a woman. What a surprise. They love their women on this show, huh? Sam looks...ill.
9:05 - "Where is Crowley?" "One more time, where's Crowley? Where's my brother?"
9:06 - LOVE THE TITLE CARD! Four Weeks Later, huh? Oh, I forgot Jared had an arm injury. I didn't think we'd see the sling so early. Sam is looking for Dean, awww. I feel bad for Sammy. 
9:07 - Oh, Dean. Bad move - even for a demon like you. Sammy, Let Me Go, huh? Is Cass sleeping? And pantless? 
9:08 - Castiel and cell phone. Poor Cass. He looks sick too. Sam, please ask him what's wrong.
9:09 - Oh, poor Sam! Poor Dean! "Why would he just disappeared?" 
9:10 - Demon!Dean singing Too Sexy. 
9:11 - And shirtless and had sex. "What's it look like?" "In my bed?" "Jerk." "Bitch." 
9:12 - "Love you Crowley." "Love you too...?" "Pants?" Really? 
9:13 - Damn, Dean! Stop! But you can tell Dean kinda has a type. 
9:14 - Hannah, great. Go away. Oh, he has no clothes on whatsoever! Oh, damn! He's in his suit again but I need the tie and trench coat. 
9:15 - "Will you help me?" "Yes." I don't trust Hannah. 
9:16 - "Son of a bitch." 
9:17 - I need to see Dean's eye change color. Oh, Dean, you fight so badass! I fucking love you. Then he reads porn. 
9:18 - And Sam sees his demon eyes! YES! 

Commercial Break 

9:21 - Random guy working out with a family. 
9:22 - Someone caught him cheating I suppose. He's ex-army by the looks of it. 
9:23 - Since when does Cass drive? "It's my truth." NO! DON'T TELL ME THAT! 
9:24 - He needs his tie. Find his tie. 
9:25 - "Where's the porn?" "That's all he said?" "Nothing?" He's got a point there, Sammy. 
9:26 - Crowley answers. I love when Crowley calls Sam, Moose.
9:27 - I hope they keep Demon!Dean for more than the mid-season finale. I want it all season. Squirrel! 
9:28 - "Good luck with that." Oh, Sam got an upgrade. 

Commercial Break 

9:33 - WTF is this? Are we going to have a random orgy coming at us or something? 
9:34 - He seems a tad bit crazed. And not right in the head. 
9:35 - "Once and forever." 
9:36 - This angel has some insight. Wonder if that's real poor or fake? I wouldn't be surprised if it was fake. 
9:37 - "I will cut off my own face." "Pass." 
9:38 - "We create the perfect Hell." "What?" Dean doesn't look to thrilled. "My bad."
9:39 - "You know where to find me." And Sam's car just happens to break down? Not good. 
9:40 - Shitty car there, Sam. Don't trust him, Sammy! 
9:41- Sam... you idiot. 

Commercial Break 

9:44 - Demons can't get drunk. And Dean's singing again. Someone cut him off - thank you.
9:45 - "We are somewhere." Don't fall for that, Dean. She's evil. I know she is. 
9:46 - Oh, Demon!Dean, you asshole. And she didn't. 
9:47 - She wasn't a skank, Dean. Castiel's been on Earth for seven seasons. "Be free." 
9:48 - Cass! You just killed our own. "We have to get her." "Hannah, it's over."
9:49 - What happened to Sam? "Who are you?" 
9:50 - "You're Sam Winchester." This guy looks familiar for a moment. 
9:51 - "He's a monster." And I'm confused.

Commercial Break 

9:55 - Since when can Castiel drive? 
9:56 - "They just wanted to be left alone." I didn't think Naomi was that bad. Cass' got a point. "But those are human things." "Yes."
9:57 - Oh, shit. "Is he dead?" "Not yet." "Proof alive." 
9:58 - "I will find you and I will kill you." "I am a man of my word." 

I wanted Dean's eyes to turn black!


The Flash - Series Premiere - Pilot (S1, Ep1)

The Flash
Series Premiere
Title: Pilot 

Now, I'm not that excited for the The Flash - I'm not a big Barry fan when it was on Arrow. So, we'll see. I'm only doing this reaction on The Flash. Next week, I'll get back into the whole reacting everyday with the shows I promised.

8:00 - Let's see what happens now. And it begins. Oh, poor Barry. 
8:02 - Sorry, my cats decided to escape their room for the night. LOOK IT'S CHAD ROOK! AH! 
8:03 - "I had a few...bites of it." 
8:04 - "Sorry." "Hands off my fries." 
8:05 - My computer is running really slow today. And I hate it. So, we are basically seeing Barry before the lightning storm thing-y, I suppose. 
8:06 - Smooth talking, Barry. Yeah, she doesn't understand. Which is that girl, isn't it? 
8:07 - Well, in all the promos, Tom AKA Henry, Harry, whatever is in a wheelchair. 
8:08 - Barry gets winded quickly. And he got a bloody nose. "Oh, that's detective pretty boy." "He is pretty though." 
8:09 - Oh, Barry has a murder board.
8:10 - When are we going to meet Chad? Wait, is that him? Please tell me that's him. I think so! IT IS!!! BADASS CHAD ON THE LOOSE!! 
8:11 - Well, I know he isn't dead, at least not for a while. And there's the scene we saw in Arrow.
8:12 - Okay-ish title card. 

Commercial Break - Yeah, not really impressed. Mainly watching it because I love Chad Rook! And he retweeted me a couple of times a year or two ago when Cult was on! And he replied too! Ah! I love that guy!

8:15 - Are we randomly going to see Felicity? 9 months huh? That's slightly creepy there, Barry. "Not this second."
8:16 - "Lightning gave me abs?" DUDE! THAT'S HILARIOUS! Damn. 
8:17 - I love Tom! He's amazing! "She talks a lot." "And she's hot." 
8:18 - "Really?" A happy reunion. "Iris, I'm okay." 
8:19 - Yes, Chad Rook. DAMN! GOD, I LOVE THIS MAN! 
8:20 - I'm sensing a thing between Iris and detective pretty boy. 
8:21 - "I just need some air." "What's happening to me?" And there he goes. And goes flying into a car.

Commercial Break - Still not 100% with the whole Flash thing. 

8:26 - He went back to Star Labs. "It's a little snug." 
8:27 - "I make the toys, man." So, I see a flash symbol on that. Oh, damn. Sorry Danielle or whatever your character's name is. I know her real name is Danielle.
8:28 - And off he goes. "It's not possible." Anything's possible for the CW. 
8:29 - And he just crashed into barrels of water and a sprained/broken wrist. "Guess you haven't read his blog." 
8:30 - "Had?" "In three hours." "When I was eleven, my mother was murdered."
8:31 - "There was man. And he killed my mom." At that time, yes. Yep, I was right about them having a thing. I didn't picture Barry finding out that quickly though. 
8:32 - "I was going to tell you." You were in a coma for nine months, Barry. Chad Rook again! Well, damn. Impressed there, Barry. 
8:33 - Chad Rook. Who creates weather. That was just fog.

Commercial Break 

8:36 - "I'm alright."
8:37 - "No, now." "Of course you don't believe me. You never believe me." 
8:38 - "He's dead." "We don't know for sure." Just tell him, I'm confused as fuck right now. 
8:39 - Meta-Humans? 
8:40 - Tad bit harsh there, Tom. Wait, isn't that Isaac's father? I think it is.
8:41 - You almost set your jacket on fire. And hello Oliver. "So, why come to me?" 
8:42 - "I think it chose you." Just like the wand chooses the wizard? Had too...not sorry. "Saving people. In a flash." The CW really likes to use those words - Saving People, huh. 
8:43 - "Wear a mask." 

Commercial Break - Big Hero 6 looks so adorable! I want to see it!

8:48 - Of course. He created a suit - cute. 
8:49 - Should is the keyword. Oh, don't go in there, you two! We've already lost one guy, don't make us lose two more. Chad Rook being badass and country. "Shut up." 
8:50 - God, Chad Rook. Please go and count how many times I mention Chad Rook. Please. I'd like to know.
8:51 - They won't know how to stop it. "You'll die." "I'll have to try." 
8:52 - "But he's not." "He can do it, I know he can." "You can do this, Barry."
8:53 - If Iris' father doesn't believe now. Something's wrong with him. Hot damn. 
8:54 - And he got shot. Of course. 

Commercial Break - Did I forget to mention I have to sit through three extra minutes of this shit? Yeah, probably not going to be watching again. Not really my thing. I'm more of an Arrow girl. Which you will see a reaction tomorrow, she says hopefully. 

8:56 - This is going to be hard to explain, huh? "More or less." 
8:57 - "I'm sorry I didn't believe you." Joy, he gets to keep two secrets. One from Iris' dad and one from Iris. Perfect. Yes, it is Isaac's dad. Odd to see him. 
8:58 - "Yes, I did." He seems so much calmer. "You believing me is all I need." "Whatever killed her." 
8:59 - But Barry is going to be like Kate Beckett and wants to solve the murder. "I'm glad they know." "I'm so proud to be your son." 
9:00 - "It's gonna catch on." Oh, Tom whatcha doing there? Are you Meta to? You are. Should have known.
9:01 - Remember when I said I wasn't planning on watching it anymore - yeah, I'm wanting to know more. What? Did that just say 2024?


Monday, October 06, 2014

The Originals - Premiere - Rebirth (S2, Ep1)

 The Originals 
Season Two Premiere
Title: Rebirth

I'm so excited for tonight! If I really enjoyed VD last Thursday - then I'm all for the Original vampires and annoying bitch of a new hybrid.

8:00 - Rebekah reading to Hope! AWWWWWWW!! Look at little Hope, OMG! She's so gorgeous! 
8:01 - The kingdom fell? Poor Klaus. ELIJAH! 
8:02 - Elijah is so hot! I fucking love him.
8:03 - Damn, is Klaus pissed? Yep. "I need to spill blood." 
8:04 - No. Please no. Is that Hayley? It was. She was gorgeous wolf. 
8:05 - She's looking a tad bit more badass this season than last with all the girly outfits. And Marcel and what's her name got together...?
8:06 - "No strings, no plans." "And I never thought I'd be sleeping with one." Marcel's been working out. "Not even me." 
8:07 - Go Davina! "It's for someone else." DANIEL!!! 
8:08 - Oh, this werewolf dude is so annoying. 
8:09 - Did they forget Davina's a witch? 
8:10 - Oh, shit! I was right! Their mother and Finn! 

Commercial Break 

8:14 - Go Cami. I kinda was hoping she spiked it with something.
8:15 - "I'm already in danger." "Thank you for coming, Camille." 
8:16 - "Use it." "I like her spirit." "So do I." JOSH!! YAY! I missed Josh.
8:17 - "Don't know. Pretty cool right?" 
8:18 - "How can you tell?" "What's the difference?" Elijah in a button down and pants - urg. 
8:19 - "I promise you this." God, Elijah, don't give Hayley that look, please!
8:20 - Mikael! "Feed." "Stop." 
8:21 - "Music to my ears, my little witch." 
8:22 - Of course, the stake that can kill an Original. Joy. "Why would you tell me that?" 
8:23 - Oh, meddling Niklaus. 
8:24 - "Tonight, we're going on a wolf hunt." 

Commercial Break 

8:29 - "It's too risky." Oh, Klaus is thinking about killing again. Good, Klaus. I like murderous Klaus.
8:30 - Elijah trying to be the voice of reason. "This is our fight. You ready for battle, Hayley?" 
8:31 - "Little wolf." "Where's the stake?" 
8:32 - "Hiding in plain sight, genius." Go Cami. 

Commercial Break - That was a short part. Are we going to see more of Daniel?

8:36 - Can I have that bonus? 
8:37 - Go Marcel! Whoa, go Hayley. Klaus is getting stronger. 
8:38 - Oh, that's disgusting. Really. And the first thing Klaus does is...paint? 
8:39 - No use the paintbrushes as weapons. "I will kill you myself." Heads will roll. 
8:40 - Elijah, you are so badass. I FUCKING LOVE HIM! "Without invitation." 
8:41 - Just like that. 

Commercial Break 

8:45 - And Klaus is painting with human blood. He's an odd person. 
8:46 - "You let her get away." I thought it was Rebekah for a moment - but nope, Hayley. 
8:47 - "What are we fighting for?" Can I just say, the music this season is 100x better than last year. 
8:48 - Klaus' blood is everywhere. Oh, the badass girl, apparently. Geez, Hayley. "I killed her." 
8:49 - That's what we called lack of control. I still hate Hayley, as much as she hates herself as a hybrid. "I killed eight wolves tonight." "Than a vampire." 

Commercial Break 

8:53 - HIS BRITISH ACCENT!!! HOLY SHIT!! I haven't heard Daniel in his British accent before. 
8:54 - "I should have listened to you." Wow, Klaus is actually being kind. 
8:55 - "Whatever she needs to hear." Oh, Cami and Marcel has sex again. Now, small town in bed. "Doesn't matter. This has to stop." 
8:56 - "I'm sorry, this has to end." Just tell her to turn it off. That seems to be the easiest thing to do. 
8:57 - "Your pain with fade." "They will answer to you." "Because you're their queen." 
8:58 - Great, Hayley queen. You think your defended your mother. " a family." 
8:59 - Wait, what?! IS HE KOL?! HOLY SHIT!! 



Friday, October 03, 2014

Gracepoint - Series Premiere - Episode 1

Series Premiere 
Title: Episode 1

Gracepoint, the American version of Broadchurch. I'm excited to see what Gracepoint brings to us. Since I've watched Broadchurch (in one sitting, I might add), I know the storyline. So, let's see how the US changes it up. I know the murderer will be different, I just hope it isn't the priest or Ellie's nephew. 

So, let's the game begin! 

9:00 - And jumping right into Gracepoint! And Danny missing.
9:01 - Well, we're starting out with the similar idea of the beginning of Broadchurch. SPOILERS, JUST AN FYI!! Sorry ahead. If you haven't seen Broahchurch, then never mind. 
9:02 - Kevin Zegers! I LOVE HIM!! 
9:03 - "I'm good at vacations." 
9:04 - Welcome to Gracepoint. 
9:05 - This will be a short reaction guys. I've seen Broadchurch and don't want to spoil anything. I want hear more of David with an American accent. PLEASE! 
9:06 - Still doing the slo-mo that I don't find interesting or necessary. 
9:07 - "I thought he'd be here." Yep, this car scene is the same. 
9:08 - More un-necessary slo-mo. 
9:09 - "Oh God. Oh God!" "Seriously?" "I know this boy!" 
9:10 - And Danny's mother find him. Poor girl. 

Commercial Break - Lexi, my cat is begging for attention and she got it. By sitting on my chest. So, this is awkward. 

9:14 - "It was epic." "Okay, I'll go to the beach."
9:15 - "What do you mean?" "That kid wasn't up here." 
9:16 - Off to tell the parents. This was sad to begin with in Broadchurch, what about now in Gracepoint?
9:17 - I've got a massive headache you guys. And these slo-mo scenes aren't helping it! Too many slo-mo! 
9:18 - The daughter is crying more than the mom right now. It was the opposite in Broadchurch. "It was an accident, right?" 
9:20 - Into Danny's room we go. 
9:22 - Saying this right now - Danny's father isn't the murderer. 
9:23 - "I promise. I love you Danny. I love you." 

Commercial Break 

9:28 - Well, that's one change - I'm pretty sure Beth was 15 when she had their daughter. 
9:29 - I wonder if that psychic guy will be in it. Most likely. "Yes, you were." 
9:30 - I don't stop hearing David in his British/Scottish accent right now. It's only in certain words though.
9:31 - I wonder if they are keeping in Alec having a wife and daughter. 
9:32 - The daughter seems more upset than the rest of the family. 
9:33 - And the daughter leaves. Good, her boyfriend is black - just like the British one. 
9:34 - Owen is so sneaky. 
9:35 - "You better call me back." And off to Twitter it goes. 
9:37 - "Know what?" He handled that well.

Commercial Break 

9:42 - Press conference. "I can't believe he got hired again." 
9:43 - "I don't know." Why didn't David keep his accent? This is a terrible American on. "I'm an idiot." 
9:44 - "Stay out of my way." "He doesn't know, does he?" Well, I can tell you Ellie's husband isn't the murderer.
9:46 - Sorry, my mom and I were talking murders. "Danny died last night." 
9:47 - "He was found, lying on the beach." "It's okay to cry." 
9:48 - "Can I be alone now?" "Of course." 
9:49 - The kid was using a flip-phone. Slightly odd. And now deleting everything off his computer. Good, they kept that in.

Commercial Break 

9:53 - "Thanks for bringing me." 
8:55 - I feel so bad for Beth. "I promise you, Beth." "Of course he did." 
9:56 - I wonder if they will keep the pregnancy in. I hope they do. Nice going, Owen. "I'll tell you more, if there's more to tell." 
9:57 - Good, the skateboard is involved. 
9:58 - Don't look too shocked there Alec. 
9:59 - "There is no hiding place for Danny's killer."


Thursday, October 02, 2014

Vampire Diaries - Premiere - I'll Remember (S5, Ep1)

Vampire Diaries
Season Five Premiere
Title: I'll Remember

This will be the last reaction you see for Vampire Diaries for a while, mainly because I have Haven to watch. Then The Big Bang Theory moves back to Thursday at the end of the month, so, I'm on Haven watching duty while my mom watches TBBT. 

But, it should be good - been hearing some great things about it! So, let's see what happens tonight. 

Just one thing before we start: DO NOT KILL OFF TRIPP IN THE FIRST 10 MINUTES, OKAY?!?!?! 

8:00 - RECAPPING TIME!!! Don't, please don't make me relive all this!
8:01 - Still recapping and I'm going to cry again! We have people camping - probably not a good idea. 
8:02 - Is this kinda like almost a 'reboot' of the series or something? Nope. 
8:03 - Maybe we are rebooting the series. "Look up." Someone's killing people - probably Elena. 
8:04 - Elena's diary writing again. 
8:05 - ALARIC!! I love him so much! "That your my college professor." 
8:06 - COLIN!!!! And now I know why Matt is close to Tripp. And Jeremy has moved on fast. "We all did." 
8:07 - "That's sad." Tyler goes to Wittemore now? Interesting. 
8:08 - "Its like nothing's ever happened." 
8:09 - "I don't want to let go either." She's not dairy writing, she sees DAMON!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!! I'm seriously about to die of excitement!

Commercial Break #1 - Hey remember when I said I wouldn't be able to watch VD because of Haven at 8PM on Thursday, yeah, not anymore. Haven has been moved to Fridays - at 7.

8:12 - Alaric sees something strange in Elena, I'm not surprised. "Is there something funny, Liv?" 
8:13 - "Sorry, I'm late." Oh and I seeing a Tyler/Liv thing going on now? "Now put that away." Sorry, Ric. 
8:14 - "Remember?" "I'm fine, okay?" 
8:15 - Is he sleeping with her? I'm assuming yes. Ric and Caroline talking for once. 
8:16 - I love having Alaric back! 
8:17 - "Yeah, I'll deal with it." "Town's safe." "For now." 
8:18 - "Use them!" "No, you're my friend." 
8:19 - "A friend who cares for you." "And I'm not asking."

Commercial Break #2 - Yeah, Elena's not dealing well. 

8:24 - "I need a school bus." I love Damon! "Because I am." 
8:25 - Parties, always bloody. "But, just in case." "Really?"
8:26 - Listen to Ric, Tyler. Yep, he's sleeping with her. 
8:27 - Probably a good thing you don't know about Stefan's past. "I'm a vampire." "You're so annoying." "And I like you." 
8:28 - Come on, I wanted Stefan with Caroline! Go Ric! "Not that I'm a serial killer." 
8:29 - Don't like her. "I also lost my game." Elena, don't do it. 
8:30 - "I just need a little more." Way to Elena Gilbert!

Commercial Break #3 

8:33 - Shit! This isn't good! 
8:34 - Why is everyone so surprised by this? "I feel like I'm gonna die." "Like what?" 
8:35 - "You're just pressing pause. 
8:36 - Matt to the rescue. Good going Matt. "Let me do my job." Tripp knows more than he leading on. And I LOVE HIM! 
8:37 - "Not yet." Great...Stefan and Elena stuff. 
8:38 - "I did." Stefan gave up? "I moved on. Damon is gone." 
8:39 - So, no to the Elena/Stefan thing huh? Just turn it off, Elena. 

Commercial Break #4

8:44 - "Now, its crystal clear." "Let me deal with him." 
8:45 - Humans. "I don't trust anyone. Ever." 
8:46 - "She almost killed someone." TYLER STOP! "You got it under control, huh? Huh?" 
8:47 - "I hurt people." "So why am I here?" "For what?" Don't make me cry! Please don't make me cry! "No, I'm not done yet." 
8:48 - YOU FORGOT DANGER, ELENA! DON'T HALF-ASS THAT QUOTE! "This is the last time I'm going to see you. This is goodbye, Damon. I love you." NO! Please don't say goodbye! 
8:49 - Damn, Elena! Poor Elena. 

Commercial Break #5 

8:52 - Someone's working out. 
8:53 - " rage." "I'm trying to deal with it." 
8:54 - Yeah, Tyler likes Liv. Caroline, you are my favorite character. "
8:55 - Good to know that Tyler still has the gene inside him. Forgot to mention that earlier. "We need each other. We need to be together." "Because I'm not going to give up on us." 
8:56 - But not Stefan - that's for sure.
8:57 - Oh, Meredith got married and moved to Alaska. Nice to know where she went. Not that I cared. I hated her. "I hate everything about being a vampire." "And I had that with Damon." "Trust me, I get easier." 
8:58 - "It's a lie." Why do I think Ric and Elena are going to hook up or something? "I want you to take away Damon." NO! DON'T!! I HATE YOU WRITERS IF I MAKE RIC DO THAT!!! I WILL FUCKING HATE YOU FOREVER!! YOU HEAR ME! I WILL HATE YOU!
8:59 - What is this? Looking like Damon and Bonnie. Damon in a flannel! New sexuality! And they look...happy...

