Monday, September 29, 2014

NaNoWriMo Prep #1

No blog post tonight that involves Sleepy Hollow even though I said every week. Yeah, I lied, apparently. 

But I am here to talk about prep for NaNoWriMo. It's coming up and I need to get ready for it! And it hit me as I was sleeping. And I began thinking and it just came together. I have 'face claims', I have a general plot, I have the climax, a subtle romance, and I just did the cover. 

I'm very excited for NaNo this year! 

I'm so definitely getting 50,000 words, just like last year!


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Resurrection - Premiere - Revelation (S2, Ep1)

Season Two Premiere
Title: Revelation

I'm so excited to see Resurrection!! I've missed it!!! 

9:00 - RECAPPING TIME!! If we have 4400 people 'returning', I know somethin' up. 
9:01 - IT'S BELLAMY! Damn, where are you, dude? What happened to you? 
9:02 - And he remembers. Someone took Jacob, leaving the one who could protect him. Shit, what else happened? Let's just wake up Jacob's parents. 
9:03 - What? I'm confused. Yeah, I'm confused. Explain, please and thank you. Damn, what happened to you, Bellamy. 
9:04 - "Do you want to lie down?" "They said you were unstable." How long has it been? A week, right? 
9:05 - "They questions all of us." "And now you." "How long have I been gone?" "A week." 
9:06 - OH SHIT! What happened? "You really don't remember anything?" Bellamy! "I'm fine." That's not fine, Bellamy! "I'm glad you're back." 
9:07 - I'm so confused.

Commercial Break - How many times will I be saying, I'm confused, tonight?

9:10 - Aw, Rachael's baby! And he's there! I kinda forgot their names. "It's a boy." "A boy." 
9:11 - "Four?" "My best guess." "She's staying with me." "In the guest room." 
9:12 - "Where have you been?" "I'm not quite sure." Oh, Bellamy shirtless. Me, likey. I'm not sure why though.
9:13 - Not surprised. And can we stop with this whole Bellamy and Maggie thing? "I'm a very brave man." 
9:14 - "I don't know." No one knows. "I have a couch." Yeah, they are shoving this Bellamy/Maggie thing down our throats. 
9:15 - "Call in the army again?" You didn't want people to believe, they aren't believe asshole. 
9:16 - Jacob, what's out there? "I've made that mistake once." "I was engaged. Once." 
9:17 - Bellamy's got a point, Maggie. 
9:18 - Poor Bellamy. If I don't react as much, I'm really into the story right now guys.
9:19 - I feel a kiss coming on. "Hello?" "It's for you." Definitely odd. "I have answers for you."
9:20 - She won't be making it. I just know it. Too simple. Jacob, what are you doing? Oh, we meet the grandmother, huh?
9:21 - "I died. But then I came back. Just like you, grandma." 

Commercial Break 

9:25 - Jacob was interest in a bug and stuffing his face. 
9:26 - Oh, hi. "Henry." 
9:27 - So heartwarming. Really, it is. "Ma." And the Sheriff's drinking more I see. Perfect. Drunk Sheriff. 
9:28 - The Sheriff is really drunk. "Both of you stop it, right now." 
9:29 - Go Bellamy! Yeah, get sober Sheriff. And fast asshole. 

Commercial Break 

9:33 - "Of...letting go." That's one way to come back from the dead. Jacob is so adorable! 
9:34 - "You're with your family." "We aren't on the best of terms." "Why?" "I don't know." 
9:35 - Maybe a mother's touch will set the Sheriff straight - NOT LIKELY! Off to Chicago, you go, Bellamy. 
9:36 - Oh, you again. Please go away with the Sheriff. "It's not her." "I'll take that ride." 
9:37 - The Sheriff is a dumbass. How many times will I call the Sheriff an ass, an asshole, or dumb sass. He's going to get into so much trouble right now! 
9:38 - Oh, this is creepy. So much trouble! This is so illegal right now. 
9:39 - This is totally wrong. Just stop this right now. Go away, both of you. 
9:40 - Yeah, I knew she wouldn't make it. Oh shit. 
9:41 - Run Bellamy! Run! RUN FAST! AND NOW! Good boy! 

Commercial Break 

9:46 - Jacob is so smart! "I could feel it." "Feel other people?" "They may not understand." Yeah, like 4400 in a way. 
9:47 - "You came everyday, Henry." 
9:48 - "But he was there. Everyday." "You set me up! Why?" 
9:49 - It's not a hoax! "No. Not anymore." "So that's it?" 
9:50 - "You need help." He doesn't need help, idiots! HE NEED ANSWERS! We won't get answers until the season finale, I just know it. Oh, he is going to kill himself? No. Hi mom. 
9:51 - Stopping him in the act. "It's me, Fredrick." Keep slapping him. "Oh, am I?" "Ma." "That's right." 
9:52 - I feel bad for the Sheriff suddenly. But I don't want to be.

Commercial Break

9:56 - TOO MANY COMMERCIALS! DAMMIT! "Everything okay?" "I don't trust anybody." "Call you back."
9:57 - Oh, what happened here? Oh, her! Go away! "Get out!" "Get the hell out of my apartment." "What did you do?" "Calm down. I'm here to talk." I don't trust her! 
9:58 - She's got all the answers, huh? NO! "You want me to be your spy?" He's like Isabelle from 4400. "You don't know." "We didn't know either." 
9:59 - "We'll be in touch." "Save your breath." Great. I hate that woman. I WAS RIGHT! BELLAMY IS A RETURNED!! 
10:00 - Bellamy, shit! This is totally bad but fantastic all the same time!


Once Upon a Time - Premiere - A Tale of Two Sisters (S4, Ep1)

Once Upon A Time
Season Four Premiere
Title: A Tale of Two Sisters 

I'm excited to have Once Upon a Time back! I haven't read anything besides who was playing Elsa, Anna, and the rest of the Frozen cast. So I'm going in blind. Let's the 'storm' begin. 

See what I did there?

Yeah, probably not that funny. Never mind.

8:00 - AND IT BEGINS!! We're on a ship with Anna.
8:01 - Not Anna! Their parents! And there goes the ship, damn. 5 years later. I'm focused. 
8:02 - There's Anna and Elsa. "It's for your wedding." We're going back and forth - oh dammit! 
8:03 - "Storybrook." Poor Regina! And Emma is going after her. "Not now, Swan." "I didn't intend to cause you pain."
8:04 - "Maybe she did." "The worst my life becomes." 
8:05 - "You and the Evil Queen?" I love Charming. "Don't you know who she is." "She can't, she's come too far." 
8:06 - Grumpy. "Sleepy!" And Elsa stopped the car. 

Commercial Break - Elsa looked pissed. 

8:10 - Elsa looked very pissed. And confused. And scared. "It's an attic." 
8:11 - Anna's wedding dress is their mother's. Oh, damn. This girl playing Anna is perfect! "Something new to go with something borrowed."
8:12 - "...for a reindeer." OH ANNA LOOKS BEAUTIFUL! 
8:13 - "It's all my fault!" Aww! Gold and Belle. Oh, shit, really!? Did we have to bring Bae back this way?! I don't want to remember this.
8:14 - "Papa, I'm afraid." I don't want to live through this. Yeah, you are obsessed with power, Gold.
8:15 - Gold, you're pulling at my heartstrings right now. "I promise." 
8:16 - Robin! I love Robin! I need Robin and Regina together, please! I hate this Marian thing. Oh, he does, Regina. 
8:17 - "Was real. Yes." Oh, thank God!! NO!!!!!!!!!! ROBIN YOU ARE RUINING IT!!! SHIT!! I HATE YOU WRITER!!!!!! 
8:18 - HOW MANY GODDAMN TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY NO!!!!!!!! Until a mirror breaks apparently. Oh, shit, Regina's turning back. Ah damn. 
8:19 - Are you telling me Anna's been in the psych ward for years now? Looks like it. NO, NOT THE MIRROR!!! Regina, no. YOU ARE GOOD, REGINA!! 

Commercial Break - Regina... GRR!! YOU WRITERS SUCK!

8:23 - Oh, an old house. 
8:24 - Oh, Gold. What are you doing? I love Belle, so adorable. 
8:25 - I know where we are. We're in Anna and Elsa's house. And look what they are wearing! JUST LIKE BEAUTY AND THE BEAST!! DAMN! These costumes are fantastic. 
8:26 - Look at baby Neal! "Speaking of." 
8:27 - So much for talking, huh? Anna ran in the woods in a wedding dress. Let's hope Kristoff didn't see it. 
8:28 - "They were scared of me. That's why they left." "You are not a monster."
8:29 - "I know it." They found her. Emma, let's not use a gun. 
8:30 - "Oh, that's a new one." Yep, I'm with you on that one, Hook.

Commercial Break - At least they got the snow monster...kinda right... I suppose.

8:33 - "They're practically family." THE TROLLS!! 
8:35 - Oh, now we know why Elsa is looking for Anna. Anna went missing. Emma landed on top of Hook! Way to go, Grumpy. 
8:36 - Oh, Regina! Don't do it! Please don't do it! 
8:37 - "Right." 
8:38 - You are a mirror now. "Now, help me." 
8:39 - I'm so confused with these time jumps! "Exactly." 

Commercial Break 

8:44 - Run away! "Where's Anna?" 
8:45 - "We need more frosting." "I mean, that's a lie." "You're trying to delay me." 
8:46 - Kristoff is so hot! "Some kind of snow monster." 
8:47 - "You can do this." Emma using her magic to piss it off. "Really?!" Good girl, Regina. See, Regina's good, Marian. You blew things out of control.
8:48 - "Maybe I'm not." "Welcome to Storybrook, Marian." 

Commercial Break - Just got a tease of Galavant! DON'T TEASE ME ABC!! 

8:53 - "I don't know what that is." KISS HER!!!!!! EMMA! 
8:54 - "Over Regina?" NO! PLEASE NO!! And a kiss. "Be patient." "Including you." No, Emma you gave Regina an idea. 
8:55 - "And it's always been right." "Find the writer." "It's time to change the book." 
8:56 - Oh, perfect. Villains and happy endings - hasn't worked for Gold yet. Even though he's married to his love. Oh, shit. Gold what are you doing?
8:57 - Something with magic. What is that? Oh, the necklace! 
8:58 - "Are you really saying no to the queen?" "She didn't want me to." Oh, are we going to get an unnecessary love triangle between Elsa, Anna, and Kristoff? 
8:59 - "The Enchanted Forest." I should have known! "Don't worry, Anna, I will find you." 


Monday, September 22, 2014

Sleepy Hollow - Premiere - This Is War (S2, Ep1)

Sleepy Hollow
S2 Premiere
Title: This Is War

I am SO happy to have Sleepy Hollow back, you have no idea! It is SO amazing!! I can't wait to see what happens tonight. Sleepy Hollow was that show I didn't have high expectation for because I know the story of Sleepy Hollow, how could they made it modern? But I fell in love. And it's back!! 

9:00 - SO EXCITED!!!!!! CAN YOU TELL?!?!?!?!?! RECAPPING TIME!! 
9:01 - And we begin!! "Anyone?"
9:02 - "Happy birthday." "I'll consider myself pinked." "Another modern tradition." "Just wish for something good." 
9:03 - I know he's dreaming. Yeah, we're dreaming. 
9:04 - Or are we? I'm confused. And a head is already missing, huh? "The horseman, he's back." "I've been waiting for 200 years." 
9:05 - And another head lost. "I take it you knew Franklin." I love Sleepy Hollow! 
9:06 - We are seeing Ben Franklin this season! Haven't we already discussed that bullets don't work on the horseman? And neither do arrows.
9:08 - Look, Ben Franklin. The what club? 
9:09 - Oh dear. Ben is naked. "Not yet! Not until this key is stuck." What the fuck is going on? 
9:10 - "Indeed." Purgatory, of course. "Wrong! This key can break that rule." Of course. 
9:11 - NO, where's the cool intro? I am so totally confused! "You want to talk to yourself?" I like Abbie. "He's a mastermind, Crane." 
9:12 - "I hate this." So, you prisoned your own son, Crane. Nice. And a...plant? We've made Jeremy/Parrish crazy.
9:13 - Mind explaining, Parrish? 
9:14 - Is there a commercial coming up soon? SEE, HE'S DREAMING!! 
9:15 - SEE!! DREAMS!! DREAMING!! "How'd we capture him?" Oh, good, that was the real Abbie. "Jenny's still alive. We're still in Purgatory." 
9:16 - "I promise!" Come on, Crane! GET FREE!!

Commercial Break - Damn, 16 minutes without a commercial break, that's gotta be a first. 

9:19 - Jenny's alive! Yay! Don't trust him, Jenny! 
9:20 - DON'T LISTEN TO HIM, JENNY! DON'T TELL HIM ANYTHING!! I REPEAT, DON'T! "I can taste your lie." 
9:21 - COME ON, CRANE!! Cell phone, light source. Hi Katrina. And hi horseman. 
9:22 - He's releasing her? And feeding her? Probably not the best idea, Katrina. Yeah, I was right. 
9:23 - Run, Abbie, run! HEY LOOK WHO IT IS!! The guy's name I can't remember. "Have fun in Hell." 
9:24 - What the fuck? "A demon army?" "And none of that recorded. Wonderful!" 
9:25 - And he totally did a Dean Winchester move!

Commercial Break

9:29 - Crane's using his cell phone. And I'm pretty sure Jenny just kicked the guy in the nuts and killed him.
9:30 - Crane found Jenny's route.
9:31 - K'm not sure if I trust him.
9:32 - Ah, Crane found Jenny. And Jenny's shooting people. Since when does Crane know how to drive? "Must learn to drive." 
9:33 - "You did miss my birthday party." "Let's hope so." 

Commercial Break 

9:37 - What? "I see the world regret it." "Himself." Of course. 
9:38 - BATS! In Purgatory! EPIC! 
9:39 - LOOK AT THEM HUG!! "You're alive." "We are survivors. You and I." 
9:40 - "Leave you here? No." I love how he says lieutenant! 
9:41 - "I'll find it." Wow, no time has past. 

Commercial Break - This is what happens when you have a 16 minute intro. 

9:45 - "All about the Benjamins." 
9:46 - Ah, clock tower. HEY, JUST LIKE FROM NATIONAL TREASURE! A shirtless headless horseman, don't see that everyday. 
9:47 - Look, the necklace. It's...glowing. Oh, that's creepy - the necklace held Bram's...head in it? 
9:48 - Don't listen to Bram, Katrina. I was actually wondering if they were going to have her talk at all in the premiere. Another hug. 
9:49 - Go, Crane! Go! GO FIND ABBIE! QUICKLY! "I'm here. Just as I promised." AND ANOTHER ABBIE/CRANE HUG!! 
9:50 - Oh, damn! 

Commercial Break - Damn, I was SO convinced that was Crane! You writers, you know how to get me happy then crush it instantly.

9:53 - Must be hard, fighting yourself. 
9:54 - And off with his head. "How did you know it wasn't me?" 
9:55 - "Now is a good time to leave." A gate? Not good. No, no, it is good. 
9:56 - They are safe and out of Purgatory! And there's Jenny with an Abbie hug! Crane, what's wrong? 
9:57 - Will we see Irving yet? "The Horseman of War is my son." "This is war." Yep, it is war. And nicely done with the title in the words. 
9:58 - What's going on here? 
9:59 - Whatever it is, it's not good. 

See you next week, Sleepyheads! 


Gotham - Series Premiere - Pilot (S1, Ep1)

Series Premiere
Title: Pilot

Tonight's the night, loyal readers, the night all my fall shows come back with a BANG! And first on the list is Gotham. I know little to nothing about the DC world, I'm a Marvel girl, so I'm not up-to date with all the things going on in the DC world. I'm not a fan of Batman or Superman. 

Never been into those superheroes. 

So, what will tonight bring us? We'll see.

8:00 - And it begins, ah, it feels so good to react again. IT BEGINS!! And we meet Catwoman first, huh? 
8:01 - She's a lousy pick-pocket. Damn, she's fast.
8:02 - She's going to witness the murder of Batman's parents. That's a lot of blood for a simple shooting. 
8:03 - You've got a good screaming voice, kid. 
8:04 - And the main character has entered. Damn, you are good, lead. 
8:05 - Since when is that a basic? I guess in the comic-verse, it is. "No rest for the wicked, huh?" 
8:06 - "It makes it your case."
8:07 - The kid playing Bruce is quite a good actor with this crying scene. "There will be light. There will be light, Bruce." 
8:08 - "And shiny shoes." Bet that's important. "Be strong. I promise you, I'll find the guy who did this." 
8:09 - Hey, look, it's the butler. "Good luck, mate." 

Commercial Break - Kinda lackluster title slate. Kinda bored by it... Like I said, I don't know the DC verse. 

8:11 - The lead's partner is an asshole. Go away please.
8:12 - "Damn right, I'm scared." What happened between the cop and the special vic unit?
8:13 - Yeah, the partner can die. "The answer's no." 
8:14 - "She said you had to keep me, huh?" I like the lead. "You'll get used to me." 
8:15 - "How you doin'?" 
8:16 - Uh, does anyone know when this show 'takes place?' Like time period. We've met Fish. 
8:17 - Nope, now we've met the Penguin. 
8:18 - "Yes, my boys are watching a scary movie." 
8:19 - Yep, he's Penguin. GCPD? That's a mouth full, isn't it? "F-Fun." 
8:20 - If looks could kill. 

Commercial Break

8:22 - Who's this? And why do I sense a sex scene coming up?
8:23 - Yeah, I was right - the suit jacket came off. Wow, she's planning ahead quite quickly. 
8:24 - Really, he's not shirtless? But, hell, Gotham is pretty epic looking. 
8:25 - So confused. I think I need some backstory. And we met Poison Ivy. "So it will be a pleasant talk." 
8:26 - That's how you know something's up when the suspect runs. Weird camera angles - WTF? 
8:27 - Careful lead. The lead sucks at fighting. "Thanks." That is so illegal now. 

Commercial Break 

8:30 - Hey look, a gun. And the pearls. 
8:31 - I knew I didn't like those guys. Sure it did, Penguin. "That's beside the point." 
8:32 - That's Catwoman again. "You kept your promise. Thank you." 
8:33 - This won't end well. 
8:34 - "Yes, thank you, I know him." "Like I know you." What did that mean? "No." 
8:35 - Assholes. "Bastards." 
8:36 - "Why?" "To cover up the real killer." 
8:37 - "We killed him." A bullet wound to the shoulder killed him? Really? "Forget about it." 
8:38 - "I'm afraid he might lie." "He might." "You just did." "You'll have to wait and see." "I hate surprises." Well, Fish, you've got some skills. 
8:39 - You, asshole, you lied to his fiancé. You are in on all of this, aren't you, partner

Commercial Break - I'm not really into Gotham, you guys. Not really my scene, I guess. 

8:43 - Yeah, I'm happy I'm a vegetarian. 
8:44 - "That's what everybody says." Okay, so we have cell phones - so, late 90s, early 2000s. 
8:45 - "Cops." "I like you, you're funny." 
8:46 - "I feel this way, also." 
8:47 - Yeah, I'm done after tonight. "My little Penguin." "Thanks for trying to help." 
8:48 - Oh joy. But someone's to the rescue. Who are you? "She has to ask permission."

Commercial Break

8:50 - "Friendship?" 
8:51 - "Blood doesn't lie." 
8:52 - I hate businessmen, especially when it comes to organized crime. "Just like your father." 
8:53 - No duh. 
8:54 - Don't kill Penguin, he's like the only character I like and have sympathy for. Poor Penguin. He going to fire a bullet as a decoy.
8:55 - "I'll be your slave for life." "I'm clever that way." "I can be a spy." Good pretending on your part, Penguin. But he'll be back. 
8:56 - Oh, are we going to the Waynes mansion? And it looks like Bruce is going to kill himself. But stops himself. 
8:57 - "He was framed." "I'm sorry." "Don't be." 
8:58 - "I can only do that from the inside." "Your call?" That's his way of saying yes, lead actor. Hello again Catwoman. 
8:59 - He's back. And he just murdered someone, for food. Well, that's Penguin for you.


Friday, September 12, 2014


Ever feel like you lost your chance at a second chance? Well, I just did. 

I happened to be thinking about a novel I've been trying to write, and I needed inspiration, and my inspiration is gone. He's gone - his FaceBook's been dis-activated. It shouldn't make me upset but, it does, because he was my old friend. 

And I missed my chance. 

I missed my chance at friendship.

I missed my chance on realizing I was finally over him, but I'm not. And I don't think I'll ever be. 

I missed my chance at a second chance. 

All those fantasies were worthless, huh? I can't believe I actually thought I'd get past my autism and ask my old friend how he was or if he happy. I don't even think he realized who I was. So much for Best Friend Forever, huh, Caleb? 

That was thrown out the window when you moved without informing me! You, he, should have told me. Then I wouldn't have been so broken hearted. Bet he was afraid to tell me, bet he didn't want to see my reactions. Well, Caleb, you should have seen my reaction when I was told you moved - it broke me that day. I was broken and upset. Thanks. 

Life just fucking sucks. 

One depressing thing after enough. Can't I catch a damn break? 

Guess not. 

Thursday, September 04, 2014

September and October Reaction Schedule!!!

It is now September the 4th - my mom has her first officially day of school with the students, and it's time to bring back my reactions. If you see above, I've created a banner to show I'm ready to start back up again! 

It's time to bring out the schedule, what to expect this 2014-2015 season! 

It will start:

September 22nd with Gotham and Sleepy Hollow at 8 and 9. I will be doing Sleepy Hollow each week, mainly because I FUCKING LOVE SLEEPY HOLLOW! And you'll get to see my first reactions to Gotham in a multi-verse that I have no business to be in since I'm not a big fan of the Batman franchise, but it caught my interest. It won't be every week because it is opposite The Originals. 

September 28th with Once Upon a Time and Resurrection at 8 and 9. My Sundays have been very...boring without something to watch. So, OUAT with almost likely be every week, depending on what is going on with the Frozen theme this half of the season. Resurrection will be every week - my guilty pleasure and I can't wait to see what happens with Bellamy and Jacob at the end of last season. 

October 2nd with Vampire Diaries and Gracepoint at 8 and 9. See a trend yet? Vampire Diaries will most likely be every episodes but just like OUAT, it will depend on the episode. Gracepoint is a new show (still have to watch Broachchurch first) and I'm very interested. Since it is only 10 episodes, I'll most likely react to each episode. 

October 6th with The Originals at 8. Same with Vampire Diaries, it depends. I'm interested in seeing what will be happening this season. 

October 7th with The Flash and Supernatural at 8 and 9. Now, The Flash is only getting a one episode reaction - the pilot, because I'm not totally interested in the Flash. So, it will be getting the first reaction and that's about it. I don't have high hopes for The Flash. Supernatural will be every damn week, okay! It's the 10th season, it could be the last - part me says, please be the last season but the other part is like, NO! - so, I'll be reaction to every Demon!Dean moment! 

October 8th with Arrow at 8. Most likely with every episode, again like OUAT, VD, and TO. Depends. 

October 22nd with The 100 at 9. I hope to react to every episode - after last season, I kinda regretted not reacting to The 100 more than I actually did. I want to do every week but it will depend on how much I write in one week. I'm already clocking up the posts. 

Before September even ends I'll be up to 200 posts. 

So, see you guys soon with reactions - it's going to be a fun year!
