Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Supernatural - Season Finale - Do You Believe in Miracles (S9, Ep23)

Supernatural - Do You Believe in Miracles

Another show that was pre-empted because of baseball but I guess it was good that I watch it now. I've been avoiding spoilers like a hawk. Just one warning, it is 8 in the morning, getting close to nine as I type this so, if I seem a little different that normal - I haven't had my morning tea and I need that caffeine apparently. 

Let's get on with the show!

  • Recapping time! 
  • NOW! 
  • Well, Gadreel isn't dead. And Dean is pissed. 
  • They just locked Dean up in the same room Crowley was in. 
  • Gadreel's gone and Dean's coughing up blood. Never a good combination. 
  • And the ROLL TITLE CARD!! 
  • "God?" "Just a second." Really, Metatron? "Sorta like the Notebook."
  • Which one makes you look more pathetic? 
  • At least the writers on Supernatural have humor about People's Choice Award. Probably a tiny slam against Beauty and the Beast winning. 
  • "Don't do that." 
  • Did Gadreel really take the Impala. Don't let Dean know that. 
  • "And it will be glorious."
  • Good to see how it actually works. The mystery is solved! 
  • Crowley is getting a back massage. Like he's that tense. 
  • "It's a Winchester." Yep, and it's Dean. 
  • "I can't turn it off." "It's the mark."
  • "So...dead?" 
  • "What if I got rid of it?" "You want to get rid of it?" 
  • "What's that smell?" "Sulfur." 
  • "Are you sure it was Crowley?" When isn't it Crowley? 
  • So Metatron has the Angel Tablet and using it for evil. Why am I not surprised? 
  • "Coffee, black." "Are you serious?" Crowley, just let Dean do his thing. You want something from him, I can just tell. 
  • "Would you like a stuffed bear?" Oh my God! 
  • "Game of Thrones is complicated. Shower sex is complicated. Hell isn't complicated." 
  • "What he whisper in her ear?" "Exactly." This is Cass all over again. 
  • "Not hungry." Oh, that's not good. 
  • Sometimes angels are really stupid. They really fell for that? 
  • "I'm gonna take my shot." Why did Crowley look a little scared? 
  • Metatron's next stop.
  • "I guess I was Winchestered." 
  • That plan worked so well. 
  • Wow. People are so dumb. And the people are harming the angel. Well, shit. 
  • "You good?" "Yeah, I'm good." 
  • "You ready to gut this bitch?" 
  • "Well, here I am." "Is he now?" 
  • Oh, fuck. Gabreel! 
  • "Do you believe him now?" Well, she better.
  • "So I'm a fake?"
  • God, Dean looks so damn hot! 
  • Well Metatron looks a little scared. 
  • Let's just piss off Dean Winchester. 
  • Let's just kill Metatron. Come on Dean! Kill him! 
  • Yeah, that's not gonna happen Metatron. 
  • Sam to the rescue! Maybe...
  • The Word of God is dead. 
  • "To save Dean Winchester. That was your goal, right?" "He's dead too." Oh, shit! CASTIEL!
  • "You will never get away with this." 
  • "I lied."
  • "But you did." GOOD BOY CASTIEL!! 
  • "I'm proud of us." 
  • "I never was. I just want to be an angel." 
  • Is Sam going to drink himself silly? And I didn't like the expression on Castiel's face. 
  • Question: Why did that sound like a happy song? And now I wanted to watch Eureka again. 
  • Are you sure about that Crowley? "I never lied. I never lied, Dean. That's important."
  • Forgotten to tell him? 
  • "He died. Except, as rumor has it, the mark never quite let go." 
  • "Maybe miracles do come true. Listen to me, Dean Winchester, what you are feeling right now. It's not death, its life. A new kinda life. Open your eyes, Dean. See what I see. Feel what I feel. And let's go take a howl at that moon."
All honestly guys, I really didn't like the finale as much as I would have liked. I was hoping for something better or something cooler, but I just didn't like it. My caps on the last bullet point aren't for shock, they are more for 'ARE YOU ACTUALLY FUCKING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?!?!'.

I'm sorry, I just didn't enjoy it.


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Elementary School Generation

My mom came home from work yesterday, upset. I could hear it in her voice. I didn't ask because I knew she'd tell me when she decided to. When I found out what was said I wanted to go up to that little girl and shake her until she got to her senses! Even if she had them. 

Some little 5th grade girl (who probably thinks she's everything) called my mom ugly because my mom didn't have her scarf/hat/bandana thing on her head. My mom has been going through...well, I would say chemo theory, but I'm not quite sure anymore. But she was just getting comfortable without wearing the scarf at home and wanted to try and see what happened. 

I wanted to do something but I knew in my heart I wouldn't. 

This generation of students in my elementary school have giant chips on their shoulders, acting like they are all high and mighty when they aren't. They are just little morons. 

My mom has a heart problem and another issue, I don't really know or understand. But calling my mom ugly behind her back was uncalled for. I wish I knew who the student was and ask her why she called my mom ugly. I bet the little girl just thinks that short hair is ugly but it really hurt my mom. 

I am so glad I'm out of school. I would have punched the crap out of her.


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Vampire Diaries - Season Finale - Home (S5, Ep22)

Vampire Diaries - Home

We've been officially picked up for a season six! Joy. I'm not sure how much more I can take with the Vampire Diaries. I love it but I hate it at the same time. 

Wonder who's going to die tonight?

8:00 - RECAPPING TIME!! YAY! Actually a finale I can watch live! 
8:01 - Caroline is crying, no. I really want Stefan and Caroline together. Caroline wants Stefan back. HOLD ON STEFAN!!
8:02 - HOLD ON PLEASE!!! LEXI?! "I think you owe me a beer." WHERE DID LEXI COME FROM?! 
8:03 - "You think I want to die?" "My brother is gone!" "I know that." "So is Alaric. And so is your Grams." 
8:04 - "Something tells me they did." "Jerks." 
8:05 - "Stefan's already dead." "Think you can risk it now." Well, damn Care.
8:06 - "You think I'm afraid of vampires?" 
8:07 - Tyler/Julian is going to die. I just know it and I'll be happy. 
8:08 - And Tyler/Julian is dead. 

Commercial Break - 30 Seconds to Mars and Arrow/The Flash! OMG!! 

8:12 - And Bonnie sees Tyler dead. 
8:13 - "And the list keeps growing." Thinking the same thing, Enzo. "Do I have a choice?"
8:14 - Crazy-locks. HAHA "We are not blowing up our town."
8:15 - "Good? Good?" 
8:16 - LEXI SEES IT!! AH!! YAY!! 
8:17 - Bonnie won't be fine. "Apparently you suck at." SILAS?! 


8:22 - "Why didn't you?" They've mentioned Alaric a lot. PLEASE TELL ME HE'S COMING BACK!!
8:23 - Let's just lie to Elena. Perfect.
8:24 - Matt, Mystic Falls will never be the same. Apparently the Travelers like to drink and party. 
8:25 - Liz, don't! Don't! 
8:26 - "Wait you?" NO! I'M WITH ELENA ON THIS ONE!! "Do you see a future with me?" 
8:27 - "I promise." YAY! A DELENA KISS. "I promise you." That's a loaded promise.

Commercial Break

8:30 - "But Silas is a crappy mentor." 
8:31 - And fast. Silas is gone. 
8:32 - Liv, this will be the only time I say this, so COME ON!! GO, GO, GO, GO, GO!
8:33 - Bonnie is going to die. I just know it. "No, I'm staying here." 
8:34 - What does that mean? "I found peace." "I love you Bonnie. You stay strong." 
8:35 - Grams is going into the light. "Or, your up to something." WAY TO GO LIZ!! 
8:36 - Liz isn't going to make it out alive. Damon...well look there. Elena is going with you. 
8:37 - "I'm all in." 

Commercial Break 

8:42 - "Damon...." "I know, I know." 
8:43 - Come on Liv. 
8:44 - ALARIC!!! WHY DO YOU LOOK LIKE THAT?! Alaric, please don't be evil Alaric!
8:45 - Liz. "Good to see you too, buddy." "Damon isn't here yet." 
8:46 - Liv wants to die now. And Enzo is alive. And Tyler. So much for Tyler staying dead. 
8:47 - "That felt different." TYLER'S HUMAN! "No, I'm not leaving without him." 
8:48 - Bonnie! "STEFEN!" "This isn't happening." 
8:49 - "This is killing you, isn't it?" Bye-bye. Lexi's got a point. Lexi crossed over to the other side. 
8:50 - WAS THAT ALARIC? YES THAT WAS ALARIC!! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! "Well, would you look at that."

Commercial Break

8:53 - Liv and her brother are gone. "Damon's on the other side." "It's too late." 
8:55 - I have a lump in my throat, I'm not going to cry. STOP WITH THE SAD MUSIC RIGHT NOW!! STOP IT!! "Damon don't leave me." 
8:56 - I'm actually going to cry right now. "I love you, Elena." GOD!!
8:57 - "Please come back to me." 
8:58 - "Take care of Elena." "I love you." SO HAPPY TO HAVE ALARIC BACK!!! "He's gone." 
8:59 - And there goes Bonnie Bennett. DAMON DO NOT GO WITH ME!! PLEASE DON'T GO WITH HER!! NO!! OH MY GOD!! 
9:00 - "Do you think it will hurt?" "I don't know." 

HOLY SHIT GUYS!! THAT WAS THE WORST CLIFFHANGER THIS FINALE WEEK EVER!! My brain isn't functioning at the moment, it's tough for me to type this. I'm literally about to burst into tears right now. I don't cry over TV shows. I don't. I've never cried over Vampire Diaries before. 



PS: Hi, I just wanted to clarify that I meant the best cliffhanger but at the time it was the worst. Like emotionally standards. So, yes it was the worst cliffhanger to leave us on but it was the best because we obviously know that Ian can't leave Vampire Diaries. He's a main character and if they want to show to continue, Ian needs to be on it or else they will be losing a shitload of fans.

Arrow - Season Finale - Unthinkable (S2, Ep23)

Arrow - Unthinkable

We've been picked up for a season three! YAY!

What could possibly happen? I haven't seen many spoilers so I'll be shocked. 

On with the show. RECAPPING, as always.
  • Before I get started on today's reaction, I'd like to inform you that John Barrowman AKA Malcolm Merlyn is going to be a series regular next season on Arrow! AH! I'M SO HAPPY FOR JOHN AND SO EXCITED FOR NEXT SEASON!! 
  • So, Roy hasn't woken up yet. And we know he does by the promo for this episode. 
  • Well, I don't think that old hideout is safe anymore. 
  • That's one way to find out that you don't have the venom inside you anymore. Have Roy punch someone and see his reaction. 
  • Let's just grab Felicity and go across the zip line.
  • Well, that hideout is now destroyed. 
  • Starling City will never be the same. 
  • "What the hell happened?" I'm wondering the same thing. Their workshop is destroyed as well. 
  • Thea ACTUALLY shot Malcolm? And yet she got him but didn't kill him.
  • "I'm glad you did." 
  • Well, that was slightly depressing. 
  • "I won't, I promise." Said by Laurel about twenty-million times already. 
  • "You were out...the whole time." You suck at lying Felicity. 
  • Well, shit. And Sara is siding with this girl.
  • "You're going back?"
  • Oh, Sara doesn't love Oliver. 
  • Listen to your father, Thea.
  • And she won't miss, Malcolm. 
  • "We didn't come alone." They never come alone, Slade. 
  • Well, there goes Isabel. 
  • And more flashbacks. Am I the only one tired of flashbacks? 
  • Why is Oliver using his voice with Laurel's dad? He doesn't need it. He already knows who The Arrow is. 
  • Well, that was nice to say. 
  • "I have to kill him." 
  • Can't Oliver and Felicity kiss already?! 
  • "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything." 
  • No, you are not done, Roy. Too bad Thea doesn't care for you anymore. 
  • "I'm never losing you again."And the kiss and Roy gets a text from Oliver. 
  • "Do you trust me?" "Yes." "I love you." But she didn't say it back. 
  • "I love you." "Do you understand?" "Yes." 
  • What does Dig's ex-girlfriend have to say to him? "I love you, you know that right?" 
  • Here goes the epic fight scene! 
  • "Yeah, sure. Take the fun out of it." 
  • And more flashbacks. Joy. 
  • Uh, oh. Uh, Thea found Roy's stash of arrows. 
  • Uh, oh. Guess Dig's ex-girlfriend or girlfriend is preggers! 
  • "You are done when I say I'm done." "Felicity." OH HOLY SHIT!! OLIVER SHE WAS SAFER WITH YOU! 
  • "Drop the bow, kid." Where's Laurel? There she is. 
  • Not this shit again. 
  • "By killing the woman I love?" 
  • Flashback time again. 
  • Come on, Ollie! Come on, Ollie! 
  • Oliver, you can do it! Please! 
  • Well, now we know how he lost his eye. 
  • "Either way, I win." 
  • "Well, here's hoping." 
  • So many 'I love you's! Well, well, well... Is Laurel going to be something next season? Of course it fits, Laurel. 
  • Well, Thea Merlyn is a bitch. 
  • Poor Roy. 
  • "You helped me become a hero, Slade. Thank you." 
  • "Because you are in purgatory." 
  • Oh, he's on the island. Perfect place for him actually. 
  • "I had help." You had everyone fooled, Oliver. 
  • "We both did." 
  • HE KNEW AMANDA?!?! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?! How'd he get to Hong Kong? 

Schedule 2014/15

These will be all the shows I'm planning on checking out for the 14/15 show season. It should be a fun day! The upfronts started today with NBC, so I have the fall schedule but not midseason. I need the midseason to come out soon so I can know what I'm planning on watching then too.

I get all my information from I love that! 

I might even give up watching Vampire Diaries if I have to, just in case. I'm getting tired of Vampire Diaries anyway. 

The CW
The Messengers (most likely midseason)
iZombie (planning on watching the first episode because it's Rob Thomas)
The Flash (just watching because I love Arrow)

Gracepoint (need to watch British version first)
Gotham (planning on checking it out even if I don't like Batman)
Hieroglyph (it's Egypt, I'll watching anything Egypt related)
Wayward Pines (looks interesting)

Constantine (planning on checking it out)
Emerald City (most likely midseason)

12 Monkeys (2015)
Olympus (2015)

DIG or Dig (2015?)

The Whispers (seems too much like V to me so, duh, I'll watch it)
Galavant (Its got Tim from Psych on it, DUH, I'll watch it)
Agent Carter (its Marvel, duh)

The Librarians (I love the movies so yeah, watching the show)

So, schedule so far: (with previously watched shows) 
** I will be updating this every day until Upfronts are over!! **
** This schedule is just for FALL, not MIDSEASON!! **

** FOX has now given out their Upfronts! **
** ABC has now given out their FALL schedule! **
** CBS **
** And lastly the CW **

Monday: Dancing with the Stars - 8-10, The Originals - 8, Gotham - 8, Sleepy Hollow - 9, Castle - 10

Tuesday: The Flash - 8, Supernatural - 9, Agents of SHIELD - 9, Agent Carter - 9 (AC will be during the winter, AOS is doing a OUAT with a split season), Person of Interest - 10

Wednesday: Arrow - 8, The 100 - 9

Thursday: The Big Bang Theory - 8-8:30 (now this is going to be on Mondays in the beginning because of football but on October 30th, it will be back on Thursdays), Vampire Diaries, - 8, Gracepoint - 9, Elementary - 10

Friday: Whose Line Is It Anyway? - 8-8:30, Grimm - 9, Constantine - 10

Saturday: NOTHING?! :( I hope Atlantis comes back fast! I need my Most Powerful Night of the week back! 

Sunday: Galavant - 8-8:30 (winter like Agent Carter), Once Upon a Time - 8, Resurrection - 9

So, that's everything guys! That's all the channels that matter at the moment. Midseason, I'll let you know then too. 

But for now, I'll see you later with an Arrow reaction and tonight with a Vampire Diaries proper reaction! 


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Supernatural - Stairway to Heaven (S9, Ep22)

Supernatural - Stairway to Heaven

Second to last episode of Season Nine! NO! This is going to hurt! I'm not ready for Carry On yet!! 

Here goes nothing. Recapping last week's episode.
  • Well, one angel down
  • Oh, Dean! That was perfect! 
  • And we're fighting about the blade. Again.
  • Sam's got a fucking point, Dean.
  • "No problem." "Thank you." 
  • "Wow." Cass and his subtly. 
  • Hi Metatron. "I gave you a second." "You are such an...angel sometimes." 
  • "I serve Heaven. I serve you." I'm thinking that a lie. 
  • That Cass-lovefest line must have been the writers and the showrunner. Let's try and kill Cass off as many times as we can before the fans rage at them. 
  • Gadreel gives Metatron a odd look. "I made God laugh. Twice."
  • "It's not that, is it?" "Shut up!" 
  • Well, that ain't good. "I do this for Castiel!" I don't think Cass really wanted those kinds of followers. 
  • "What the hell was that?" "I'm gonna be sick." 
  • Dean, stop being such a dick to Castiel right now. He didn't know. You are being unreasonable. 
  • "No." 
  • "Because you don't trust me." "To help." 
  • Fuck yeah. 
  • "Sam, you don't, do you?" 
  • Bowling? Really, Metatron? "It's boring." 
  • "Wait, you're turning me down because of...bowling?" "I hate your face." 
  • "A nerd." He called him a nerd! 
  • "Yes." "Now, please." 
  • "You see me laughing?" "Welcome to the club." 
  • DEAN WINCHESTER! OH SHIT!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! Why is Tessa friends with that angel? 
  • "I don't got this." 
  • He lost! Oh, damn. 
  • That's a new trick, Cass! TEACH ME! 
  • Wow. "Because seven ate nine." "Wait, you know about the Lord and the Rings?" "I'm very pop culture savvy now." 
  • "Brother's a psycho, Sam!" "Oh stop." 
  • "Oh, and you're done." When did Tessa become an angel?
  • Yeah, Castiel has a colt. 
  • Movie references. 
  • WHEN DID TESSA BECOME AN ANGEL?! "Do you think she's telling the truth?" 
  • "Seriously?" 
  • "The hell?" We've found your angel. Yes, please put him- Or not.
  • What screaming? Well, damn, Tessa. 
  • "But doesn't he though?" "That would ruin all the fun."
  • DEAN YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO LEAVE THAT AT HOME!! "Welcome to the club." TESSA JUST KILLED HERSELF WITH THE FIRST BLADE! And Dean feels something even if she did it herself. 
  • "Is anyone ever?"
  • Maybe?! Oh, God! PLEASE SOMEONE KILL HIM! 
  • Well, damn. NO!! DO NOT TELL ME THAT!!!!! 
  • "Punish him." "You can all go to Hell." 
  • Good boy, Castiel. 
  • Hey, Gadreel has a brain after all. 
  • "And I always win." 
  • Yeah, I don't like it. I hope?
  • Why should I believe Dean right now?
  • Dean, no. Please don't! I already know! Please! He's coming to you three for a reason! He wants to help! 


The Originals - Season Finale - From a Cradle to a Grave (S1, Ep22)

The Originals - From a Cradle to a Grave

The Originals has been renewed for a season two! Yay! So, I am watching The Originals and Supernatural on the CW's TV Now player. It won't be a true reaction, I'll just be pointing out the important things that have happened in last night's episode. 

Stupid Baseball that was over until after 11 o'clock.

On with the show! We are currently recapping the last episode. :) 

  • So, is Hayley just hallucinating this right now? "Don't tell me its me." 
  • Yep, she's hallucinating if she's allowing Klaus to touch her stomach. This is slightly odd but cute at the same time. I don't think that's even possible. 
  • In Hayley hallucinating, does she like Klaus?
  • "Let go of me, you bitch!" I'd probably say the same thing if I was in pre-term labor surrounded by witches. 
  • Oh, Klaus is beyond PISSED! Did you see that head being ripped off? 
  • Well, look at all those vampires with werewolf bites. How many people die tonight? I don't think SpoilerTV had the stats yet. 
  • "Oh...kay, I am hallucinating." I would think the same thing when you see blood being picked up from everywhere. Wow, Klaus lost a lot of blood. 
  • And Hayley just had her baby. And it is a girl. So, Hayley was right. 
  • "Please. Please, can I hold her?" At least the witch gave you a short time with your daughter, Hayley. 
  • WHAT DID I JUST WATCH?!?! I can't even process that! Thankfully there are 'commercials' on TV Now. I need a little time to process that. How many commercials are on TV Now? This is annoying now - its like an actual episode on TV. 
  • You are too late Elijah. Oh, he's hallucinating too? These werewolves know how to bite, don't they?
  • Oh...kay, maybe not. "She's gone." 
  • Klaus is crying, Elijah's crying. MY GOD! 
  • Elijah, drink Klaus' blood! DRINK YOU, YOU not-really-a BASTARD! 
  • "Save your friend." THANK YOU FOR SAVING JOSH! 
  • "One point for you. And one point for Niklaus." Oh, Mikael you bastard. 
  • "We can save her." Please save the baby! But all I ask is that you don't name the bay Hayley. One Hayley was enough.
  • IT'S A MAZE?! And no one knew about it?!
  • How can people NOT know that the tombs were a maze? Guess no one really paid much attention to it until now. 
  • Well, hot damn Cami. You do have an arsenal. 
  • And now I know why I don't like Hayley anymore. Elijah let her in. 
  • Wait, why isn't Hayley dead? Why doesn't she have her throat cut open? WHY?!
  • For a woman who just gave birth, she has no baby bump and gets vengeance rather quickly. 
  • Why are teen witches thinking they so knowledgable? 
  • "I do now." Well, Davina, someone's getting on my 'I don't like you anymore' list. 
  • Oh, let's not make Hayley a hybrid. "I don't care about me. Let's go find our daughter." 
  • Davina? Mikael? Hayley on a mission. 
  • Sorry, I got super distracted by the amount of fighting and witchery going on. Oh, and Mikael's alive. 
  • GO MARCEL! And he took the baby. 
  • Now we're apologizing? 
  • OH MY GOD!! Klaus is being a daddy! 
  • Well, oh shit. Mikael was just holding a white oak stake. 
  • Klaus knows something's up. 
  • Well, Davina is more powerful than I think we realized.
  • "Tell Klaus I'm sorry." "I'm not." GO HAYLEY!! Elijah might want to rethink his attraction to our newest Hybrid. 
  • Love how Klaus and Elijah just casually forget that Hayley is a Hybrid as soon as she drinks some of the baby's blood. She's got vampire hearing idiots. 
  • Werewolves are taking over. 
  • Let's just pretend Baby Mikaelson is dead. Perfect plan! 
  • Now, let's everyone pretend to be sad over the 'fake' death. 
  • Poor Cami. She really likes Klaus. 
  • Klaus' little speech to his daughter is so sweet and so sad. OH MY GOD!! 
  • Klaus made her a toy! OH MY GOD! 
  • "What's her name?" "Hope. Her name is Hope." 
Can't we just have Esther stay dead?! I hated the first time we met her. I don't like her. Wait, were they supposed to be Esther and FINN?!?!


Monday, May 12, 2014

Star-Crossed - Series Finale - Passion Lends Them Power (S1, Ep13)

Star-Crossed - Passion Lends Them Power

It's official that Star-Crossed has been cancelled. I'm not that upset by it. It was more of a 'I watch it when nothing else is on' so, not too bother or upset. I am more upset about The Crazy Ones being cancelled than anything. 

But thankfully, only two of my shows got cancelled this season! 

8:00 - Here's goes the finale episode of Star-Crossed. I don't know how much I'll be reacting too. I know there's going to be a cliffhanger, I just know it. There's always a cliffhanger when it comes to cancelled shows. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Recapping! 
8:01 - Still recapping until Emery finds him. 
8:02 - Roman can't die. And I know he doesn't. I saw a clip where he's completely healed.
8:03 - "What are we doing?" "Its good luck." "Its good luck." 
8:04 - "With my first-ever boyfriend." "Hopefully not seeing at this table." 
8:05 - "I have no idea." "Sound like a peach cobbler to you?" Their gang has gotten SO big now. Let's just add two more people to the mix. 
8:06 - "Roman is dead." Roman isn't dead, Teri. 
8:07 - "Roman's alive?" "I'm coming with you." ROLL TITLE CARD. Welcome back to the land of the living, Grayson.
8:08 - Do your stuff, Teri. And fast! "We've done everything we can."
8:09 - I just love how the aliens are able to go free as they please now. And they found the bomb, dammit. 

Commercial Break 

8:12 - Yes, they do. Sorry. 
8:13 - "Who's the father?" "I know, okay?" 
8:14 - "What are you doing here?" "Saving your life, stupid." "Thank you." 
8:15 - "A healer." That's a good hello. "Thanks Teri." 
8:16 - Sorry, paying attention to Dancing right now. 
8:17 - Let's hope they use protection. 
8:18 - I'd like to point out that the CW have been taking risks with their sex scenes. Like showing the actresses getting the bras taken off.

Commercial Break

8:24 - Cool. "Anything?" Of course she's working with the police. 
8:25 - Thank you for all the Roman shirtless scenes right now. 
8:26 - Nice camera angle there. When did Roman have time to put on his boxers? Teri telling someone. 
8:27 - Taylor have the damn baby. 
8:28 - Roman don't wander off. We've learned from before never to wander off. "Dad?" DAD?!

Commercial Break 

8:31 - Please tell me Roman is- He is. 
8:32 - That's just nice. Isn't it?
8:33 - He's got big ears. "Roman, this is your half brother." About time he found out. 
8:34 - Emery run! RUN! Grayson, what are you doing? RUN!!!! 
8:35 - "Because of Roman?" "Still do." 
8:36 - Wow, Roman being a good big brother for a kid he barely knows. 
8:37 - Oh, she won't be happy. 
8:38 - Let's be mad. You should have killed her when you had the chance.

Commercial Break 

8:44 - "Thanks to Grayson." 
8:45 - Oh shit.
8:46 - Oh damn! Go Taylor! We are turning the machine on early. 
8:47 - Taylor is safe. A vacuum clean? That's a new one. 
8:48 - Well, damn Derek. 
8:49 - Well damn. You aren't done yet. 
8:50 - Emery?

Commercial Break

8:53 - "It was me." "My father?" Who's her father? 
8:54 - That's one way to start a fire. "Cover me." 
8:55 - Yay, they kissed. Come on, guys. Come on! See, this is what I'm saying. I don't like this show that much and I don't want it to end. 
8:56 - 15 seconds! Come on- GRAYSON!! And she's dead too. COME ON, ROMAN!! THANK GOD! 
8:58 - WAS THAT TAYLOR?!?! NO! Holy fuck! What the fuck just happened?! Oh fuck! This is bad! This is really bad!!
8:59 - Oh, shit! The rest of the aliens?! That's a lot of aliens. 

Ah shit. 


Finale Reactions

I would just like to warn you that I may be a little late on a couple of finales. And by a couple, I mean the ones that are being preempted. Because of baseball! BASEBALL!!! CAN'T THEY FUCKING WAIT?!?! FINALES ARE BIG DEALS!! 



So, The Originals, Arrows, and Supernatural will be at a later date. 

You guys have no idea how fucking pissed off I am. Well, maybe you can. 


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Once Upon a Time - 2hr Season Finale - Snow Drift and There's No Place Like Home (S3, Ep 21&22)

Once Upon a Time - Snow Drift and There's No Place Like Home

Officially been renewed for a season four! YAY!

Tonight is the 2 hour season finale and I have no idea what will happen in tonight's episodes. Something big to lead them into next season. I also know that the Knive or something from OUAT in Wonderland has been added to tonight's episode and I think a regular to next season! 

Wait, are we going back to Wonderland?! Emma gets sucked into a portal with Hook, right? I'm not making this up! Are we going to Wonderland by the end of tonight's episode?! 

8:00 - Here we go, Oncers. Recapping! YOU AREN'T GOING TO NEW YORK EMMA!! 
8:01 - Oh, Emma's watching someone take a kid home. That's kinda sad - more like really sad. 
8:02 - Cute Emma. Let's just hide Snow's bump. Oh, Emma. 
8:03 - OMG!! SO CUTE!! ROBIN AND REGINA!!! Those feelings right now. No, what's wrong? Tell him what Tink said. Just tell him! 
8:04 - Telling stories to each other, awww! THANK YOU GOD!! THANK YOU FOR TELLING HIM!! "It was me?" "Yes." "It's all about timing."
8:05 - This show is terrible on timing! So terrible. "And this doesn't qualify? 
8:06 - Don't trust him, Belle. For now. Is Belle really such an idiot? 
8:07 - RUDY!! "Which healed." Oh, Katherine. Damn, didn't know she would be in tonight's episode. 
8:08 - "Like mother, like daughter." "Right, Miss Swan?" Please, Hook, convince her! 
8:09 - "What is that?" "That is a problem." "Its open." 

Commercial Break 

8:13 - How did no one see that before? "Unless you did something to her." "Wonderful." 
8:14 - They ACTUALLY believed that? It's an important call Emma, answer it. Please! 
8:15 - "And that was in New York?" 
8:16 - "You could be." Aww, look at Hook's face, Emma. Please! "What the hell is that?" If you asked your dad's call, you would have been notified.
8:17 - EMMA! HOOK! EMMA!! That's never gonna happen, Hook. 
8:18 - "I have a pretty good idea." 

Commercial Break

8:22 - "Not where. When." 
8:23 - That was odd, trying to explain pop culture to Hook. Evil Regina, YES! 
8:24 - MARCO AND AUGUST!! AH!! Hey, at least Hook's got common sense. 
8:25 - Someone's eying her breasts. 
8:26 - HEY! I remember this! Not the queen but her father and his fiancée. 
8:27 - Oops! Ah damn. Way to go Emma! 
8:28 - You just changed time, Emma. WAY TO FUCKING GO!! 

Commercial Break 

8:32 - She sounds so interested in the house. Black Beard? 
8:33 - Damn, let's just kill Hook. Haha PLEASE DON'T! 
8:34 - "You will." "Yes."
8:35 - Good idea. "You've changed things. What have you done?" That's the perfect look, Gold. 
8:36 - Rumple is too cool. 
8:37 - "The ripple effect." "Allow me." 
8:38 - "Now, go undo it." "Me."

Commercial Break - Just talk to your past-self Hook. Perfect idea.

8:42 - "There I am." He's jealous of himself? Only in Storybrook.
8:43 - Hook, this is going to backfire so badly. 
8:44 - "What fun would that be?" She knows the way to Hook's heart. 
8:45 - Go Emma! "Can't hold your rum?" 
8:46 - Uh, oh. "His ship." Oh, Hook is going to be so pissed! 
8:47 - He just punched himself!! 

Commercial Break

8:51 - Rumple is too cool! He's being a fairy-god mother? 
8:52 - Interesting. "I am...uh... Prince..." 
8:53 - Charles and Lela? HAHAHAHAHA "You were saying?" "Blend in." 
8:54 - Come on, Snow. You can do it! Get the damn ring and fast! "All you can say is I told you so?" 
8:55 - "My hero." Come on, Snow!! And here's the Evil Queen. 
8:56 - "You're a girl?" "You're Snow White!" 
8:57 - Go Snow. Go! "Mission accomplished." 
8:58 - Not really. Oh, shit. Emma! "Take her away." 
8:59 - Oops. And episode two starts now! There's Emma with Neal. 
9:00 - The swing chair ride! "So, what's your story, Neal?" 
9:01 - "It's my father." "It was home, it was nice." "You just miss it." And now Emma is magically changed. 
9:02 - "I knew where Snow White was hiding." "Same as you."
9:03 - You better get out of there, Emma. And fast. "Don't care. Charming suits you." 
9:04 - "Prince Charles." 
9:05 - Oh, how I forgot how much I loved Snow in the beginning.

Commercial Break

9:09 - Off we go. "Fairy dust." "Did you?" "Yes."
9:10 - And magically its NIGHT. 
9:11 - Oh, there is. HOOK LOVES EMMA!! AND IT IS TRUE LOVE!!! "Hope you remember that." 
9:12 - I think Emma is choosing to stay in Storybrook! 
9:13 - "It's all about the tumblers." "What are you waiting for? Go!" RUDY TURNED INTO A WOLF!! AH!! 
9:14 - "Follow me." 
9:15 - Snow went to see Regina. Wonder what will happen?

Commercial Break 

9:19 - "You plan to kill me?" 
9:20 - Like it was going to work. "You can kill me, Regina." "She dies tonight." 
9:21 - Yes, please comfort Emma in this time of need. 
9:22 - That truly changed things. "Here and now. I'm still here. How is that possible?" 
9:23 - It's a lady bug! "Wonderful. Anyway fluent in bug?" "Lela." 
9:24 - Random hug from a random stranger. "Red!" 

Commercial Break 

9:28 - "I suppose I should...thank you." 
9:29 - "This is good. This will work." "Who knows?" "Trust us." 
9:30 - "Well, I guess we're kidnapping you." "Bloody hell." 
9:31 - Why did he have that in his pocket? Like seriously? 
9:32 - She's using dirt from the forest. Or sand. 
9:33 - "Yeah, not me at all." 
9:34 - "I almost believed that." "Must run in the family." "We did it." 

Commercial Break

9:39 - "Find Snow White." "Long story." "I cannot." 
9:40 - Oh damn. The vault. 
9:41 - "But you can." "Not any more." "It's time to stop running!" "I want to stop running." "Watching my mother die." 
9:42 - "Thinking she was dead." "Its gotta stop." "He was bringing me home. Neal was right." 
9:43 - "Storybrook is my home." "Look down." GOOD JOB EMMA!! 
9:44 - "Does he forgive me?" "He dies." "He died a hero." 
9:45 - "What the hell am I doing in here?" Hard landing.
9:46 - "I'm fine. I'm home." "We're staying in Storybrook?" And she said mom and dad! GOD!! 

Commercial Break

9:51 - "A fairytale princess as last." WHAT'S THE BABY'S NAME?! 
9:52 - Saw that coming. Prince Neal. "It's so nice to meet you Neal." "I'm in the book now." 
9:53 - "Must have been the rum." "You're a bloody hero, Swan." SHE CALLED HIM KILLAN!! 
9:54 - KISS, KISS, KISS, KISS, KISS, KISS, KISS, KISS, KISS, KISS, KISS, KISS, KISS, KISS- "You traded your ship for me?" THANK YOU!!! A very private wedding I see. I didn't think we'd see a wedding from them until next season. 
9:55 - No cliffhanger please! Please no cliffhanger! Emma loves Hook, thank you God!! But what is going to happen in the next five minutes? 
9:56 - Sorry, updating my mom on Regina and Robin.
9:57 - God, they are so cute together! But something is going to happen. "Just stay here." 
9:58 - "As evil?" "I understand." THIS WON'T END WELL!!!  
9:59 - REGINA IS GOING TO KILL YOU!! "I just wanted to save her life." "I didn't know." What is going on? 
10:00 - ELSA?! 


Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Supernatural - King of the Damned (S9, Ep21)

Supernatural - King of the Damned

Time for the final three episodes of Supernatural. Let's see what will happen. :)

9:00 - That was a fast THEN.
9:01 - Still recapping. And here we go. 
9:02 - Flashback first apparently. "And I want you." 
9:03 - "Are we having a party?" AND ROLL TITLE CARD! This is awkward. 
9:04 - This should be interesting. This won't end well. He's going to die.
9:05 - Or tortured. Tortured is good too. "I said nothing." Oops, you pissed off the big guy. 
9:06 - Hi Castiel. :D Wow. Nice digs, Cass. 
9:07 - Cass is hugging Sam and Dean!! AW! "Not my idea." "Good luck with that." 
9:08 - Aww... "Who says I don't want to do it?" Crowley is having a meeting? Really? 
9:09 - Well, oh shit. That's a new one, Crowley.
9:10 - Wait...did she mean Lucifer? Oh, I didn't know that was Crowley's son. 
9:11 - "Not a chance." Don't show emotion, Crowley. Don't.

Commercial Break

9:15 - Good boy, Crowley. His poor son though. 
9:16 - Sam, you know Dean's good at torture. Cute boys. Cute. Sure!
9:17 - Really now? "Sounds about right." 
9:18 - Please don't push him off. "Wow." "He's a fan." 
9:19 - "He got passed over." "I was a finalist." Is anyone else laughing right now? 
9:20 - OH SHIT!! OH MY GOD!! Crowley got a penis expansion in his demon deal? How am I not shocked by this at all? I mean, really? 
9:21 - Oh, he's dead. 

Commercial Break

9:26 - They don't know yet, do they? "I think everybody's lying. It's a gift." 
9:27 - "I don't really know what I felt." "No." 
9:28 - "He killed Kevin." CAN WE STOP BRINGING UP KEVIN?! "Why do I hate you?" "My mother was a witch." 
9:29 - "I can read." He isn't the brightest crayon in the box. "...prince?"
9:30 - "That's my boy." Hi Gabreel! 
9:31 - Sure he feels misunderstood, Cass. Its pretty obvious. "You don't know him." "You've been deceived." 
9:32 - Yeah, the women don't last long on Supernatural and neither does Gabreel apparently. So close kid. 
9:33 - "Well, I'm in touch." Crowley... I hate you but I love you. 

Commercial Break

9:36 - They found the body that the blade inside. 
9:37 - Hellhound. JULIET? Good girl, apparently. OH MY GOD! Is anyone else laughing? Please tell me you are! 
9:38 - Oh, disgusting and I'm with the guys. I feel so bad for Jared right now. 
9:39 - "Not a good idea." "What? Shut up!" "Just selling it." 
9:40 - Well, no duh. CROWLEY!! "Just powerless." 
9:41 - Oh, I guess Gabreel is alive. "I gave him my word." 
9:42 - I'm happy we have a 'light-hearted' episode before the final two episodes. 
9:43 - Don't trust Dean. GO DEAN WINCHESTER! Until then... Sam, please realize something is up! Please! 
9:44 - He's died many times already. GO DEAN WINCHESTER! GO DEAN WINCHESTER!! HOLY SHIT!! Dean, you...
9:45 - You almost had it. Come on, Dean! COME ON, DEAN!! CALL THE BLADE TO YOU!! GOOD BOY! GOOD BOY!! Is someone strong than you? YES!! THANK YOU GOD!! 
9:46 - And she's dead. And he's still trying to kill her. "You can stop." Oops. Dean needs help. 

Commercial Break

9:51 - "Isn't that enough?" Dean, why didn't you tell him? Seriously? This family is fucked up more and more each season.
9:52 - Crowley really cares for him. Aww. "Please." 
9:53 - "Feelings!" CROWLEY, NO!! "Dammit, Crowley!" 
9:54 - This is TOTALLY going to change history, Crowley. Don't do it! PLEASE! DON'T DO IT!! Well, fuck, this is going to change things. 
9:55 - I'm going to do this for a voice-over thingy. 
9:56 - WELL, NO DUH, SAMMY!! Oh, Dean, come on! Stop doing bitch face Dean.
