Monday, September 30, 2013

Sleepy Hollow - For the Triumph of Evil

Tonight we officially meet Abbie's sister, Jenny! 

What could possibly happen?

I haven't seen any spoilers or anything to do with this episode. The only thing I've seen is the promo from this weeks episode. 

9:00 - It's time, Sleepy Heads! Recapping time! Sorry if I don't keep up with the time, Dancing is on my mom's TV and I keep looking over!
9:01 - Still recapping! 
9:02 - New character, interesting. "She?" Oh, creepy dream you're having there, Abbie!
9:03 - Hey, at least I didn't jump! "What kind of dream?" "Freaking me out."
9:04 - What?
9:05 - And she jumps. 
9:06 - My mom just jumped at the eye turning into dust. INTRO!! 

COMMERCIAL BREAK #1 - Commercials are annoying. 

9:09 - "What else is going on?" 
9:10 - Crane's got a point, Abbie. 
9:11 - Faceless nightmare monsters? Cute. 
9:12 - "What did you do?" Crane and a remote - Ha! 
9:13 - This should be interesting. "Death will." Off to see Abbie's sister. 
9:14 - "-preparing for the end of days." "She's perfectly sane then." 
9:15 - 5 years ago, that's a long time. Crane knows how to make people talk apparently. 
9:16 - Aww! Crane is confused! I love Ichabod Crane SO much! "Shh! They lock you up here for talking crazy." What is Jenny talking about? 
9:17 - That's one way to say it. "We all got it coming." "I don't know." Sorry, whenever I heard 'The Doctor' I think of Doctor Who! 
9:18 - Oh, this is going to be very interesting.

COMMERCIAL BREAK #2 - I need MORE Sleepy Hollow! 

9:22 - Crane is trying to get everything out of Abbie! She's a vault of secrets apparently! 
9:23 - 4 days, wow. 
9:24 - Abbie lied. No wonder she feels really bad. "Parents were out of the picture?" 
9:25 - Sisterly love. "Small town hero." 
9:26 - Oh, you're going to die. 
9:27 - It's all in the imagination! Joy. Not a really nice joke. 
9:28 - I just love the camera angles of this show! It's too die for!! 
9:29 - Only talks to Abbie, again. 
9:30 - This isn't creepy at all. And he's the same way. "Sure, I can." 
9:31 - Ichabod to the rescue!! "He's coming for you next." "The sandman." 
9:32 - And he just killed himself. 

COMMERCIAL BREAK #3 - For someone who has nightmares, enjoying sleeping tonight with the sandman ready to kill. 

9:35 - I just love Abbie and Ichabod scenes together! 
9:36 - "Who's the sandman?" "Really?" The faceless nightmare monster. 
9:37 - Ichabod on Redbull? Poor Ichabod! 
9:38 - A myth - isn't everything a myth in show? 
9:39 - Dream demon, dear lord. Good luck sleeping tonight people who have nightmares. 
9:40 - Oh, just add the song 'Sandman' to add more creepy - thanks again. 
9:41 - You know exactly what they are talking about, jackass.


9:44 - Ichabod knows how to make people talk. Cool! 
9:45 - "Come on." And he caves. 
9:46 - Run of the mills demons, of course. Good luck, Abbie. 
9:47 - Don't die Abbie, like you would actually. "Crane!" Good boy, Ichabod! 
9:48 - Well, shirtless Crane and topless Abbie. This isn't awkward. Into the dream they go! 
9:49 - Abbie, behind you!! Shit! You can't shoot at the monster, idiot! 
9:50 - That's not creepy at all. 


9:52 - Ichabod went through the door. What is going to see? 
9:53 - Abbie, come on! Tell the truth! 
9:54 - Ichabod cares for Abbie!! Come on, Abbie! "I saw...a demon." 
9:55 - "I'm not afraid anymore!" Good Abbie! You did it!! 
9:56 - "I have some unfinished business to get to." "Why are you in here?" "Good point, I agree." Irving has a motive. 
9:57 - I don't think Abbie and Ichabod won't sleep tonight. "You're welcome." 
9:58 - "She doesn't have to talk, she just has to listen." "What the hell?"
9:59 - Oh, Jenny. You found a way out. "She's good." 

AH!! I FUCKING LOVE THIS SHOW!! I need next week's episode and this episode JUST ended. 


Sunday, September 29, 2013

Once Upon a Time - Heart of the Truest Believer

Oncers, it's time again. Time for the season three premiere of Once Upon a Time! Off to Neverland - land of not-so childhood dreams. 

If you are Tweeting tonight, use the hashtag: #SaveHenry - I doubt they'll save Henry in tonight episode but who knows what will happen! 

For the last couple of days, maybe up to a week, Once Upon a Time reps have been sending out new promo pictures of all the major characters for the Neverland trip. Each with a quote and a picture of them with a moon behind them. 

Hook: "Believe that a pirate can be a hero."
Regina: "Believe that a mother's love is stronger than her dark heart."
Charming: "Believe that a prince will always save his family."
Gold: "Believe that you can change fate."
Snow: "Believe that hope is the strongest magic of all." 
Emma: "Believe that a lost girl can find her way home."
The Jolly Roger: "Believe that six legends can come together to #SaveHenry." 

I can say, I love that they used to word believe in each promo picture. Makes me fandom infused heart beat faster! 

I did have some spoilers but I deleted the message to Rebekah about them. I know someone dies (please be either Tamara or what's-his-name!), some Captain Swan cuteness, uh...

Here are the spoilers I found:

  1. All our characters are figuring out whether they're believers and/or need to accept who they truly are. This is definitely not an easy task for any of them but especially for Emma.
  2. Ever been stuck on a car trip with people who easily get under your skin? That pretty much describes the voyage on Hook's ship. (The bickering is fun but watch for punches to be thrown - and not only by the men!)
  3. If you think all mermaids are sweet and full of goodness like Ariel (JoAnna Garcia Swisher, who we'll meet in the November 3 episode), think again.
  4. Someone voluntarily takes a swim on the voyage.
  5. More than one person dies in the first hour.
  6. Though I won't say Captain Swan shippers will be completely satisfied, Hook definitely doesn't hide his interest in a certain blonde on the show.
  7. Gold/Rumpel does what he usually does: takes matters into his own hands. (He is so not a team player!)
  8. No signs of new romance for Regina... yet... but Lana Parrilla does have some of the best lines in the episode. And, as you'd expect, the sea air does not stop her from looking amazing!
  9. We know Neal is alive and we'll see him encounter more than a few familiar faces.
  10. Henry is still a believer in magic, but that doesn't mean he's out of danger.
  11. We meet someone that even Rumpelstiltskin is afraid of.
  12. Hook may have some new competition in the dream boat department when we meet Robin Hood (now played by Sean Maguire).
Oncers, it's time.

8:00 - So, we get to see Henry's birth. 
8:01 - Into Neverland they go! 
8:02 - And there's never land. CUE INTRO!! Henry looks older...
8:03 - Sounds like Jared (Henry) is going through puberty. They can die already.
8:04 - You're dealing with a magical world, of course no electronics work! Hook, you are too perfect sometimes! Now, being one of them. 
8:05 - no pun intended. "I blame you." 
8:06 - Sometimes I think Charming and Snow parenting aren't up to par. 
8:07 - Emma's got points. Gold, what are you doing? 
8:08 - Gold said Dearie!! Where'd he go? I-I think my mom has the same cane as Gold!! 
8:09 - The Lost Boys found you. All they wanted was Henry, that isn't a shock! 

COMMERCIAL BREAK #1 - So, there are our deaths, let's hope they stay that way! 

8:13 - Run, Henry! Run! Who saved him? Is that Peter Pan? 
8:14 - Captain Swan moment happening right now!! Aww! 
8:15 - Exactly what Emma needs, a shot! NEAL!! Mulan grew her hair out! "Back?" 
8:16 - NEAL LOVES EMMA!!! I don't who I want Emma with! Where's Jefferson? I need Jefferson! 
8:17 - A shark, really Emma? Mermaids!! 


8:21 - "Where are we doing?" "Fishing!"
8:22 - Help someone Regina! Don't just stand there! There you go, Regina! Use your magic! 
8:23 - Who is that mermaid? Run, run, run lost boy and Henry! Guess not Peter Pan. 
8:24 - "Don't lose hope." Run boys, run! 
8:25 - Mulan is too cute, she really is. "What's a movie?" Aurora is somewhat better now. 
8:26 - She isn't dead, yet?! Rumpel, kill her. 
8:27 - Just kill her already. "Can you forgive me?" "No." 


8:31 - You guys are idiots. Really, idiots. 
8:32 - Neal is becoming one of my favorite characters. 
8:33 - More running. "You'll kill yourselves." 
8:34 - Regina's got a point. 
8:35 - Regina! Bad, bad, bad idea!! 

COMMERCIAL BREAK #4 - What's with all the commercials? I mean, COME ON!! Well, in the spoilers, we've seen 10 of them. And we're already passed 30 minutes? WHAT!? 

8:40 - We're in a castle. Rumpel's castle. And someone's there. ROBIN HOOD! 
8:41 - "I'm his son." "Yeah, good point." 
8:42 - Neal, you've got magic! Aww! 
8:43 - "So, what's in there?" "Let's find out." Snow and Regina bickering! And, yes, Regina has all the right lines tonight! 
8:44 - Emma is the only one with a level head. 
8:45 - EMMA!! Well, shit. This isn't good. 
8:46 - Go Henry! And look at that moon! 

COMMERCIAL BREAK #5 - It's almost over :( 

8:50 - Come on, someone save Emma and fast! 
8:51 - Come on, Hook! Emma can't be dead - I understand you're her parents but COME ON!! 
8:52 - Hello again Gold! Are we about to meet Peter- COME ON! I want to meet Peter Pan!! 
8:53 - "Then nothing's changed." "So, is that your answer?" "That's my answer." 
8:54 - A doll? I'm guess it was Baefire's.  Come on, work! 
8:55 - Mulan knows it all, doesn't she? "Emma's in Neverland." Good to know. 
8:56 - I love the word believe. Hook is too fucking hot! "A villain, a hero, a pirate." 
8:57 - And they didn't look up into the sky. Nice going guys! 
8:58 - That was Peter Pan the WHOLE TIME?! I-I was correct in the beginning! "The heart of the truest believer." Again with the title being someone important! 
8:59 - Oh, shit... Henry... "Let's play!" 

It seems so far away!! I want the next episode!! 

See you tomorrow with Sleepy Hollow episode 3! 


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Update #Something

Okay, I've came up with this idea. 

The idea - I'll review the pilot episodes of ALL the pilots I'm planning on watching this 2013-2014 season. It will be at the end of October because Dracula is October 25th. 

I just want to give you all who are skeptical on the new pilots this season. I know I am, and I don't even know if I'll watch every one I have planned. 

Some of the pilots I won't be able to watch live like I've said before. I'm disappoint that I can't watch the pilots live to see what the hype was all about. 

So, see you in the end of October with reviews of each pilot - if they aren't up to hype or if they are. 

Like Sleepy Hollow and SHIELD - Sleepy Hollow, over night, gained so many Sleepy Heads (the fans name) to the show and everyone loves it. As for SHIELD, it has a mixture of fans all over. I enjoyed the first episode, I'll be watching the second episode. 

I'll see you on Sunday, I think. For Once Upon a Time, which I'm like, "I don't know if I'll watch it the night it airs because The Doctors Revisited is on." My favorite Doctor - the 9th Doctor is on. But I'll watch OUAT and just watch the last two hours of the Doctors Revisited. And besides, it will be repeated when the 10th revisit comes along in October! 


PS: Scratch that! I'll see you TOMORROW with The Crazy Ones reaction blog for the pilot. I'm looking forward for The Big Bang Theory, The Crazy Ones, and Elementary to be one!! 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Agents of SHIELD - Pilot

Tonight's the night, Agents. Agents of SHIELD premieres tonight. 

If you know me in person, I'm a HUGE Marvel junkie - I've been the movies, fell in love with characters (my two favorites are Tony Stark/Iron Man and Clint Barton/Hawkeye). I'm so excited to watch Iron Man 3 - I was unable to see it in the theaters like the rest of the world but I know I'm getting the Blu-Ray of it since I have the new Jarvis app! 

Just an FYI - I'll be only able to do the first two episodes of SHIELD because The Originals is in the way. :( 

It's time! 

8:00 - Is that Skye's voice? With clips from the Avengers?! 
8:01 - Look at those toys! And explosion! Minute in and already an explosion! Oh, daddy-o's a superhero!
8:02 - Help the poor woman! Good dad, good dad. Is that Skye? I think that's Skye! 
8:03 - SHIELD has black cars - interesting. Who are you? And EPIC special effects! 
8:04 - Sorry, I don't know all the characters names yet! Bare with me. Secret room behind the fireplace - and you've been caught. 
8:05 - "Really?!" I like Agent Ward. 
8:08 - The Avengers aren't Level 7 - I thought Hawkeye and Black Widow were. 
8:09 - "He's going to be needing some help." Okay, maybe I don't like Agent Ward. Aw, I love Agent Hill! 
8:10 - Aww... Hill and Coulson 
8:11 - What can't he know? WHAT!?

COMMERCIAL BREAK #1 - Agent Grant Ward, Agent Phil Coulson, Agent Melinda May, Skye, Agent Leo Fitz, Agent Jemma Simmons, Agent Maria Hill <------ This is just for my own knowledge! Plus, I'm thinking I'll use their last names. 

8:15 - "Act natural." "You're the Hooded-Hero!" "Sure, by day." I like Skye! 
8:16 - Skye, don't tell him. 
8:17 - I really like Skye! "Their coming for you." Hello Agent May! 
8:18 - I love Coulson's dry humor! "I'm not asking." 
8:19 - Nice planes! And hello Agent Fitz and Agents Simmons! I love them already! 
8:20 - I really love Simmons and Fitz! "Don't touch, Lola." 
8:21 - "That was a joke." I really love the planes. A+ Joss! 
8:22 - They found you Skye. 


8:26 - Hello Skye, welcome to SHIELD! 
8:27 - Nice, Skye. Just tell them what they need to know. It will be so much easier! 
8:28 - "That's not our style." Wow, Skye knows more than SHIELD? 
8:29 - I feel bad for the Hoodie-Hero. May, Simmons, and Fitz are on the scene! 
8:30 - "Hi-ho, off to work you go." "World peace." "-reasonable and -- firm." 
8:31 - "I would- was one time." Correction, welcome to the SHIELD plane. 
8:32 - I really like Fitz!! "OW! What the hell?!"
8:33 - "My God, that stuff works fast!" "Yes, a few." Oh, I wish I could have that liquid! 
8:34 - Hooded-Hero is pissed! 

COMMERCIAL BREAK #3 - Already past that half hour mark? :( 

8:39 - I really like how Skye just enters SHIELD with no problems. 
8:40 - "What are we seeing?" "The man is angry with the other man." 
8:41 - Aw! He went to visit - wait, what? 
8:42 - Oh, don't piss off the Hooded-Hero... 
8:43 - "I'll show my thing." Nice one, Fitz. "Now it's actually dripping!" 
8:44 - "Super soldiers." So, Cap's juice, huh? MAY! 
8:45 - "Completely unstable." "Well, you wanted a bomb."


8:50 - But, but, but...he has a kid? Thank you, Coulson. 
8:51 - "I've done it before." 
8:52 - "Mike took Skye, she's telling us." Be careful, SHEILD. 
8:53 - Good ducking, Coulson! Nice quick thinking, Skye. 
8:54 - Ward isn't having a good day at SHIELD. 
8:55 - HOLY! Go Agent May! 
8:56 - "If I'm strong!" "All you do is lie! 
8:57 - Hooded-Hero's got a point. "-nearly everything." "I could, you know, be a hero." 
8:58 - Good, he's alive. 
8:59 - "We almost died." "Lola can keep up." "We're not exactly a team." "-what you wanted." "0-8-4." Yeah, what's an 0-8-4? I like that Lola's a hoover-craft! 

EPIC!!!! I loved every minute of it!! Can't wait for next week! It makes me sad that I can't watch the entire series when it airs...


Monday, September 23, 2013

Sleepy Hollow - Blood Moon

The second episode of Sleepy Hollow is tonight! What will it bring?! 

I heard one thing - Tom Mison (Ichabod) is testing out modern technology, shirtless! Ah! This will be rather interesting to see! I haven't seen any clips, haven't read anything - just like last week! 

The time has come! 

9:00 - Recap time! :D 
9:01 - Dreaming I'm persuming... The four horsemen come out of the mist. 
9:02 - Cool special effects! Hello again Katrina
9:03 - Female? What? I'm confused...I was talking to my mom. 
9:04 - "That make me sound crazy." Yeah, it did. No duh, there scared! 
9:05 - Oh, joy. Abbie knows what she saw, and Andy didn't kill himself like that. 
9:06 - CRANE IS SHIRTLESS!! Did Abbie leave little notes for Ichabod? Cute! 
9:07 - "And good morning to you too," "Have a donut." "I don't want the donut." 
9:08 - Ichabod is eating donuts - and he thought they were good! Of course evil has found Sleepy Hollow. 
9:09 - What the? He's alive? That was fucking disturbing! 
9:10 - "Release who?" That's the question everyone asks, I swear to God! The-the-THE FUCKING INTRO!! 

COMMERCIAL BREAK #1 - That intro! AH! I'm in love! 

9:13 - Wow! 
9:14 - Witches, witches, witches. 
9:15 - The funeral time... 
9:16 - "She's one of us." And yet another witch! Who, who, who?! 
9:17 - I'm getting distracted! Lucas Grabeel is in the audience tonight to support Corbin! What's Andy up to? 
9:18 - "What happened to your neck?" Good question again! Never good when a car doesn't start or when music plays creepily. 
9:19 - "I'm profiling a witch." 
9:20 - Yeah, the Sheriff believed her. He believed a lot of things! 
9:21 - More of Abbie's backstory. 
9:22 - What could have possibly happened? 
9:23 - Yeah, what is that?! "Does that mean something to you?" How the hell do you know that?


9:27 - A blood moon - wow, I'm an idiot. Duh! The title! 
9:28 - A dark coven. I've got a theory that Katrina is in the dark coven. 
9:29 - And the files are gone! New guy! 
9:30 - I like Ichabod's sarcasm. His name is Luke? Interesting... I'm not sure if I like him or not. To the basement?
9:31 - "I'll literally pay you to stop talking!" "Sleepy Hollow is full of secrets." 
9:32 - Well, lookie there. "What the hell is that?" Good question. 

COMMERCIAL BREAK #3 - Already at the halfway mark?! :( 

9:36 - Oh, Katrina's remains could be in the basement... urg...
9:37 - And Ichabod found a way in! 
9:38 - And his files are in there. I didn't think they would be. NO! DON'T HURT THE BOYS!! 
9:39 - He has a photographic senses? I didn't think I'd ever write or say that. 
9:40 - Witch burning...oh joy. Of course the blood moon is tonight! 
9:41 - NO! DON'T KILL THE KID! Save the kid! 
9:42 - Get to the house! Get to the house! Get to the house! And fast Abbie and Ichabod! 


9:46 - Oh, thank God! The kid is going to be OK! The kid's adopted. 
9:47 - Wow, I'm getting distracted by Dancing. 
9:48 - Andy is being a good little helper. And he's about to be found by Crane and Mills. Abbie just gave Ichabod a gun - this should be interesting! 
9:50 - Oh, this isn't creepy at all. 


9:52 - Oh, she caught the bullet and he dropped the gun! 
9:53 - Oh, Latin. Thank you for subtitles! 
9:54 - "Get down." "Oh for the love of-" And the witch is dead. 
9:55 - "I don't think neither of us can." "-together." "Coffee?"
9:56 - Another flashback! Cool! Wait, not a flashback - a-a vision? 
9:57 - Abbie talking to a ghost of the Sheriff - this is so cool! Ichabod knows something's up! 
9:58 - Well, hello Jenny. 
9:59 - Not taking your pills dear sister. 

Can't wait for next week! See you tomorrow with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D pilot!


Halloween 2013

Let's chat...

Halloween 2013 - I don't mean trick-or-treating or anything along those lines. Not the decorations, not the God-only-knows amount of candy is purchased in my town to make Halloween fun, not the costumes, not the fun. This is all about the most shittiest movies during the month of October. 

SyFy - You fucking suck this year! I'm not watching you at all! Where are the older SciFi movies I used to watch with my cousin in our other cousins room? Where are the SciFi originals? I don't want to watch feature films the whole month! 

ABC Family - You are fucking slipping! I don't want to watch Addams Family and Hocus Pocus 24/7 for the 13 Nights of Halloween. Where's Harry Potter Weekend? Casper, Casper Meets Wendy? Where are the older movies that I used to watch on the 13 DAYS of Halloween? 

Disney - Monstober? Really? I liked the originals! Monstober sucks again this year! I was just looked up to see what movies are playing and I wouldn't be able to watch them anyway but I saw three movies from when I used to watch Disney Channel. At 2:30 in the FUCKING morning! I mean, come on! We need to show today's youth Under Wraps, Don't Look Under the Bed, and Phantom of the Megaplex! And showing all the FANTASTIC episodes from the best Disney at midnight? I saw Even Stevens there and Lizzie McGuire, come on!

Hallmark - I can't say much but you are slipping too. I didn't see one Halloween themed thing on your schedule! The only thing I know is The Good Witch's Destiny and that's at the end of the month.

The Hub - The only channel who isn't disappointing me! Thank you! I actually have things to watch because of you! 

Disney XD - I can't say anything yet about you but please don't disappoint me. Your AHHHH-tober doesn't start until the 14th, thanks...

Cartoon Network - Please don't disappoint me. Okay?

I don't know about you guys, but I'm watching DVDs during October. Well, I'm already watching DVDs.

Sorry, I just really needed to vent! 


Monday, September 16, 2013

Sleepy Hollow - Pilot

*Spoilers if anyone who is reading this hasn't seen the premiere yet!* 

Today is the day - the day a lot of people have been waiting for. The premiere of the highly anticipated Sleepy Hollow premiere! I was one of those people who first saw the trailer and went, 'I NEED THIS IN MY LIFE!' I may actually have said that out loud...

I heard about Sleepy Hollow back in May when all the renewals and new shows were released by the networks. 

I decided to look back and see what I wrote on SpoilerTV and I read this: 'Yay! Sleepy Hollow!!' 

WOW... you can tell I was pretty excited about, can't you? 

Then the trailer came out and I wrote this: 'Officially in love!! Can it be fall yet?' 

Now you can see I'm a little more excited. I wrote more than the actual title name! 

Just to let you know, I have only seen the trailer and a few promos - no sneak peeks for me! I want to be surprised by everything! 

Can I just say one thing about Dancing with the Stars - the standards are SO FUCKING HIGH!! 

The time has come, the premiere is upon us. 

9:00 - And we start off with the war! Perfect way to start. And NO DUH there's an parental advisory - there's chopping off heads! 
9:01 - There goes the head. And there goes Ichabod Crane. I think I heard Katrina's voice. 
9:02 - Oh! He's now awake and in modern times. I wouldn't drink the Hudson waters if I were you, Ichabod.
9:03 - Running would be good! 
9:04 - Hello Abbie Mills and the Sheriff who's name I don't know. 
9:05 - Sorry, I'm getting distracted by Dancing with the Stars - Bill Nye is on! 
9:06 - Thank you creative team! This is so fucking amazing! I actually looks like Sleepy Hollow when it wasn't filmed in New York. 
9:07 - Almost said a curse word there, Sheriff. 
9:08 - The head's gone! Great sound effects for the Headless Horseman's sword. And the Sheriff's dead. 
9:09 - Sorry, commentary between me and my mom. 
9:10 - Abbie is fascinated by Ichabod Crane. 

Commercial Break #1 - Okay, my thoughts so far, Ichabod Crane is supposed to be a school teacher and a whimpy one at that. He's not a fearless solider who cuts off heads. I can look past that because I'm fascinated myself! 

9:14 - "And what on earth is that?"
9:15 - Oh, let's sound crazy. "Do you know him?" 
9:16 - Katrina is his wife, nice twist. 250 years ago.
9:17 - "Welcome to the 21th century, Mr. Crane. 
9:18 - 500 degrees? What the fuck? 
9:19 - "On you." I like Abbie already! WHOA! THAT HEIGHT DIFFERENCE! 
9:20 - I like Ichabod's sarcasm. The front seat, really? 
9:21 - "Yep." "How many are there?" "Per block?" "This there a law?" 
9:22 - Ichabod is liking Abbie. Oh, who are you and why does Ichabod know you? 
9:23 - "She gave him a gun!?" "She gave him a flashlight." What my mom and I start about while watching TV. The apocalypse...there we go again...
9:24 - "Now this is crazy." "-one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse." 
9:25 - "-to finish what he started." The evil eye! 
9:26 - I'm loving the camera angles of this show right now! 

Commercial Break #2 

9:30 - You don't have an opinion, Crane.
9:31 - A hawk? Oh shut up! 
9:32 - "That's great." "Katrina!" "Died of witchcraft?" 
9:33 - Abbie can't leave Sleepy Hollow, I agree with you Ichabod! "Again?" Again?! 
9:34 - Welcome to the Psych Ward, Crane. It is better than a cave. 
9:35 - Abbie's backstory in the first episode? Aww... I feel bad for Abbie. 
9:36 - "You can call me Abbie." Anyone else feeling a ship coming on? Pleas say so! I don't want to feel crazy about it! 
9:37 - Did the Sheriff know more than he was leading now? Before his death anyway. Like why the Horseman killed him. Oh, he did! 
9:38 - Oh, wow. The Sheriff knew A LOT! 
9:39 - "Let us do our job." Oh, he knows more than he letting now! And I don't like it or him! 

Commercial Break #3 

9:42 - Ichabod is dreaming! 
9:43 - The Horseman's skull! Epic! Bound by blood, great. 
9:44 - The end of course!! 
9:45 - Thank you Abbie! This is getting very interesting! 
9:46 - The horse's eyes are epic! Irving? That's pretty cool too but I don't like Irving! 
9:47 - Wow, this guy just loves guest spots, doesn't he? Never lasts an episode! And he knows?

Commercial Break #4 - We only have 11 minutes left of the episode? For real?! 

9:52 - We are grave destroying! And they found the skull. The Horseman has arrived, just like in the movies and the short story. 
9:53 - Fight with a shovel - and... oh...
9:54 - "You can't kill him - he is death." "Put your hands on your-" "Do you think he can hear us?" Favorite scene! 
9:55 - "I'm okay!" Partners in crime! 
9:56 - Ichabod's face: I don't understand that reference. "Not anymore." 
9:57 - "You think that's us?"
9:58 - What the fuck?! Well, he's dead! HOLY SHIT! 

Oh my God! I need next weeks! 


Fall has begun!

Just like the title says - fall has begun! 

As in the fall TV season! Tonight is Dancing with the Stars and Sleepy Hollow! 

Reminder, I will be doing a reaction for Sleepy Hollow. 

On Friday was the first episode of Haven and I LOVED IT!! But one thing that's bugging me, is the whole 'true love must die' thing. Nathan thinks it's him but Audrey who is now Lexie doesn't know what Haven is or what do it. 

Duke thinks he could be her true love - it's possible but according to my mom (a fangirl who doesn't fully understand the term fangirl) Duke doesn't deserve Audrey now. And saying, 'You want her and Nathan together!' And I laugh and say, 'It was only in season one.' 

Now, what about William? Colin Ferguson AKA Sheriff Jack Carter AKA William who both my mom and I think will be Audrey/Lexie's true love. I don't know, maybe it is just because we really just love Colin and his acting or that he seemed really into Lexie. I feel it's not because he knows she's really Audrey or whoever she was last. 

William is also in 8 episodes, so let's not kill him off just yet, please! I love Colin and he needs a new show! I hope he's in the finale, and killed them as the true love. 

So, what did you think of Haven? And the true love thing? Who do you think it will be - Nathan, Duke, or William?


Monday, September 09, 2013

Updates + Fall Schedule

Long time, no see! Sorry...

So, let's go over the schedule first, then my...length-y updates! 

My summer shows are coming to an end - Royal Pains ends this Wednesday and Under the Dome next Monday. Why am I only saying two than three? Because the Little Couple has been bumped up to 40 episodes this season and we have 10 episodes left and most likely will end in November. That's cool! 

This also brings me to my fall shows are staring - this Friday. With HAVEN! Haven is back! after SOOOOOOOOOOO fucking long ass time! Plus, I'm most excited to have my 'baby' (I'm kinda disgusted/disturbed by the fact that I just used baby as a word for someone who isn't a baby) COLIN FERGUSON in it this season! He's back on SyFy! As much as I'm going to be missing EUReKA like crazy now that he's got a new show but I'm FUCKING EXCITED!! 

That leads me to the the Monday Under the Dome ends with a cliffhanger (just an FYI). Dancing with the Stars is beginning. 

Now, I didn't read many 'rumors' until the night before they were names. I was seriously hoping Snooki wasn't going to be on DWTS but she is... :( I can't stand Jersey Shore, but I hope she's changed now that she's got a kid and a fiancé. Her kid, though, he's adorable. 

The cast is actually really cool - I'm rooting for CORBIN BLEU!! Former Disney Star! EPIC!! 

I won't be doing a reaction post about that though. That same night, I'll be watching Sleepy Hollow, my newest show obsession. It hasn't even started yet and Sleepy Hollow is becoming my obsession. It should be, I live like only an hour away from Sleepy Hollow. I need to visit there soon! 

Look for the pilot of Sleepy Hollow reaction :) 

Schedule time: 

September 13th, Haven S4 premiere - no reaction blog. 

September 16th, DWTS S17 premiere - no reaction blog.

September 16th, Sleepy Hollow series premiere - reaction blog. 

September 23rd, Castle S6 premiere - no reaction blog. Sorry, I just can't do that reaction blog. 

September 24th, Agents of SHIELD series premiere - reaction blog! My second most obsessive show that hasn't premiere yet. I'll be able to watch the first two episodes of the season. 

September 25th, Back in the Game - no reaction blog. 'Cuz this is my chance to drop it or not. I love Maggie Lawson but I don't know if the show will be good or not. Kinda hoping not, because I've got a lot on Wednesdays night.

September 26th, The Crazy Ones - reaction blog. It's Robin Williams! Of course it's going to be brilliant!

September 26th, Elementary - no reaction blog. Can't really do it. I get too involved with that show, I never pay attention to anything other than my 10PM shows. 

September 29th, OUAT - duh, a reaction blog! 

September 30th, We are Men - no reaction blog. Again, I'll either drop it or keep it. Most likely drop it. Sorry, Tony.

October 3rd, Vampire Diaries - obviously, a reaction blog. 

October 3rd, The Originals - again, obviously. I'll explain that in my updates. 

October 7th, Hart of Dixie - yes, a reaction blog. I don't know how many HoD blogs, probably 3 or 4. 

October 8th, Supernatural - FUCK YEAH A REACTION BLOG! 

October 9th, Arrow - yes, I don't know how many Arrow reaction blogs but a few. 

October 9th, The Tomorrow People - yes. 

October 10th, OUAT in Wonderland - unfortunately, no reaction blogs in the beginning. There might be reaction blogs when it comes back. Again, something for the updates. 

October 22nd, Ravenswood - I don't know! I mean, I don't want to give up Supernatural for the first episode of Ravenswood but... we'll see.

October 25th, Grimm - yes. I can't miss a reaction blog for Grimm! 

October 25th, Dracula - unfortunately, no... opposite Haven and I'm not giving up Haven. 

November 23rd, Atlantis - I don't know what time it is going to be on, so I don't know - most likely. 

November 23rd, The 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who - FUCK YEAH! It's being simulcasted around the world so, I'll be seeing it in the after noon than the evening! 

December 15th, Psych Musical episode - part of it. 

December 25th, Doctor Who Christmas Episode - yes. It will be bitter sweet. Goodbye Matt Smith, I've enjoyed you as the doctor. 


  1. I've been writing an original story right now, it's really good and I'm enjoying writing it. I've been writing it for the last few nights and I know what's going to happen when - I'll be posting it on my new WattPad account (SeeingIsBelieving27).
  2. Heart by Heart by Demi Lovato has been on repeat since the 4th of September - it is now the 9th. I'm obsessed. 
  3. ios7 for the iPhone is supposed to come out tomorrow - I'm fucking excited! 
  4. The JARVIS app is release tomorrow and if you don't know who JARVIS is - he's the AI in Iron Man. I'm so FUCKING excited to have my own JARVIS and now maybe I can get back into writing Iron Man if I know what JARVIS does more and more! 
  5. Cher's new CD comes out this month - hello, that's fucking important!
  6. No, the Originals has not moved to Thursday nights behind Vampires Diaries (as much as it should), they moves Vampire Diaries, The Originals, and Supernatural up one week. They want the Originals to be behind Vampire Diaries for one night to up the ratings and the views. They are doing a good thing. 
  7. Atlantis is a show I've been introduced to by BBC America and SpoilerTV. It's coming out in November and it looks really good. I'll decide after one episode if I'll watch it or not but I'm giving it a chance. 
  8. I watched S6 of The Big Bang Theory in two days with my mom - we are both excited for S7 to come out. Sorry, no reaction blogs to the first two episodes of it though. 
  9. I saw my first CHRISTMAS commercial yesterday - how about we get through September and Halloween first before giving us a countdown to Christmas commercial? 
  10. Halloween has invaded my house :) I'm so excited for Halloween. 
  11. I've just noticed that most of these updates are rambles and I'm not sorry. At all. 
  12. I can't wait to see what Syfy, ABC Family, and Hallmark have planned for Halloween. I'll check out Disney Channel, Disney XD and Disney Junior for movies and shows too during that time. But I'll be watching more and more Halloween DVDs from now until Halloween. 
  13. I'm looking for new TV shows to watch, so let me know what shows you watch and maybe I'll check them out.
  14. And, lastly - I don't know about Pretty Little Liars anymore. I'm in a love/hate relationship with it. I can totally believe Ezra is A. Sorry if I spoiled that for anyone. It was totally obvious now that I think about it. But that's a blog for another day.
Until next time,