Day One of Hell Week. The week everyone is dreading since the finales were released. I know I have been, I look at my calendars (iPhone, Avengers 12-Month calendar, and Galaxy) - dreading the finales. The finales that end with cliff-hangers are the worst. I'm pretty sure 3/4 of my shows are ending in cliff-hangers, unless it's the series finale (like SMASH). They love tormenting us for over 4 months with the wait of the return - if it's returning.
Tonight starts with Once Upon a Time finale, part two. Now last week, we saw that Regina was getting tortured by Greg/Owen and Tamara had the last magic bean plus had Regina's backdoor idea to destroying the reality of Storybrooke and its residence. Neal is either dead or stuck in the fairy tale world.
As of May 10th - Once Upon a Time was renewed for a season three, meaning we get it for another year. Plus, we get its spin-off/sister show Once Upon a Time in Wonderland (I'm going to call it Wonderland for short, OUATIW doesn't look right nor sound right). Wonderland is only going to be a limited season (13 episodes max) during the winter hiatus of OUAT. I'll be watching Wonderland for sure because hello, I love anything Alice in Wonderland and I just love Jefferson!
Also, tonight, if you are an Marvel fan or an Avengers fan, you'll know that Agents of SHIELD was picked up by ABC. I'm over the moon about it because I already knew it would be picked up because its a very hot topic and learning about the agents will be fun. Tonight, during or after OUAT, there will the first promo for SHIELD (for short). That makes me even more excited to watch it the finale, even though knowing it's ending and we are going to have to wait until late September, early October for the premiere.
8:00 - Let's begin Hell Week, night one.
8:01 - Young Bae and Hook talking
8:02 - I saw Michael's name, Neal is alive. Hook found out Baelfire's name. "It's a pirates life for you."
8:03 - Granny! I missed her! Gold, what the hell are you doing?
8:04 - Oh, Gold and Henry are finding out that Neal is dead. Gold is definitely heartbroken and so is Henry.
8:05 - "Magic didn't kill my son. I did." Wow, I feel bad for Gold, I really do.
8:06 - Hook, Greg, and Tamara looking for something.
8:07 - "Nothing can shut it off." Dear lord! Tamara and Greg are evil. Hook, do something!!
8:08 - I was going to laugh but this is serious.
COMMERCIAL BREAK #1 - Snacking on some Pixy Stix, yum!! I haven't had those in years, my mouth is like "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU FEEDING ME?!"
8:10 - Regina is up and walking around. It's starting...
8:11 - Henry's got a point! Hook's got a point too.
8:12 - Hook and Charming banter! Epic!
8:13 - Back in Neverland! Hook has grown an attachment to the boy, hasn't he?
8:14 - Lost boys are quite interesting. "I gather it hurts."
8:15 - I'm forgetting to write this.
8:16 - Grumpy is too amazing!! Just take it Gold!
8:17 - Just die already Greg and Tamara!!
8:21 - Back to Neverland. Bae is sailing!
8:22 - I feel back to Hook now. He had a bad childhood... :(
8:23 - Now we know how Hook knew how to kill Gold.
8:24 - Come on Hook! Kill Greg! Kill him! Charming kill Tamara! No!
8:25 - "Not the oxygen, the magic." Regina CAN'T DIE!!
8:26 - "Regina, please." "Let me die as Regina."
8:30 - Everyone's in a panic. He kept the cup! OMFG and fixed it.
8:31 - Belle is...Belle!!! YES!! With a Rumbelle kiss!!
8:32 - Thank God, Belle's back to normal!! Emma, don't...
8:33 - Wow, Archie!! I missed you!
8:34 - What's wrong with Emma right now? Thank you, Emma! Hook...
8:35 - Hook just found out Neal's dead. Oh, his face.
8:36 - Oh, Bae's going to find out that Rumpel killed his mother.
8:37 - Baelfire knows how to act for a kid.
8:38 - Oh, no. The bean is gone. YOU IDIOT!!
8:44 - "I know you'll never change." Hook is trying, he really is.
8:45 - You made a mistake, Hook. A big one!! The growing forest is pretty amazing.
8:46 - Emma just called Snow and Charming, Mom and Dad. OMG!! God, this scene is fucking amazing.
8:47 - Emma? She's using her powers! It worked!!
8:48 - Where's Henry? Greg and Tamara!!
8:53 - Find Henry, find your son! NO!!
8:54 - Hook's comin' back!
8:55 - Everyone's on board. Literally.
8:56 - God, this ending!! WTF!! Fall needs to be here already!
8:57 - Neal's alive!! And guess who finds him? Mulan and Aurora.
8:58 - NEVERLAND?! WTF? "Someone we all should fear."
8:59 - WHAT THE FUCK!?
Hell Week has only just began. What is the Castle finale going to be like?
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