Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Supernatural - Backdoor Pilot - Bloodlines (S9, Ep20)

Supernatural - Bloodlines

Tonight is the backdoor pilot for Supernatural: Bloodlines. And I'm actually quite excited about it. It looks interesting. Less on the guys, and more on the story in Bloodlines. I really hope it get picked up. What am I saying... The CW will most likely pick it up. 

Anyway, I'm back to writing reaction posts - starting with the final four episodes of Supernatural because doesn't everything happen in the final four episodes? I will be reacting to the finales starting May 4th with Resurrection, so look out for that. 

It's been a little while since I reacted to any shows and mainly because in the middle of the season it gets boring. I did do a little reacting to new shows that came on that was planning on watching. Those were fun to do because they were new and exciting. 

I only know so much about Bloodlines and I've been hesitate to watch it. For obvious reasons. 

But let's see how they do. 

9:00 - And here we go! We start with our main character of Bloodline. He's going to propose and she's going to die. That's all I remember. 
9:01 - It's the cup from PLL and apparently the main character can see things he shouldn't. This will be- A dance club in the fancy ass restaurant. 
9:02 - Oh, a supernatural club. Perfect! And that's Ben from VD. 
9:03 - A werewolf suits him better than a vampire. This won't end well with the person with the Freddy claws. 
9:04 - Cute little proposal that won't end well, I'm assuming. "I'm sorry." And there goes his girl. 
9:05 - ROLL TITLE CARD! "We have-we are." Oldest excuse in the book. 
9:07 - Hey that cop looks like Moriarty. Enter Sam and Dean Winchester. :) 
9:08 - "Try us." Yes and no. Boys, you aren't going to like this kid as a hunter.
9:09 - Oh, that was quite badass. 
9:10 - I love Nate, so hot and adorable. "That's a no." "If?!" 
9:11 - Shape-shifters vs. werewolves huh? How are British/Australian actors so good at American accents? "Always had a soft spot for them." 
9:12 - "Did you kill him?" "No." 
9:13 - Pretty and silent? Who died and made you asshole?
9:14 - Why do I think we're going to find out that his father was a hunter or something. Yep. Silver ass bulbs. 
9:15 - Hey, he looks like a hunter the way he dresses. Let's just break into the closed club, excellent plan. Really. 
9:16 - He's a werewolf I'm assuming. SHOOT HIM! SHOOT HIM ASSHOLE!! NOW!!! DON'T JUST STAND THERE!! No, he was a vamp. Hi again boys. 

Commercial Break - Let's just scare the new kid. Perfect plan. 

9:20 - "You should go." "No." "We kill vampires. Werewolves and demons." "Monster cops?" "Hunters."
9:21 - "This one was labeled Susan." "Ruin my damn life?" 
9:22 - He can't stay out now, boys. You two are idiots sometimes. And by sometimes I mean majority of the time. 
9:23 - Uh, I'm not sure what those eyes were. Someone want to tell me? 
9:24 - Hi Nate again! "It's kinda all there in the name." Those eyes were shape-shifts, gotta remember that. "You are so in over your head." 
9:25 - FIVE?! "War. It's blood." 
9:26 - He's a shape-shifter, he can morph into anyone, newbie.

Commercial Break - I'm enjoying this! It's actually pretty good! Plus having Nate is always good and that accent! AH!!!! 

9:31 - He's good at the research already. And good at spying too. 
9:32 - Cute! "Locked in a closet." "You're a runaway and I'm a bitch." 
9:33 - Normal between a shape-shifter and a werewolf. How is that normal? And he was tearing up! Aw!! Do not hurt David!! 
9:34 - Too late boys. The new guys in on the case already! And Violet's gone. Dean doesn't believe in this. 
9:35 - "Awesome." "Awesome!" "No! Oh, hell no!" "Dude, I'm right here." "Yeah, I see yeah." 
9:36 - Oh, we're dealing with a psycho! Yeah, we think you're a freak. Oh, perfect that's the guy who was helping out the werewolves, of course.

Commercial Break

9:39 - Probably not how they wanted to spend their night. 
9:40 - The shifter is trying. "He said, David, I'm sorry. I didn't have a choice." 
9:41 - I doubt it jackass. "You're trying to start a war." 
9:42 - Cute, little nicknames! Haha! 
9:43 - Come on, David. You suck. "So sorry, Violet." DON'T HURT DAVID!!! 
9:44 - David!! SHIT! You messed with the wrong girl jackasses. 
9:45 - "What we missed?" Please shoot him. SHOOT HIM!! Thank you.

Commercial Break - If this show gets picked up, I hope they don't rewrite the episode in a different POV like The Originals was. It better just pick up right where it's going to leave off. 

9:50 - She almost killed a man if you didn't stop her. Of course she's not okay. 
9:51 - Oh, his brother made his girlfriend go away. "You believe that bloodline crap?" Hey, if they had kids, they'd be hybrids! "Or I'll take you out." 
9:52 - "Wish that mattered." "So, what did he mean?" Violet just lied to him. And a kiss, perfect! 
9:53 - She bit his lip, wonder why. Dad has good advice. "Fine, we done." "Well, I'm back in." 
9:54 - She's not happy her kid brother is back at all. You can just tell. "You live here alone?" 
9:55 - Who's on the phone? WHO?! Cass, Crowley? "You want to leave?" It was Castiel! 
9:56 - He's going to be a hunter if you like it or not boys. "But I couldn't walk away." Good boy, Ennis. Be a hunter! Be a damn good hunter! "Dad?" DAD?! 

See you next week with another Supernatural reaction!! I really want Supernatural: Bloodlines now! It was really good!


Friday, April 25, 2014

Worried, Scared, Upset

Lexington "Lexi" Cynnamon Edwards was fine up until a couple of days ago. Just thought she was being picky because she's my cat and I'm very picky about my food. But as the hours went on before and after dinner, Lexi became more sluggish and not that active. 

I just tried her laser pointer and nothing. This makes me incredibly sad. And there's nothing I can do. We have no money to take her to the vet and find out what's wrong with my Kitten. 

I shouldn't be looking at answers on the web, they just make me more upset than I already am. I don't know what's wrong with my Kitten and it worries me. 

I'm worried.

I'm scared.

I'm upset.

I can't lose another cat, not now. Not my Kitten. We've already lost too many cats in the past 2 years (2012 and 2013) and I could barely handle it. 

I just...I just can't lost my Kitten. 

We have no money to get Lex to the vet, if we can't afford to get our two little boys neutered, then there's certainly no money for a dozen tests that could cost over $1,000. There's no way. We two car payments because we got a new car, my mom's medical things, Ian only getting a certain amount from his best friend's store. We are VERY tight on money.

We love our vet though, he's really great with the animals. And normally it wouldn't cost us an arm and a leg but with money how it is in my house, it's more like "Here, take my head as payment".

I don't even know if Lexi is drinking anything. I haven't been keeping an eye one her until now. But since she didn't go bonkers over the laser pointer, I know something is wrong. 

It doesn't look like she's in pain. Just sleepy and not eating. 

Enough of depressing myself over this because I need to be happy. I can't be sad, I can't be upset. Plus I need to make sure I look like I haven't been crying when my mom comes home at noon. 

So, me, stop crying. Make your tea and get your yogurt. Just keep a close eye on Lexi and try not to break down through the day. I can't show that I'm upset.

A less depressing blogpost next time.


UPDATE: Not any better, she didn't eat last night. I cried more. A vet visit is going to happen on Monday if the vet likes it or not. They really prefer scheduled appointments but this is my Lexington we're talking about. I need her better.

UPDATE: Kitten ate a little bit. One mouthful but it's something.

UPDATE: Mom still wants Lex to go to the vet tomorrow, which is totally cool. Today, Lexi was responding more to her name and nicknames, eating and drink a little more, and playing with a toy! Plus she was doing her tail twirl thing! It kinda reminds me of a pug tail when she does it! It was great to see Lexi being more active and less tired. Yet, she is sleeping right now because of the 'intense' playing. 

UPDATE: Lexi is completely fine! Nothing serious, thank the Lord! No more kitties needing to be put to sleep. All it was, was that she's constipated. *sigh of fucking relief*

Thursday, April 24, 2014

That One Crush...

...That Got Away. 

Recently, I noticed something about a friend of mine's posts. It was recently her birthday and I saw something. Then I saw someone I haven't seen in years. As soon as I saw the name, I'm pretty sure everything from kindergarten to middle of 2nd grade flood back into my mind as fast as it left the first time. 

This person was my first crush. And to this day, he's the one who got away. I've heard different things like 'when you're 5, you meet your soulmate' or '7th grade is the year where you find the guy you marry', but I never believe those people. 

I've had crushes since CC (I'll be calling him that just to keep his name away from everyone else) left town. He never told me he was leaving, if he did, I completely blocked it from my memory. All I remember was the day before, he wanted to hang out during lunch and recess, I did so. The next day, he was gone. 

I've been trying to find him to at least say hi to him or something but after a few years, I gave up the search and gave up on CC. I moved on, crushing and hanging out with guys who were older than I was (a year or two). But CC was always in the back of my mind every time I attempted to flirt with another guy. And he shouldn't have been. 

Sophomore year came and I was hanging out with this girl (the same girl who had a birthday) and she was dating him at the time. SW (again, personally and safety reasons) tried to keep me from wondering what was going on with him and if he remembered me. I didn't push it because I knew she liked him and I didn't want to ruin a growing friendship.

Now, it's 2014 and CC has been all I ever thing about any more. I don't know why, I don't know how, I don't know anything. Trust me, I already know. It's not healthy to think about the past and the possible future if this, that, and the other happened between now and then. I just want to say hi, but now it's kinda awkward. 

I don't just want to go and say, 'Hey Caleb! Remember me, Molly Edwards? You went to such-and-such school before you left. How are you, how are things?' You get the picture. And I don't want to friend request him because I don't know how he'd react. I SHOULDN'T Be fearing this - we used to be best friends, we still can be. It's been too long to remember each other. 

I should just message him and see what happens - probably nothing. 

That's if I don't chicken out. Which is possible. 


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Molly Rants

Today is a day I thought I'd never want to come. And it has to deal three different topics. Yes, these are my own personal opinion and I'm going to expect A LOT of hate over two of the topics probably (one, most definitely). 

1. The drama between Justin Bieber and Drake Bell fans 
  • One, we cannot control what people say to each other. So what if Drake Bell (who I'm a fan of, ever since Drake and Josh) called Justin Bieber (who I downright HATE with a fiery passion) talentless? I don't give a flying fuck what is said in the celebrity community. We shouldn't either but we get right into the drama of it all because we obsess over what is said or done by our favorite people. 
  • Two, you SHOULDN'T and I mean SHOULDN'T go off and THREATEN to kill people because they don't do the same thing as you do. Threatening to kill is a TOTALLY different story in any case. You SHOULD NOT even say, "I wish you were dead" or "Go kill yourself". It's dangerous, disrespectful, and downright fucking mean.
  • Three, GET OFF YOUR FUCKING HIGH-HORSE AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!! Most of the people causing this drama are the ones who are 12-years-old. If you are twelve and reading this and you are a Bieber fan and don't act like you are king or queen of the world (I thank you). When you post something on the internet, you do realize it's there forever, right? 
  • Four, Drake Bell really don't give a shit what you tell him because he's the BIGGER person and he's an actually role model. You don't read a lot about Drake Bell because he keeps himself out of the news as much as possible. He's probably done bad things but the news doesn't find out about it. As for Justin Bieber, he's one of the WORST influences on his fans I'VE EVER SEEN! All the things he's done — drinking and driving, drugs, more — it probably doesn't even haze him that he's causing drama within the fans he has. He's 20 while Drake is 27, Justin should not be drinking or doing drugs at 18/19/20. That's how you get addicted. 
  • I feel Drake Bell is better than Justin Bieber in many, many, many ways. That's all I'm going to say on this matter for now. 
2. Little girls shopping at name brand stores
  • Story: I was shopping in Aero a week ago, looking at the clearance rake (it had the PLL collection for like dirt, none of it fit sadly). I saw a blue leather jacket on the rake, looking at the sizes (an $80 leather jacket marked down to 13 bucks) when this little girl, probably 8/9/10 y/o picks it up first and gives him this look of 'what are you doing here?'. I stared right back at her, shaking her head. 
  • One, why was she there? There was no way any of Aero's clothing would hit her tiny body. They don't have XXS at mine anyway and I don't think Aero makes extra, extra small. She looked so down on me as a 21-year-old shopping at that store. I personally fit better in Aero's clothes than anywhere else. I love the feel of their items.
  • Two, why was she there?
  • Three, is this generation so interested in name brands that they are taught if you have name brand you'll be popular or cooler than the other kids in the school? I hated name brand items until I started high school because, its high school. You want to make an impression (you really don't). I told my best friend this, Bekah and her answer was the same as mine (she didn't start buying name brand until high school). 
  • Four, WHY WAS SHE THERE? And why did she want perfume? Why would a, let's say she was 10, want a perfume that she's probably not allowed to wear in elementary/middle school anyway? 
  • Five, was there a reason why she needed to look down to me because I was older than she was? It was like she didn't want me there or something. It's a free country, sweetheart. And you shouldn't shopping there. 
  • When and if I have kids and they want name brand clothes, I'd wouldn't allow them until they could pay for it themselves. If that means saving their allowance or saving money from other places, I still wouldn't allow them to get the high off name brand shit. Yes, it lasts longer than Wal-Mart brand or Target but who gives a fuck? I know I don't.
3. Stealing my hard-work
  • I didn't mention this earlier but one of my FanFictions was stolen. It was copied word-for-word by some girl on WattPad. I've already dealt with the issue and WattPad has taken down the story because it was mine to begin with. Now, I wish I was on WattPad earlier to catch this bitch before hand. 
  • As soon as I found out, I knew it was my work as soon as I saw it. I tried to get into contact with the 'author' but she never responded until recently and can I say she needed spelling and grammar help like yesterday. It was...it was terrible. Truly terrible. 
  • I got an apology, but I faked one back because I can't take back what she did. What she did was wrong and personally I don't think I could just say I accept that apology without a single care in the world. How can you go back from that? There's no way of me making a copyright symbol or a simple ~MEE~ after it because it's already been done and the story she took from me has been a few years old now. There's no point. 
  • But thank God, FanFiction and WattPad have a new feature so no one can take stories from anyone - no copying work. :) That's just great! 
Enough of my rants and vents, time to get ready for Arrow and the 100! 


Friday, April 04, 2014


I've been gone without an explanation and the only reason is that I was getting tired of constant reactions to shows when my reaction is the same for everything. Sure, sometimes it seems like I'm shocked but really I'm just like 'I saw that coming or really?'

Not everything you read on the internet is legit. 

I will be back with my reactions for finale season. 

May 4th - Resurrection

May 11th - Once Upon a Time (for the FULL 2hrs)

May 12th - Star-Crossed

May 13th - The Originals

May 14th - Arrow

May 15th - Vampire Diaries

May 16th - Grimm (possibly)

May 20th - Supernatural (I'll most likely be doing the final 4 episodes of S9)

June 11th - The 100

As for premieres:

April 14th - Warehouse 13

June 10th - PLL 

Until next time,
